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Virgin Money Debit Card In Eu

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:



You really are a troll.

You are saying the banks do not try and hide their charges ?


Fact 1 - I have had my new card through.

Apparently the old one was an "RBS Platinum card" (I only found that out by reading the info on my Online banking age).

My new one, which is apparently a "Royal Bank credit card", looks exactly the same as my old one. And I mean exactly the same, none of the wording is different in any way at all. Yet one charges me about 2% foreign transaction fee and the other does not.


Fact 2 - The fact a foreign transaction fee is levied on anything is not immediately apparent from my Online bank statement. You have to open up the transaction to see it.

Hiding would suggest there is no way to find out. You could have rang them and asked, and as per your point 2 it's even listed under the transaction.  It's also likely within the Ts and Cs you have on the online portal. 


Take responsibility for your own fek-up.  Own it, like a proper man should. 

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14 hours ago, Chekhov said:



You really are a troll.

You are saying the banks do not try and hide their charges ?


Fact 1 - I have had my new card through.

Apparently the old one was an "RBS Platinum card" (I only found that out by reading the info on my Online banking age).

My new one, which is apparently a "Royal Bank credit card", looks exactly the same as my old one. And I mean exactly the same, none of the wording is different in any way at all. Yet one charges me about 2% foreign transaction fee and the other does not.


Fact 2 - The fact a foreign transaction fee is levied on anything is not immediately apparent from my Online bank statement. You have to open up the transaction to see it.

Aw diddums. Poor you. Having to go online to read some terms.  Oh how awful you were made to fully read your own bank statement....   

Grow up.


Aren't you supposed to be a businessman?  You have to engage with customers and contractors and external vendors and suppliers.... right?  You'll routinely enter into contractual arrangements or purchase agreements which you read and check thoroughly like all good business owners are supposed to do..... right?


Or perhaps, just one of those entitled fools who bumbles their way through life expecting everything to be dealt with by nothing more than a cursory glance over and some misguided gentlemen's agreement.


As others have said, take responsibility like an adult. We don't have to continually be dumbing down, putting everything in big bold highlighted yellow letters just to appease those who can't be bothered to read things or get a basic understanding of how things work.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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16 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Aw diddums. Poor you. Having to go online to read some terms.  Oh how awful you were made to fully read your own bank statement....   

Grow up.

Aren't you supposed to be a businessman?  You have to engage with customers and contractors and external vendors and suppliers.... right?  You'll routinely enter into contractual arrangements or purchase agreements which you read and check thoroughly like all good business owners are supposed to do..... right?

Or perhaps, just one of those entitled fools who bumbles their way through life expecting everything to be dealt with by nothing more than a cursory glance over and some misguided gentlemen's agreement.

As others have said, take responsibility like an adult. We don't have to continually be dumbing down, putting everything in big bold highlighted yellow letters just to appease those who can't be bothered to read things or get a basic understanding of how things work.  

Yeah yeah yeah, you think the banks never try to obfuscate their charges, I am pretty sure 99% of the country disagree with you.

I would put good money on the fact many people (maybe even most people) do not realise they are being charged a Foreign Currency Transaction fee when they use their cards abroad. Did you not read what I wrote ? My bank only reveal that if you open up the transaction Online and then work out what the acronym means......

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People who go abroad who were actually sensible and took proper responsibility for their own finances would have a card that charged no foreign transaction fees. Just putting it out there. 


I have two. How many have you got? Oh....

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Yeah yeah yeah, you think the banks never try to obfuscate their charges, I am pretty sure 99% of the country disagree with you.

I would put good money on the fact many people (maybe even most people) do not realise they are being charged a Foreign Currency Transaction fee when they use their cards abroad. Did you not read what I wrote ? My bank only reveal that if you open up the transaction Online and then work out what the acronym means......

   If you know what you are doing 'money' cost have never been cheaper,easier or safer.

   My banks do not charge me any fees for foreign transactions above the inter-bank buy/sell exchange rate on that day or when the account was credited.

   As you seem inexperienced in these matters of the scale, costs and legalities involved, you should know that cash has never been the best solution.Currency always accepted. Cash import/export rules. Cash exchanges in small amounts are at the discretion of the merchant. Cash is usually un-insureable. Coins unexchangeable. Unused currency subject to a double exchange rate fees or risk from devaluation. Cash carrying makes you personal safety risky. etc etc.


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I am sure some arrogants on here (mentioning no names) will think "that's obvious, doesn't everyone know that ?".

I got my new RBS "Royal Credit Card" through and wanted to test it was working so I withdrew £10 but was very careful to pay it off same say as I was under the impression that credit cards start charging you interest on cash withdrawals same day, or they used to anyway.

Next day I looked at my statement to find I'd been charged a £3 cash withdrawal fee...

That was not mentioned in the section about the Royal Bank card on the RBS website here (4th one down) :


Must be my error though, as banks are "always really up front about all fees" (apparently).

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Oh lordy. Did you not realise that withdrawing CASH from a CREDIT CARD is about the worst thing you can do with a card?


Absolutely unbelievable, inclined to think you are now making all this up.


As for the fee, its quite clearly stated in the Summary Box Document here (top of page 2 of 2) which I accessed from the actual page on the Royal Credit Card here. Its a pretty standard thing for every credit card. Here is is, in big red letters for you:


"Cash Fee (cash withdrawals and Gambling Transactions) 3% handling fee, minimum £3"

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I'm just astounded why the hell they felt they needed to undertake some special "test" that their credit card is working.  Who does that??  Surely the test will be when they need to use it. In which case, in the unlikely event it it failed, they could immediately resolve it by a quick call to the bank.


I am even more astounded that someone chooses to undertake such test by way of a  deliberately unnecessary cash withdrawal transaction, when its more than common knowledge that credit cards incur charges for cash.


I did have a look at that linked terms document myself. It couldn't be stated any clearer to even the most simple minded, let alone a successful businessman like our protagonist. It is right there in the summary box in big letters setting out what the charges are for cash withdrawals. It's certainly not buried away on page 103 of the small print! 


It's almost as if Mr. Arrogant himself felt he didn't need to read up because THEY know best of course.... we've seen that all over this forum.


Either that all they are doing a Harry and Megan and creating drama just for attention.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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On 21/05/2023 at 09:25, Chekhov said:

Yeah yeah yeah, you think the banks never try to obfuscate their charges, I am pretty sure 99% of the country disagree with you.

I would put good money on the fact many people (maybe even most people) do not realise they are being charged a Foreign Currency Transaction fee when they use their cards abroad. Did you not read what I wrote ? My bank only reveal that if you open up the transaction Online and then work out what the acronym means......

My credit card doesn’t charge transaction fees for foreign currency purchases. My debit card does. 

So, when I’m abroad, I buy things on my credit card. I take cash out using my debit card (fee free). And I carry a Revolut card for small purchases where retailers don’t take cash.


Its very straightforward if you can be bothered to check things in advance.

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