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Noam Chomsky Claims Jeremy Corbyn Won An 'Enormous Victory' In The 2017 Election

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7 hours ago, sheffbag said:

Lol - Really?

How about this


This Is Why: FACTS

Despite been the biggest party in Europe as you love to claim Labour could not persuade enough people to vote for them to win the election.


but if you really want to look at what you posted.

The labour leadership election - He won due to the unions and their block votes

His own MPs knew he couldnt win an election thats why they voted 172 - 40 for him to go. He ignored this

His own shadow cabinet resigned en masse when he was elected leader because they knew he was useless

" a momentum report" so a report form the organisation supporting him and basically his enforcers within the Labour Party trying to quell anyone who didnt support him (as you claim Starmer is doing now) is a source of evidence? thats like the SY Mayors report saying "SYPTE is useless so the best thing for it is for us to take it over. "

Corbyn felt in 2020 (after 2 election defeats) that he was unfauirly treated. Course he would - he lost - twice


Ive been very open in the fact that Corbyn is the reason i wouldnt vote Labour while he was in charge even though i had in the past. that had nothing to do with the media, much more to do with himself and his dithering about on brexit in 2019 failing to commit to what he would do when asked point blank (thats not biased media reporting, that was him failing to answer a question or did they edit his live replies on air) and unrealistic plans (free broadband, no student loans, unicorns for everyone) in 2017


Let me ask you a question then

Labour membership increased to half a mill in 2017

Labour votes went up 3.5 mil from 2015

So what influenced the 3 million extra voters? Was that the media too or is it only people voting against Labour that are brainwashed by the media


The increase in Labour membership and votes was solely down to Corbyn, those rallies which really were phenomenal, and the people who bothered to look beyond the headlines for themselves to discover the truth about Corbyn.

Despite everything thrown at him, he still has a large following, not least his constituents in Islington, a seat he has retained a record 6 times.


He really did have the answers to many of today's problems, clearly set out, and costed. That's why people such as myself were so outraged at the silencing of him and the treatment he received, -a decent honest man with the right ideas and  the fight in him and the will to make them happen. 

Had his ideas been acted upon at the time we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.

The Tories have even had to adopt some of his ideas the difference is its all lip service with them, they have no intention of carrying them out, much less making them work. They like things just the way they are, with their little lapdog Starmer not about to make much trouble for them....


I despise Starmer as do many Labour voters, but I may have to vote for him so desperate am I to get the Tories out. Much good it will do me. Starmer will call it 'a triumph for centre politics' and having purged the Labour party of all its Socialists, will make not a jot of difference.  

Edited by Anna B
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7 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The increase in Labour membership and votes was solely down to Corbyn, those rallies which really were phenomenal, and the people who bothered to look beyond the headlines for themselves to discover the truth about Corbyn.


He really did have the answers to many of today's problems, clearly set out, and costed. That's why people such as myself were so outraged at the treatment he received, -a decent honest man with the right ideas and  the fight in him and the will to make them happen. Had his ideas been acted upon at the time we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. The Tories have even had to adopt some of his ideas the difference is its all lip service with them, they have no intention of carrying them out, much less making them work. They like things just the way they are, with their little lapdog Starmer not about to make much trouble for them....

Which ones, purely out of curiosity?

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19 hours ago, Anna B said:

Noam Chomsky is correct. 


Jeremy Corbyn wiped out Theresa May's massive majority so she had to go cap in hand to the Irish DUP and pay them a great deal of money to buy their support just to survive. 

Not a bad achievement for an unknown leader of a party who was being slagged off day and night, so much so that he had to take his campaign on line (first British Politician to do it,) and physically around the country standing on a soapbox at rallies to get his message heard. The young voters loved him and backed him wholeheartedly, as did most of the rapturous crowds who saw him live.


It was after this success, that the Tories, fearful of the upward trajectory of the Labour party, brought out the big guns to destroy him with untrue slurs and total character assassination in the media. They also brought in Big Boris Johnson, a media star following his stint as mayor of London, (in spite of his dubious record for telling lies,) who changed the election and made it all about 'getting Brexit done' with his 'oven ready deals' and nothing to do with the state of the economy or the many countrywide problems that Corbyn was addressing. 


People have very short memories, and have been fed the line ever since that Corbyn was a disaster. He wasn't. And on a level playing field with an honest opponent addressing the actual issues, Corbyn would have won.

He's the most misunderstood and maligned politician in history, and we are all much the worse off without him, a man fighting honestly on behalf of the people. 



Like I've pointed out to the Corbynistas several times. the most recently being less than a month ago,




Labour got 55 seats less then the Tories in 2017.


Labour  gained 30 seats. Tories only lost 13 - SNP lost 21.


Edited by Longcol
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3 hours ago, Anna B said:



He really did have the answers to many of today's problems, clearly set out, and costed.

Had his ideas been acted upon at the time we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.

Ah ok 


What was his answer to COVID, Ukraine and Small Boat arrival's? 


I must've missed that when getting all giddy about free broadband for all. 

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1 hour ago, Delayed said:

Ah ok 


What was his answer to COVID, Ukraine and Small Boat arrival's? 


I must've missed that when getting all giddy about free broadband for all. 

This was about Corbyn in 2017, before the above, so not really relevant.


But at a guess he would have organised something to deal humanely with refugee boat arrivals, while urging all those fit young men to stay home and improve their own country, which he would have endeavoured to help. He would have encouraged all parties to get round the negotiating table rather than fighting in an unwinnable Ukraine war, and as for Covid, who knows? But if he had done what Boris did he would have been completely  hung out to dry, and lambasted whatever approach he took. 


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12 hours ago, hackey lad said:

You saw him at Glastonbury , speaking.  
The thousands were there for something else.

Could you comment on this please ?

15 minutes ago, Anna B said:

This was about Corbyn in 2017, before the above, so not really relevant.


But at a guess he would have organised something to deal humanely with refugee boat arrivals, while urging all those fit young men to stay home and improve their own country, which he would have endeavoured to help. He would have encouraged all parties to get round the negotiating table rather than fighting in an unwinnable Ukraine war, and as for Covid, who knows? But if he had done what Boris did he would have been completely  hung out to dry, and lambasted whatever approach he took. 


Apologies to Anna but this is the post that tells me she is lost in some otherworld . Devoid of any sense. 

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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

This was about Corbyn in 2017, before the above, so not really relevant.


But at a guess he would have organised something to deal humanely with refugee boat arrivals, while urging all those fit young men to stay home and improve their own country, which he would have endeavoured to help. He would have encouraged all parties to get round the negotiating table rather than fighting in an unwinnable Ukraine war, and as for Covid, who knows? But if he had done what Boris did he would have been completely  hung out to dry, and lambasted whatever approach he took. 


"at a guess" 😂😂😂

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Corbyn was the closest that the Marxists, Communists and Socialists would ever get to power in a capitalist country.


They thought they were so close they could taste it


But it reality Corbyn was just a professional activist who was unpopular with the silent majority and he destroyed the Labour party and it's taken them 10 years to recover



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