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Relationship Between 'Culture War' Debates And Hate Crimes

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14 minutes ago, Mister M said:

So men transition into women because they want to win at sporting events?

Is that true of women who want to transition into men too? Or do they have some other nefarious motivation?

But... they don't, that's my point. They are still biologically men - barring a slight drop in testosterone, they look like men and retain much of their masculine strength and bone density etc. All they do is say that they 'identify' as women and are allowed to compete against actual women.


Animosity ensues because, to question this madness, people are classed as transphobic (and now 'trans-misogynistic', as if there aren't enough labels already...) and people become frustrated to the point where no one is listening, so they display negative behaviour.


And then we get the confusion around the reason for this thread - the extreme left claim that ANY criticism of this protected community is hate-speech and the argument is shut down. 

4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Attacked how? 

Physically?   Obviously no is the answer.

Sadly we live in a world where mearly stating biological fact can constitute a 'hate crime'.. 

So what kind of attack, a physical one or an opinion?



And are they actual hate crimes? Or is it just Tweets that someone is offended by? Or 'microaggressions'??

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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Attacked how? 

Physically?   Obviously no is the answer.

Sadly we live in a world where mearly stating biological fact can constitute a 'hate crime'.. 

So what kind of attack, a physical one or an opinion?



I was trying to have a serious discussion about the rise physical attacks and other hate crimes (not  stating biological fact can constitute a 'hate crime'" with various culture wars, and your playing silly buggers. 


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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

I was trying to have a serious discussion about the rise physical attacks and other hate crimes (not  stating biological fact can constitute a 'hate crime'" with various culture wars, and your playing silly buggers. 


I'm not playing silly buggers, you threw your toys out the pram after finally answering my question. Own it.


1 hour ago, Mister M said:

I was trying to have a serious discussion about the rise physical attacks and other hate crimes (not  stating biological fact can constitute a 'hate crime'" with various culture wars, and your playing silly buggers. 


My bold.

What 'other hate crimes'.?

You really aren't being clear and no, I'm NOT looking for trouble. Just a clear definition of what you mean.

Why is this so difficult?

Edited by The_DADDY
Fixed an obvious typo as one poster decided to use it to avoid answering a question 👍
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5 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

But... they don't, that's my point. They are still biologically men - barring a slight drop in testosterone, they look like men and retain much of their masculine strength and bone density etc. All they do is say that they 'identify' as women and are allowed to compete against actual women.


Animosity ensues because, to question this madness, people are classed as transphobic (and now 'trans-misogynistic', as if there aren't enough labels already...) and people become frustrated to the point where no one is listening, so they display negative behaviour.


And then we get the confusion around the reason for this thread - the extreme left claim that ANY criticism of this protected community is hate-speech and the argument is shut down. 

So why is there a rise in attacks against trans people?

By the way I'm not conflating what's said on here and the beatings that trans people get. 


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2 minutes ago, Mister M said:

...What's your opinion on the rise in attacks and abuse of trans people, which is what this thread is about?

I think there is a thread about trans people in sport.

Violent attacks are unquestionably abhorrent, of course.  I don't think anyone would suggest otherwise.


The venom on social media can easily translate to life outside the internet, as many a protest will attest: Police probe 'decapitate terfs' sign at trans rally



'Terfs' usually = women wanting to retain the right to single-sex spaces, like prisons, rape crisis centres etc and, for example, the right to same-sex provision of intimate care.

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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm not playing silly buggers, you threw your toys out the pram after finally answering my question. Own it.


My bold.

What 'other hate crimes'.?

You really aren't being clear and no, I'm looking for trouble. Just a clear definition of what you mean.

Why is this so difficult?

I know you're looking for trouble. So why would I hand it to you on a plate, so you can throw it back in my face.

Like I said it isn't difficult. The information is there, if you're interested.

Edited by Mister M
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1 minute ago, Hecate said:

'Terfs' usually = women wanting to retain the right to single-sex spaces, like prisons, rape crisis centres etc and, for example, the right to same-sex provision of intimate care.

And they should be applauded for this..

Not vilified like they are... 

It's a strange old world..

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3 minutes ago, Mister M said:

So why is there a rise in attacks against trans people?

By the way I'm not conflating what's said on here and the beatings that trans people get. 


Why is anyone being attacked? Because some people are just utter scum and can't handle people being different.


But there's a difference between violent idiots and those intelligently questioning the situation and politics.

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