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Bank Of England Says People Need To Accept They Are Poorer

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:


Crossing a 125mph railways is safer than crossing many roads, and I mean legally crossing them (not motorways, which is illegal).

Why do you continue to argue that black is white ? Just off the top of my head, three incidents which have actually happened to me, illustrating how ludicrous is the current obsession about not crossing the tracks. :


1 - I was out on a hike and found myself on the wrong side of a railway line with no crossing for a mile or so each side. The most dangerous part of crossing that railway line was climbing the 'effin fence. Actually walking over the line was significantly safer then crossing Penistone Rd outside B&Q.


2 - I was on the wrong platform to catch a train and I could hear it coming round the bend (contrary to advice from elsewhere, you can hear a train coming from a long way off...). To get to the other platform via the nearby road bridge would have taken so long I might have missed it, or at the very least, had an incredibly stressful time.  And the trains were only running hourly and I'd then have missed my connection etc etc. So I jumped down from the P/F walked over and got up on the other one.


3 - My three year old son threw my mobile phone onto the track at Doncaster station. The staff actually managed to retrieve it with a litter picker, but if the picker hadn't been long enough I was told they'd have left it there. Well they might have been happy to do so but I soddin' would not.


>> Have you ever engaged in debate? All I hear are your beliefs.<<


You certainly don't all I hear from you are beliefs, e.g. that crossing a railway line is extremely dangerous.

And you do not answer direct questions, like is it reasonable for 3 million secondary school pupils to be forced to wear masks to save one life ? (yes or no will suffice)

    So you make three errors of judgement and rectify them with law breaking trespass, with the potential of injuring yourself and others, delaying and costing other passengers and the railway etc. Four hundred delayed trains a day caused people like you who selfishly/stupidly decide to act as if they know better and trespass on the railway. And you want people to take your advice?



Edited by Annie Bynnol
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51 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Wealth and income inequalities existed way before covid, mass immigration, and Ukraine etc. 

What I am saying is that for so many years we have had governments that not only do not care about such inequalities, but for a while at least in the 1980s and 1990s, had whole think tanks telling us why inequality is good. 

Yes some people will be richer than others, and some people will be poorer. 

As I've said, there is ample evidence that inequality is distorting not only the economy, but areas of our national life such as health, education, housing.

Is it really too much to ask Governments who celebrate capitalism red in tooth and claw, (but are quick to pump money in to the banking sector to bail them out, or who are quick to hand out lucrative tax payer funded contracts to mates); actually started thinking about why they're there?

Many people will have more consumer durables as these have come down in price markedly. But is that it? Is that all people care about, and should care about? 'Throw the proles the latest gizmo', and that's it, they'll be happy. I know the right wing are fond of criticising people's poverty of expectations, but that's just going for the lowest common denominator.


It is not right wing or left wing.

We were a manufacturing country. Basically buy something cheap convert it into a sellable item and make a profit.

Sheffield is a prime example. When we had a booming steel industry there was plenty of money for individuals and the city.

Why did we lose the steel industry ? Because we taught foreign students and sold machinery to foreign countries who the produced steel cheaply. How they did this was by having lower labour costs.

If we didn't buy our clothes etc at the lowest possible prices British companies would manufacture them but at a higher cost.

People go on about Brexit causing problems but look at your clothes and material goods most will have been manufactured in the Far East.

We now have nurses and teachers on strike. At first they were calling for ridiculously  higher wages and changes to conditions of service. It is all about wages now no mention of not going back to work until conditions of service are changed.



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43 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

It is not right wing or left wing.

We were a manufacturing country. Basically buy something cheap convert it into a sellable item and make a profit.

Sheffield is a prime example. When we had a booming steel industry there was plenty of money for individuals and the city.

Why did we lose the steel industry ? Because we taught foreign students and sold machinery to foreign countries who the produced steel cheaply. How they did this was by having lower labour costs.

If we didn't buy our clothes etc at the lowest possible prices British companies would manufacture them but at a higher cost.

People go on about Brexit causing problems but look at your clothes and material goods most will have been manufactured in the Far East.

We now have nurses and teachers on strike. At first they were calling for ridiculously  higher wages and changes to conditions of service. It is all about wages now no mention of not going back to work until conditions of service are changed.



I understand that, but when the chief economist at the BoE tells us that we should accept that we're poorer as a nation that covers over significant cracks that are an have been causing problems for the economy and wider society as a whole. 

Countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark have significantly lower inequality than us as a country, and have experienced globalisation, and competition from emerging economies like we have.

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2 hours ago, harvey19 said:

You are agreeing with me.

You must be joking.

You think that everyone should be chasing qualifications, which everyone except you knows, is a sheer impossibility.

You also won't tell us who should do the menial jobs if everyone was so highly qualified.

You and your Tory friends would not be happy to  pay a surgeons salary to a carer wiping peoples bottoms so why should they "work hard and get qualifications".

You spend too much time repeating phrases from tory ministers on the telly instead of "working hard" and doing a bit of thinking for yourself.


I can assure you that, whatever we discus, I will never be in agreement with you.

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3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You must be joking.

You think that everyone should be chasing qualifications, which everyone except you knows, is a sheer impossibility.

You also won't tell us who should do the menial jobs if everyone was so highly qualified.

You and your Tory friends would not be happy to  pay a surgeons salary to a carer wiping peoples bottoms so why should they "work hard and get qualifications".

You spend too much time repeating phrases from tory ministers on the telly instead of "working hard" and doing a bit of thinking for yourself.


I can assure you that, whatever we discus, I will never be in agreement with you.

But you are in agreement with what I wrote.

I humbly urge you to read my post again.

By the way I, like yourself, do not blindly support any political party.

9 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I understand that, but when the chief economist at the BoE tells us that we should accept that we're poorer as a nation that covers over significant cracks that are an have been causing problems for the economy and wider society as a whole. 

Countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark have significantly lower inequality than us as a country, and have experienced globalisation, and competition from emerging economies like we have.

I can not comment on the countries you mention as I am ignorant of their circumstances.

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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

It is not right wing or left wing.

We were a manufacturing country. Basically buy something cheap convert it into a sellable item and make a profit.

Sheffield is a prime example. When we had a booming steel industry there was plenty of money for individuals and the city.

Why did we lose the steel industry ? Because we taught foreign students and sold machinery to foreign countries who the produced steel cheaply. How they did this was by having lower labour costs.

If we didn't buy our clothes etc at the lowest possible prices British companies would manufacture them but at a higher cost.

People go on about Brexit causing problems but look at your clothes and material goods most will have been manufactured in the Far East.

We now have nurses and teachers on strike. At first they were calling for ridiculously  higher wages and changes to conditions of service. It is all about wages now no mention of not going back to work until conditions of service are changed.



We stopped being a 'manufacturing country' when Thatcher stepped in and closed down the steel and coal industries with all the knock on effects, many never recovering.

She put all our money and hopes into the banking industry which she deregulated allowing Britain to become a major tax haven and banking hub.


That all went horribly wrong with the banking crisis of 2008 and 'Austerity' and we've been floundering around ever since. Brexit didn't help but then that was as much a sign of general dissatisfaction with the politicians (who had been blaming the EU for our problems since forever) as anything else. 


The ruthless, the rich and the corrupt have risen to the top and left the rest behind without so much as a backward glance. We are now a Ruritanian backwater, being softened up for a third world existence. Unfortunately nothing and no one is riding to the rescue, and the politicians are no match for what's coming...   

Edited by Anna B
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2 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Other factors to consider are covid, mass immigration, Ukraine etc.

The price of housing is a major .

We are no longer a manufacturing country  in relation to years ago.

The reality of life is that some people will always be poor and others always rich, not the way we would like things to be but it will always be so.

The majority are better off than generations ago and living in better conditions with more material goods.

All the world has had Covid and most of them are recovering nicely from it whilst we are not.  The fault is purely and simply, the fault of our governments over the years.

The price of housing, and lost manufacturing  are the same.  We are falling behind whilst other countries are coping with the exact same problems and managing.

The reality of life is that most of those who are better off, like you perhaps,   are actively resisting any help for those at the bottom whilst saying "there will always be poor"

Some are better off bit, NOT the majority and some live in better conditions whilst many millions don't.

You can't eat these so called material goods ad they don't keep you warm and dry either.  You think as long as they've got a telly, they can't be poor.

When you are a frail old man,  you will expect these people you dismiss so lightly ,  to look after you,  keep you warm, dry and comfortable and maybe, wipe your bottom.

You disgust me


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10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

All the world has had Covid and most of them are recovering nicely from it whilst we are not.  The fault is purely and simply, the fault of our governments over the years.

The price of housing, and lost manufacturing  are the same.  We are falling behind whilst other countries are coping with the exact same problems and managing.

The reality of life is that most of those who are better off, like you perhaps,   are actively resisting any help for those at the bottom whilst saying "there will always be poor"

Some are better off bit, NOT the majority and some live in better conditions whilst many millions don't.

You can't eat these so called material goods ad they don't keep you warm and dry either.  You think as long as they've got a telly, they can't be poor.

When you are a frail old man,  you will expect these people you dismiss so lightly ,  to look after you,  keep you warm, dry and comfortable and maybe, wipe your bottom.

You disgust me


You really need to read and understand others posts beforereplying.

You make incorrect assumptions .

Do you know these poor people you speak of and if so what are you doing to help them ?

Is your life so very bad ?

I do not dismiss any section of society but am a realistic not someone looking for a cause.



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4 hours ago, RJRB said:

There is no universal truth not even from the DR oracle.

Got to disagree with you there!


2 plus 2 will always equal 4


Bad decisions and bad policies always beget bad outcomes!


Good decisions and good policies, always beget good outcomes!

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More likely to,but not an absolute.

What appears to be a sound logical decision may well prove not to be with the passage of time and changing situations.

There are numerous examples in politics and industry which you must have experienced in your role as a consultant.

That is before and after your appointment.

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