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Bank Of England Says People Need To Accept They Are Poorer

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Chekhov said :

It's sometimes stated on here that you are Justin Smith, someone that has had a pervious identity on the forum. Having looked at your first posts c2006 I see that once you were a decent and reasonable person who I could often agree with.


I now realise is that you have (inadvertently) documented a 17 year slide into right wing idiocy, where I can no longer agree with anything you say, as you have become selfish, angry and bitter. You (and several others) need to take a break from this toxic platform for the sake of yourself and those you love.

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10 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    As you did not attend WWII perhaps you need to be reminded it was not as jolly a time as portrayed in the films and newsreels-that was propaganda of which we Brits are the masters. Most people were worn down by a society enduring the highest crime rates ever, restricted travel, restricted food, restrictions on work, restricted holidays, restriction on heating,  loss of education, enforced conscription, pay control, enforced removal of property and confiscation and commandeering were just some of the fun things available- oh and the biggest of all , the watering down of beer. But there were plenty of queues to join and speak with a plummy accent about the joys of cooking with powdered egg.

Perhaps I can help you here, with your one paragraph summing up of the attitude of Brits during, and just after the war :)


A little research and a cite, for your history revision?


It was a time of national survival, and almost everybody had family members in the military fighting. and dying, in the war.


The eventual outcome looked very bleak for a time, but yet, the vast majority public were united in a common commitment to the war effort. led by a great wartime leader, in whom they placed a great deal of confidence.


Despite the shortages (your "fun things"), it was a willing sacrifice for our boys in the front lines, Women were the mainstay of the home front,  They populated the factories, and kept the spirits up, and managed to feed their families.


Rationing was a minimal sacrifice, to keep the war effort strong while our soldiers were dying, and nobody was starving.


Life did go on. marriages, babies, home schooling, and a general feeling of unity, optimism and cheerfulness pervaded the working class.


Neighborhood crime was seen as treachery, and was non-existent in Heeley, until well after the war was over, and certainly not experiencing any "highest crime rates ever"


Where did you get this propaganda from? It seems like it came from the "Daily Worker" a communist rag that had little circulation in those days!



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16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You need to learn to read.

I said that I watch the news at breakfast, lunch, teatime and supper which, I would guess is par for the course for anyone who isn't swanning off and ruining the planet so he can boast on here.

I lead a very busy life and am always missing for 2 or 3 hours almost every morning so I don't know how I am sat on my backside.

Why should I want to leave the country?  I see no Kudo's in that - you are just helping to wreck the climate and showing foreigners what a stupid Englishman looks like (although they'll know that through watching the news).

If you want o throw away 3 weeks of your life to sit on a beach anywhere , that's entirely up to you but I have better, more interesting, more enjoyable and less climate damaging thins to do.

Oh and we know what old men go to Thailand for and it's not to sit on the beach.  Good luck, you'll probably need it.


To each his own!


“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain


I would add that without travel, there can be  no real education.


Getting a view of the World, by sitting in front of the TV and getting "news" served up to you is a poor substitute for actually experiencing life!












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13 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    As you did not attend WWII perhaps you need to be reminded it was not as jolly a time as portrayed in the films and newsreels-that was propaganda of which we Brits are the masters. Most people were worn down by a society enduring the highest crime rates ever, restricted travel, restricted food, restrictions on work, restricted holidays, restriction on heating,  loss of education, enforced conscription, pay control, enforced removal of property and confiscation and commandeering were just some of the fun things available- oh and the biggest of all , the watering down of beer. But there were plenty of queues to join and speak with a plummy accent about the joys of cooking with powdered egg.

I never said that, in fact you have got entirely the wrong end of the stick.

I am saying, and have said (and have proved before), that WWII was far far more serious than Covid, yet they never suppressed our lives to the same extent. There was much pressure to go further * but the government was of the view we were fighting for freedom and so we should fight the war as a free country.

The response to Covid (a virus 99% of people survived and which had an average age of death in the early 80s) was the biggest over reaction in the history of the world and proves beyond doubt we live in a snowflake age, completely different from the we'll just cope with it and get on with our lives as they did in WWII.


* e.g. the jailing without any evidence of suspected 5th columnists, which we never did (particularly if they were rich.....)

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I never said that, in fact you have got entirely the wrong end of the stick.

I am saying, and have said (and have proved before), that WWII was far far more serious than Covid, yet they never suppressed our lives to the same extent. There was much pressure to go further * but the government was of the view we were fighting for freedom and so we should fight the war as a free country.

The response to Covid (a virus 99% of people survived and which had an average age of death in the early 80s) was the biggest over reaction in the history of the world and proves beyond doubt we live in a snowflake age, completely different from the we'll just cope with it and get on with our lives as they did in WWII.


* e.g. the jailing without any evidence of suspected 5th columnists, which we never did (particularly if they were rich.....)

I keep asking you,  What did you do about it?

You complain about protesters and strikers but, at least, they are standing up for what they believe in.

Why didn't you stand up for what you believe in,  in the same way.

It's no good bleating about it now.  You are always backing this government so you can't have it both ways.


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12 hours ago, Palomar said:

It's sometimes stated on here that you are Justin Smith, someone that has had a pervious identity on the forum. Having looked at your first posts c2006 I see that once you were a decent and reasonable person who I could often agree with.

I now realise is that you have (inadvertently) documented a 17 year slide into right wing idiocy, where I can no longer agree with anything you say, as you have become selfish, angry and bitter. You (and several others) need to take a break from this toxic platform for the sake of yourself and those you love.

I note you have not answered my question :


TBH I think you are trolling, but the obvious question is, if you think that is is worth more than 1000 people drastically altering their lives for two years to save 6 life years, how far would you go to save 80,000 life years, which is the approx number of life years lost on the roads each year (at 2,000 people losing an average of 40 years of life)

You chose "over 1000 (= more than 2000 years worth of people's lives)", so I suspect if I'd have put 10,000 people (= 20,000 years worth of people's lives) you'd have plumped for that. So, using the same ratio of 20,000 to 6 (= 333 to one), that would equate to 333 x 80,000 = 26.6 million years worth of people's lives. Or nearly half the population radically altering their lives.

Therefore, if you want to be logical, you would also argue that cars should be banned, or, at the absolute minimum, restricted to 30mph (or less) everywhere.


>>angry and bitter.<<


I am effin' angry and bitter about what they did to me, my family and the rest of society during the massive over reaction that was Covid. I still cannot believe they even considered it let alone got away with it.

I am also effin' angry and bitter about the fact I was unable to video my lad winning his first ever Fly race. I will never forget that till the day I drop down dead.


PS : Effin' is officially not swearing as David Cameron used it during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum campaign :



>>this toxic platform<<


TBH this forum is no worse, and possibly better, than most others.

It is very sad that many people say stuff online they would never do in real life. And the worst offenders, who are almost always the first become personal, are, ironically, leftie virtue signaller types.


>>right wing idiocy<<


I don't think I have changed, I think it is society that has. It has become more restrictive, woke and generally oppressive, and I do not like it as much as I used to. What happened during Covid proves that better than anything.


7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I keep asking you,  What did you do about it?

You complain about protesters and strikers but, at least, they are standing up for what they believe in.

Why didn't you stand up for what you believe in,  in the same way.

It's no good bleating about it now.  You are always backing this government so you can't have it both ways.

I have answered you more than once, if you cannot be bothered to remember I cannot be bothered to answer, again.

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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I note you have not answered my question :


TBH I think you are trolling, but the obvious question is, if you think that is is worth more than 1000 people drastically altering their lives for two years to save 6 life years, how far would you go to save 80,000 life years, which is the approx number of life years lost on the roads each year (at 2,000 people losing an average of 40 years of life)

You chose "over 1000 (= more than 2000 years worth of people's lives)", so I suspect if I'd have put 10,000 people (= 20,000 years worth of people's lives) you'd have plumped for that. So, using the same ratio of 20,000 to 6 (= 333 to one), that would equate to 333 x 80,000 = 26.6 million years worth of people's lives. Or nearly half the population radically altering their lives.

Therefore, if you want to be logical, you would also argue that cars should be banned, or, at the absolute minimum, restricted to 30mph (or less) everywhere.


>>angry and bitter.<<


I am effin' angry and bitter about what they did to me, my family and the rest of society during the massive over reaction that was Covid. I still cannot believe they even considered it let alone got away with it.

I am also effin' angry and bitter about the fact I was unable to video my lad winning his first ever Fly race. I will never forget that till the day I drop down dead.


PS : Effin' is officially not swearing as David Cameron used it during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum campaign :



>>this toxic platform<<


TBH this forum is no worse, and possibly better, than most others.

It is very sad that many people say stuff online they would never do in real life. And the worst offenders, who are almost always the first become personal, are, ironically, leftie virtue signaller types.


>>right wing idiocy<<


I don't think I have changed, I think it is society that has. It has become more restrictive, woke and generally oppressive, and I do not like it as much as I used to. What happened during Covid proves that better than anything.

I have answered you more than once, if you cannot be bothered to remember I cannot be bothered to answer, again.

(BOLD)  We agree on that point, as I have said before and not only to do with Covid.    Life is more restricted than it has ever been but,  if you allow them to do it, that's the result.


I did ask you why you didn't take action if you feel so strongly.


The answer being,  You did nothing but still criticise others who stand up and object.



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4 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

The answer being,  You did nothing

Look up my previous answers to you which will prove I did.

Incidentally, refusing to wear a mask, which I also did, is also "doing something". If more people had had the balls to do that they'd have dropped that draconian (and useless) infringement on our liberties much sooner. Even if Starmer wanted to keep it :


It was only in July 2021, "freedom day" that Johnson decided to go his own way regardless of what Labour wanted :


Starmer condemns ‘reckless’ decision to lift Covid restrictions in England

Ministers are wrong to lift all restrictions on “freedom day”

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

To each his own!

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain

I would add that without travel, there can be  no real education.

Getting a view of the World, by sitting in front of the TV and getting "news" served up to you is a poor substitute for actually experiencing life!



    I don't know if it is still part of the 'tour' but many brits will have visited the streets where 'La Isla Bonita' was filmed and onto the soundstage where it was recorded.  They will also pass  MacArthur Park a couple of blocks away which is not very Hispanic at all. Los Angeles is certainly an amazing  place. Did you know that there are some people sat at home watching a Madonna thinking that they are watching a street scene in the Caribbean and send a 'like' to the poster of the clip. They might even think it is their island that she is singing about=its Belize.

    Somebody should have told Mark Twain that the all you need to do is go to Los Angeles where you can fool everyone.



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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Look up my previous answers to you which will prove I did.

Incidentally, refusing to wear a mask, which I also did, is also "doing something". If more people had had the balls to do that they'd have dropped that draconian (and useless) infringement on our liberties much sooner. Even if Starmer wanted to keep it :


It was only in July 2021, "freedom day" that Johnson decided to go his own way regardless of what Labour wanted :


Starmer condemns ‘reckless’ decision to lift Covid restrictions in England

Ministers are wrong to lift all restrictions on “freedom day”

I'm not interested in the politics of it.  Both main parties were in favour of massive restrictions,  as were most governments around the world,  so whether it was Starmer or Johnson doesn't matter.

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