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Bank Of England Says People Need To Accept They Are Poorer

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29 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I never said that, in fact you have got entirely the wrong end of the stick.

I am saying, and have said (and have proved before), that WWII was far far more serious than Covid, yet they never suppressed our lives to the same extent. There was much pressure to go further * but the government was of the view we were fighting for freedom and so we should fight the war as a free country.

The response to Covid (a virus 99% of people survived and which had an average age of death in the early 80s) was the biggest over reaction in the history of the world and proves beyond doubt we live in a snowflake age, completely different from the we'll just cope with it and get on with our lives as they did in WWII.

* e.g. the jailing without any evidence of suspected 5th columnists, which we never did (particularly if they were rich.....)

    So easy.  I have met people, families and even a relative who were assumed to be a risk and interred on the word of the security services, jailed, interred, removed, deported or exiled for all or part of the war. There was no court, no jury, no appeal. They were British subjects, some holding British passports who for a whole load of reasons were pointed out. The Government compiled a (1939 register*) list of all British people, their addresses, dob, and occupation. They marked on the list thousands of people to be interrogated and watched then dealt with. The list was enabled the military 'call up'  and involuntary recruitment as directed by the 'Board', sometimes into far more dangerous activities than the military eg a neighbour I knew who has been sunk twice and  in WWI  became a farmer and in his sixties 'forced' back into the Merchant Navy. There are many who 'had a good war' but for the vast majority it was deprivation, poverty and fear, it was loneliness and worry, desperate concern for the future. Like other posters on here you watch too much Holywood /Ealing studios. 

    *The 1939 Register is available online.

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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    I don't know if it is still part of the 'tour' but many brits will have visited the streets where 'La Isla Bonita' was filmed and onto the soundstage where it was recorded.  They will also pass  MacArthur Park a couple of blocks away which is not very Hispanic at all. Los Angeles is certainly an amazing  place. Did you know that there are some people sat at home watching a Madonna thinking that they are watching a street scene in the Caribbean and send a 'like' to the poster of the clip. They might even think it is their island that she is singing about=its Belize.

    Somebody should have told Mark Twain that the all you need to do is go to Los Angeles where you can fool everyone.



Yep, Annie, to bad you weren't around to put Mark Twain in his proper place!  :)


It's the spirit expressed by the song, the music, and the dancing I was conveying, not distributing "far right" "misinformation", that Madonna is a regular turn on my local street!  :)


By the way that caf. on The Moor. Do they still sell the toasted teacakes I remember as a kid, and milky coffee?


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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I'm not interested in the politics of it.  Both main parties were in favour of massive restrictions,  as were most governments around the world,  so whether it was Starmer or Johnson doesn't matter.

It was absolutely disgusting that, just like Nett Zero, the electorate of this country were given no choice in a policy that, by any definition, massively affected their lives in very negative ways.

However, it is undeniable that the Labour party, far from opposing government policy (which they do almost pathologically about everything else) were egging on the Tories to suppress society even more and in fact boasted about the fact they did so :

Starmer condemns ‘reckless’ decision to lift Covid restrictions in England
Ministers are wrong to lift all restrictions on “freedom day”


And in Dec 2021 over Omicron


Sir Keir Starmer questioned whether Boris Johnson was too "weak" to lead the country after a significant number of his own backbench Conservative MPs voted against a plan to introduce a COVID pass for some events. [i.e. vaccine passports]


In fact, in the same article  Starmer admitted that it was Labour who were driving the suppression


Conservative MPs voted against a plan to introduce a COVID pass for some events.

"The prime minister is so weak that without Labour votes last night, vital public health measures wouldn't have got through," the Labour leader said.


11 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Like other posters on here you watch too much Holywood /Ealing studios. 

I don't know what you are talking about, I read about WWII voraciously.

I would advise not getting onto a debate with me equating WWII with the pathetic Covid over reaction, because you won't win.

Edited by Chekhov
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18 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

It was absolutely disgusting that, just like Nett Zero, the electorate of this country were given no choice in a policy that, by any definition, massively affected their lives in very negative ways.

However, it is undeniable that the Labour party, far from opposing government policy (which they do almost pathologically about everything else) were egging on the Tories to suppress society even more and in fact boasted about the fact they did so :

Starmer condemns ‘reckless’ decision to lift Covid restrictions in England
Ministers are wrong to lift all restrictions on “freedom day”


And in Dec 2021 over Omicron


Sir Keir Starmer questioned whether Boris Johnson was too "weak" to lead the country after a significant number of his own backbench Conservative MPs voted against a plan to introduce a COVID pass for some events. [i.e. vaccine passports]


In fact, in the same article  Starmer admitted that it was Labour who were driving the suppression


Conservative MPs voted against a plan to introduce a COVID pass for some events.

"The prime minister is so weak that without Labour votes last night, vital public health measures wouldn't have got through," the Labour leader said.


I don't know what you are talking about, I read about WWII voraciously.

I would advise not getting onto a debate with me equating WWII with the pathetic Covid over reaction, because you won't win.

The only person on this forum who is over reacting to Covid is you.

Just move on.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:



I don't know what you are talking about, I read about WWII voraciously.

I would advise not getting onto a debate with me equating WWII with the pathetic Covid over reaction, because you won't win.

And 80 years down the line there is no absolute truth on many aspects of WW11 and there never will be.

Historians and military buffs will continue to argue argue on the rights and wrongs of policies,campaigns,battles for ever and a day.

So read as voraciously as you wish but your knowledge  will only reflect  the research and views of others.


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5 hours ago, RJRB said:

And 80 years down the line there is no absolute truth on many aspects of WW11 and there never will be.

Historians and military buffs will continue to argue argue on the rights and wrongs of policies,campaigns,battles for ever and a day.

So read as voraciously as you wish but your knowledge  will only reflect  the research and views of others.


What an intellectually bankrupt worldview!


Man is endowed with rational mind which makes us superior to other great apes! (Some anyway :) )


The ability to look at circumstances, and history, and evaluate the success, or failure, of a given policy or proposition.


And, importantly, make a creative and innovative contribution to the sum of knowledge. 


Without which, humans can never progress!



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10 hours ago, Chekhov said:


I don't know what you are talking about, I read about WWII voraciously.

I would advise not getting onto a debate with me equating WWII with the pathetic Covid over reaction, because you won't win

   Your claim  to "...read about WWII voraciously" without knowing about the plight of hundreds of millions of civilians is no surprise, given your history of  selecting sources that fit your beliefs rather than inform. 

   You do not need to concern yourself about giving advice as anybody who advises that there is no risk in crossing 125mph railway tracks is not really someone to take notice of. 

    Have you ever engaged in debate? All I hear are your beliefs.







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On 28/04/2023 at 05:11, Jack Grey said:

What did you expect after COVID? 

One thing I did expect was the Government to seriously address the absolute blight of income inequality in this country. The gap between rich and poor while noticeable in better times, was impossible to ignore in the austerity years.

During the last 5 years we've heard how it's the people in the jobs, we usually take for granted, the cleaners, transport workers, shop workers, carers, teaching assistants keep this country together, who are the social glue which bind this country together. 

It will be interesting to see so soon after they were praised by all and sundry, the boot going in, while the wealthiest get ever richer without any comment from the policy makers.

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There have always been well paid and poorly paid jobs.

There have always been people who do a job for the salary and those who do a job because it is what they want to do.

There have always been people who work hard to get qualifications to get better paid jobs and others who do not bother.

There have always been people who are willing to work long hours to earn extra money whilst others prefer to work minimum hours.

There have always been ambitious people and others who are not.

Finally there have always been people  in the right place at the right time and have got good jobs.





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