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Bank Of England Says People Need To Accept They Are Poorer

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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You need to learn to read.

I said that I watch the news at breakfast, lunch, teatime and supper which, I would guess is par for the course for anyone who isn't swanning off and ruining the planet so he can boast on here.

I lead a very busy life and am always missing for 2 or 3 hours almost every morning so I don't know how I am sat on my backside.

Why should I want to leave the country?  I see no Kudo's in that - you are just helping to wreck the climate and showing foreigners what a stupid Englishman looks like (although they'll know that through watching the news).

If you want o throw away 3 weeks of your life to sit on a beach anywhere , that's entirely up to you but I have better, more interesting, more enjoyable and less climate damaging thins to do.

Oh and we know what old men go to Thailand for and it's not to sit on the beach.  Good luck, you'll probably need it.


Not sure if its intentional,but that's actually an incredibly funny post, on so many levels!



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Chekhov said :

Question, how many people not being able to live their lives in a way that makes them happy and fulfilled, and in fact being forced to wear horrible unnatural masks, for up to two years, is "worth it" to prolong the life of one 82 year old for 6 years ?


A - 1 (= 2 years worth of people's lives)

B - 10  (= 20 years worth of people's lives)

C - 100 (= 200 years worth of people's lives)

D - 1000 (= 2000 years worth of people's lives)

E - more than 1000 ? (= more than 2000 years worth of people's lives)

3 hours ago, Palomar said:


TBH I think you are trolling, but the obvious question is, if you think that is is worth more than 1000 people drastically altering their lives for two years to save 6 life years, how far would you go to save 80,000 life years, which is the approx number of life years lost on the roads each year (at 2,000 people losing an average of 40 years of life)

You chose "over 1000 (= more than 2000 years worth of people's lives)", so I suspect if I'd have put 10,000 people (= 20,000 years worth of people's lives) you'd have plumped for that. So, using the same ratio of 20,000 to 6 (= 333 to one), that would equate to 333 x 80,000 = 26.6 million years worth of people's lives. Or nearly half the population radically altering their lives.

Therefore, if you want to be logical, you would also argue that cars should be banned, or, at the absolute minimum, restricted to 30mph (or less) everywhere.


2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Not sure if its intentional,but that's actually an incredibly funny post, on so many levels!



Didn't you know ? OG has the right to tell the rest of us how to live ? Or at the very least tell us when our lives are too exciting or adventurous, or enjoyable.

Edited by Chekhov
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51 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Have you been to Thailand or are you just assuming that because of something you have read?

Just ignore them


They're jealous, bitter, envious little twerps 


Their lives are so boring and meaningless that they try to bring everyone down to their pitiful level


It's sad really 

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14 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Just ignore them


They're jealous, bitter, envious little twerps 


Their lives are so boring and meaningless that they try to bring everyone down to their pitiful level


It's sad really 

Walking Street, very Idyllic.  :suspect:

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

What we needed is more of a WWII spirit where we did not let danger force us to change our whole society and stop socialising and having enjoyable and fulfilling lives.

    As you did not attend WWII perhaps you need to be reminded it was not as jolly a time as portrayed in the films and newsreels-that was propaganda of which we Brits are the masters. Most people were worn down by a society enduring the highest crime rates ever, restricted travel, restricted food, restrictions on work, restricted holidays, restriction on heating,  loss of education, enforced conscription, pay control, enforced removal of property and confiscation and commandeering were just some of the fun things available- oh and the biggest of all , the watering down of beer. But there were plenty of queues to join and speak with a plummy accent about the joys of cooking with powdered egg.

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

You seem to be forgetting the massive damage to the economy and kids' education, cancer testing and dozens of other things. But in any case, what you really mean is many people suffered because they could not do what makes their life happy and fulfilled.


Question, how many people not being able to live their lives in a way that makes them happy and fulfilled, and in fact being forced to wear horrible unnatural masks, for up to two years, is "worth it" to prolong the life of one 82 year old for 6 years ?


A - 1 (= 2 years worth of people's lives)

B - 10  (= 20 years worth of people's lives)

C - 100 (= 200 years worth of people's lives)

D - 1000 (= 2000 years worth of people's lives)

E - more than 1000 ? (= more than 2000 years worth of people's lives)


PS, since you started this debate about the equivalence between negative effects on people's lives v people's early deaths, I would like answer to this.

This absolute BS. And how effin' arrogant, who are you to tell people they did not suffer during the unprecedented and draconian suppression of society ?


To be frank you sound like someone who did not really have to alter their life much at all during Covid, and nor did you mind wearing a mask. For someone who implies they have great empathy for people you seem remarkably short of it. You are a false empathiser, you only have empathy for people who think like you do.

I will remind you again -  We are not discussing Covid

There's a thread for that but I won't be on it because you will be there still crying.


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55 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    As you did not attend WWII perhaps you need to be reminded it was not as jolly a time as portrayed in the films and newsreels-that was propaganda of which we Brits are the masters. Most people were worn down by a society enduring the highest crime rates ever, restricted travel, restricted food, restrictions on work, restricted holidays, restriction on heating,  loss of education, enforced conscription, pay control, enforced removal of property and confiscation and commandeering were just some of the fun things available- oh and the biggest of all , the watering down of beer. But there were plenty of queues to join and speak with a plummy accent about the joys of cooking with powdered egg.

Not to mention kids being evacuated from cities to live with total strangers. Not like missing a few swimming lessons.

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