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Bank Of England Says People Need To Accept They Are Poorer

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53 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

The difference being that there are millions who can't quit the job because they can't mange already and wonder where their rent/ gas  / food is coming from.

Despite that, instead of feeling empathy, you side with the government and say, Don't give them a raise.

At least, you know now that ordinary people have got pressures that affect their lives and which they can do little about - not even resigning.

I always welcome the insult from you as I realise it's token acknowledgement that you always lose our exchanges.   winner


I don't think you're any position to criticise anyone 


You've already told us you sit on your backside all day watching the news and trawling Sheffield Forum


You claim that you win in our exchanges I just give my opinion.


You've never even left the country


Meanwhile I've been sat on a Thai beach for 3 weeks sipping cocktails


Between me and you there is no competition. 

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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I don't think you're any position to criticise anyone 


You've already told us you sit on your backside all day watching the news and trawling Sheffield Forum


You claim that you win in our exchanges I just give my opinion.


You've never even left the country


Meanwhile I've been sat on a Thai beach for 3 weeks sipping cocktails


Between me and you there is no competition. 

Course you have luv:hihi:


Dennis, there's some lovely filth down 'ere:


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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I don't think you're any position to criticise anyone 


You've already told us you sit on your backside all day watching the news and trawling Sheffield Forum


You claim that you win in our exchanges I just give my opinion.


You've never even left the country


Meanwhile I've been sat on a Thai beach for 3 weeks sipping cocktails


Between me and you there is no competition. 

You need to learn to read.

I said that I watch the news at breakfast, lunch, teatime and supper which, I would guess is par for the course for anyone who isn't swanning off and ruining the planet so he can boast on here.

I lead a very busy life and am always missing for 2 or 3 hours almost every morning so I don't know how I am sat on my backside.

Why should I want to leave the country?  I see no Kudo's in that - you are just helping to wreck the climate and showing foreigners what a stupid Englishman looks like (although they'll know that through watching the news).

If you want o throw away 3 weeks of your life to sit on a beach anywhere , that's entirely up to you but I have better, more interesting, more enjoyable and less climate damaging thins to do.

Oh and we know what old men go to Thailand for and it's not to sit on the beach.  Good luck, you'll probably need it.


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You haven't ever been on a plane because of climate change? 


Yeah right 🤣


And you're assuming I'm an old man and you're also assuming that I am alone


Also, I'm in the south of Thailand on Samui


No one comes here for prozzies or ladyboys


They go to Phuket or Pattaya for that


Tomorrow morning I'm getting the ferry to Koh Phangan for the full moon party on the 4th May


A huge rave with 50,000 people on a beach


Hopefully they will have paramedics just in case I have a stroke or a heart attack 





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39 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

You haven't ever been on a plane because of climate change? 


Yeah right 🤣


And you're assuming I'm an old man and you're also assuming that I am alone


Also, I'm in the south of Thailand on Samui


No one comes here for prozzies or ladyboys


They go to Phuket or Pattaya for that


Tomorrow morning I'm getting the ferry to Koh Phangan for the full moon party on the 4th May


A huge rave with 50,000 people on a beach


Hopefully they will have paramedics just in case I have a stroke or a heart attack 





When did I say that I haven't been on a plane because of climate change?

I simply once said, some time ago,  that I have never left this country, and not because of climate change,  but because I don't feel the need to go abroad.

Go back and check that and you will find yourself wrong on both counts.


I'm not particularly interested what you get up to abroad so feel completely free and Yes, I did assume that you're not a young man.

Neither have I ever assumed, or said,   that you are alone although, you being so cranky, it wouldn't have surprised me. again, not interested.

It's you who insists on bragging about your travels not me so, if it rebounds, then that's your fault.

Still think you must be crackers   Full Moon Party ??????  grow up


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22 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Covid knocked us back as it did in every country in the world.

A lot of people suffered through losing loved ones but there are some who claim they suffered because they couldn't enjoy their favourite pastimes.

You seem to be forgetting the massive damage to the economy and kids' education, cancer testing and dozens of other things. But in any case, what you really mean is many people suffered because they could not do what makes their life happy and fulfilled.


Question, how many people not being able to live their lives in a way that makes them happy and fulfilled, and in fact being forced to wear horrible unnatural masks, for up to two years, is "worth it" to prolong the life of one 82 year old for 6 years ?


A - 1 (= 2 years worth of people's lives)

B - 10  (= 20 years worth of people's lives)

C - 100 (= 200 years worth of people's lives)

D - 1000 (= 2000 years worth of people's lives)

E - more than 1000 ? (= more than 2000 years worth of people's lives)


PS, since you started this debate about the equivalence between negative effects on people's lives v people's early deaths, I would like answer to this.

22 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

They didn't suffer at all, their lives were affected temporarily and they are more or less back to normal now. All that's needed is to get over it and enjoy life again.

This absolute BS. And how effin' arrogant, who are you to tell people they did not suffer during the unprecedented and draconian suppression of society ?


To be frank you sound like someone who did not really have to alter their life much at all during Covid, and nor did you mind wearing a mask. For someone who implies they have great empathy for people you seem remarkably short of it. You are a false empathiser, you only have empathy for people who think like you do.

Edited by Chekhov
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21 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Listening to this, it seems amazing that many people sailed through Covid and saw it as an inconvenience which needed to be tackled with a bit of spirit, 

World War 2 spirit if you like, where instead of blubbering about it, people just got on with it and made the best of a bad job.

If it's the governments high handed actions that bothered you most, it should have taught you not to let the government abuse it's powers.

What we needed is more of a WWII spirit where we did not let danger force us to change our whole society and stop socialising and having enjoyable and fulfilling lives.

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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You seem to be forgetting the massive damage to the economy and kids' education, cancer testing and dozens of other things. But in any case, what you really mean is many people suffered because they could not do what makes their life happy and fulfilled.


Question, how many people not being able to live their lives in a way that makes them happy and fulfilled, and in fact being forced to wear horrible unnatural masks, for up to two years, is "worth it" to prolong the life of one 82 year old for 6 years ?


A - 1 (= 2 years worth of people's lives)

B - 10  (= 20 years worth of people's lives)

C - 100 (= 200 years worth of people's lives)

D - 1000 (= 2000 years worth of people's lives)

E - more than 1000 ? (= more than 2000 years worth of people's lives)


PS, since you started this debate about the equivalence between negative effects on people's lives v people's early deaths, I would like answer to this.

This absolute BS. And how effin' arrogant, who are you to tell people they did not suffer during the unprecedented and draconian suppression of society ?


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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You need to learn to read.

I said that I watch the news at breakfast, lunch, teatime and supper which, I would guess is par for the course for anyone who isn't swanning off and ruining the planet so he can boast on here.

I lead a very busy life and am always missing for 2 or 3 hours almost every morning so I don't know how I am sat on my backside.

Why should I want to leave the country?  I see no Kudo's in that - you are just helping to wreck the climate and showing foreigners what a stupid Englishman looks like (although they'll know that through watching the news).

If you want o throw away 3 weeks of your life to sit on a beach anywhere , that's entirely up to you but I have better, more interesting, more enjoyable and less climate damaging thins to do.

Oh and we know what old men go to Thailand for and it's not to sit on the beach.  Good luck, you'll probably need it.


Those last two sentences are shocking. 

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