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Relationship Between 'Culture War' Debates And Hate Crimes

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I'm aware that over the last number of years there has been an increase in the profile of trans rights, and the lack of them. By happenstance, I was reading an article on the BBC website on the rise in recorded hate crimes, particularly against trans people.  "Crimes against transgender people saw the biggest rise, with 4,355 reports, up 56% from the previous year."



Similarly there was a rise against the disabled against a backdrop of austerity, and debates about "strivers vs skivers". MPs have also raised concerns of a rise in the number of their disabled constituents being pushed out of their wheelchairs, facing verbal abuse, blocked from accessing disabled ramps and being denied a seat or space on public transport. One MP Peter Dowd,  quoted findings from research by the Disability Hate Crime Network which showed that a large amount of the underlying motivation for disability hate crimes is the view that disabled people are on benefits and are therefore lazy and “scroungers”. 


I suppose it's common sense that this ramping up of the rhetoric in national debates is bound to spill over into actual attacks....

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The problem with the trans debate is the phrase 'hate crime' is trotted out when people express opinions such as 'it's a mental illness' or 'a man can't give birth' or 'a woman dosent have a penis'. 

Those aren't hate crimes they are opinions.


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I believe there should be more emphasis on 'people's rights',  they are being forgotten or ignored.   People should not be pulled out of their wheelchairs as if it's proven that they can walk and even so,  that is wrong,  it is not for the public to challenge others for doing what they believe is wrong when people are going about their own business and not doing any harm.









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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

The problem with the trans debate is the phrase 'hate crime' is trotted out when people express opinions such as 'it's a mental illness' or 'a man can't give birth' or 'a woman dosent have a penis'. 

Those aren't hate crimes they are opinions.


It's not that the debates themselves are 'hate crimes', providing they are conducted in a respectful and calm manner. However the gutter press love to go over the top with the rhetoric, and wind people up.

2 minutes ago, cressida said:

I believe there should be more emphasis on 'people's rights',  they are being forgotten or ignored.   People should not be pulled out of their wheelchairs as if it's proven that they can walk and even so,  that is wrong,  it is not for the public to challenge others for doing what they believe is wrong when people are going about their own business and not doing any harm.


Totally agree.

It's as if the people who do this think they have a right to behave like idiots.

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9 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Give me another one, a serious one.



It's not that they don't have the same rights, it's that those rights you enjoy, are often violated against trans persons. Such as the right to be free from harassment.

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1 hour ago, Mister M said:



I suppose it's common sense that this ramping up of the rhetoric in national debates is bound to spill over into actual attacks....

It’s statistically-proven cause and effect, and nothing that we haven’t seen before, including  in the U.K. in recent times:




It is exactly the end result sought by those peddling the rethoric and ramping it up. Namely, authoritarians with a vested interest in exhausting their domestic populations into political apathy, but for the few more excitable idiots motioned into extremist action.


Fascism never comes to the fore as fascism. It always comes to the fore as the contrarian friend, finger-pointing at all those others who have it better than you because they are different, whispering in your ear all along about all that jam that you could have tomorrow if it weren’t for those others.

Edited by L00b
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