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Bank Of England Says People Need To Accept They Are Poorer

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35 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

The fact that many many people will feel the same as you do doesn't alter anything,  in the same way that millions of people starving doesn't stop it, simply because there's a lot of them.

I think you should have read and considered what you wrote before clicking "post"......

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43 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You can read any implications you like into what I write but, whatever I think or don't think, you along with others, prove all the time, that you don't care about the poor.

The poor are not what this discussion is about but, the results of what is happening are going to affect everybody's lives and stop us from living as we did so we will have something in common with the poor.

>>you along with others, prove all the time, that you don't care about the poor<<


What evidence have you got for that assertion ?


>>The poor are not what this discussion is about<<


It's exactly what this discussion is about because, unless they introduce compulsory (and non transferable) rationing of stuff (possibly linked to government imposed prices ? It didn't work in the USSR.... ), then it's the poor who will suffer the most from all these huge rises on the costs of stuff people want.

It is not out of the question they will introduce rationing because during Covid the population of this country indeed most countries, proved they were supine enough to accept almost any diktat.


The Times 20 Feb 2023

"How to fix Global warming ? Bring back rationing."

petrol, household energy, meat and flights should be rationed in order to help with "the fight against climate change"

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On 27/04/2023 at 00:19, Anna B said:

It's not just financial insecurity, but the mental insecurity.

Everyone seems to be suffering from a kind of universal depression. There doesn't seem to be much hope out there, and not much to look forward to. So many problems, so few solutions. Everything's changed overnight, mostly for the worst.


Is this an unspoken side effect of Covid? 

I agree Anna. There is a malaise about and people seem to be struggling through these months of "perma-crisis"...often with lingering health problems since COVID and renewed fear of getting nuked.


I myself have sat in a cold house all winter, basically to "stick it" to Putin, for forcing me back to the dark days of the 1980s...and Spring is still not quite yet here.

With that and paying the bills and the other constant bad news, it does get you down.


Two days ago, was on a work Zoom call and the new head man casually said that we were losing money and a number of jobs had to go, and that the ones at risk had already been notified.

As I wasn't notified, I am still here...but the casual brutality of today's world of work, gets me down and you think why bother?


On the other hand, I think some good weather would really help lift everyone's spirits...

As an example, I went for a bike ride in the woods the other day and peoples spirits seemed to visibly rise when the sun came out and people could sit outside the cafe at last.

Life didn't feel so bad then.


I try to stay positive...I am still alive and if you take the time to look around, you realise you do still live on a wonderful, beautiful planet.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

I think you should have read and considered what you wrote before clicking "post"......

That doesn't tell me much.

No need to consider what I wrote because it was i who wrote it.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

>>you along with others, prove all the time, that you don't care about the poor<<


What evidence have you got for that assertion ?


>>The poor are not what this discussion is about<<


It's exactly what this discussion is about because, unless they introduce compulsory (and non transferable) rationing of stuff (possibly linked to government imposed prices ? It didn't work in the USSR.... ), then it's the poor who will suffer the most from all these huge rises on the costs of stuff people want.

It is not out of the question they will introduce rationing because during Covid the population of this country indeed most countries, proved they were supine enough to accept almost any diktat.


The Times 20 Feb 2023

"How to fix Global warming ? Bring back rationing."

petrol, household energy, meat and flights should be rationed in order to help with "the fight against climate change"

The evidence is, that you complain about people striking and interfering with your holidays.

You don't seem to realise that they are striking because they want a life style like yours and maybe, some nice holidays too.

Why should people work cheap so that you can have your holidays?


Yes,  the poor are already suffering more and always have done,  but I've never seen you write and complain on their behalf.


If the predictions regarding global famine are right, it's easy to see that there may well be rationing.

I fail to see how I can be blamed because The Times says "Bring back rationing"  They are probably just thinking ahead, as I do,  of the possibilities of what climate change can do to us.

Maybe The Times is trying to get people to understand that foreign holidays and cars are not the be all and end all of life and there are other things more important

You are obviously getting angry now but, don't blame the messengers because you don't like the message.



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On 27/04/2023 at 00:19, Anna B said:

It's not just financial insecurity, but the mental insecurity.

Everyone seems to be suffering from a kind of universal depression. There doesn't seem to be much hope out there, and not much to look forward to. So many problems, so few solutions. Everything's changed overnight, mostly for the worst.


Is this an unspoken side effect of Covid? 

It's quite true that many people are suffering from insecurity,  both mental and financial, and I'm sure that Covid has worried people by showing how our lives can be changed almost overnight.

However, my belief is that this insecurity has arisen more of a side effect of 13 long years of Tory rule and unfairness, rather than that of Covid and,  In the same way as with Covid, 

we seem to be totally powerless to do anything about this life deterioration, whilst we struggle with rising prices, shortages and hardship and a government who don't care.


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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It's quite true that many people are suffering from insecurity,  both mental and financial, and I'm sure that Covid has worried people by showing how our lives can be changed almost overnight.

However, my belief is that this insecurity has arisen more of a side effect of 13 long years of Tory rule and unfairness, rather than that of Covid and,  In the same way as with Covid, 

we seem to be totally powerless to do anything about this life deterioration, whilst we struggle with rising prices, shortages and hardship and a government who don't care.


I think it's both 13 long years of Tory cuts and unfairness, and Covid, exacerbated by the seeming demise of the NHS, doctors, long long waiting lists, dental institutions, social care etc. 

Life is awful at the moment for many, and with no prospect of it improving for a very long time, if at all...

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7 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

That doesn't tell me much.

No need to consider what I wrote because it was i who wrote it.

You wrote :

The fact that many many people will feel the same as you do doesn't alter anything, 


If you cannot see that is a ludicrous thing to say then there is no hope for you.


6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It's quite true that many people are suffering from insecurity,  both mental and financial, and I'm sure that Covid has worried people by showing how our lives can be changed almost overnight.

However, my belief is that this insecurity has arisen more of a side effect of 13 long years of Tory rule and unfairness, rather than that of Covid and,  In the same way as with Covid, we seem to be totally powerless to do anything about this life deterioration, whilst we struggle with rising prices, shortages and hardship and a government who don't care.

Actually what you wrote above is even more ludicrous.

What did you actually do during the pandemic ?

Do you ever, ordinarily,  go out ?

Did you actually live through the same one as me ? :


24 March 2020 :

Health Secretary Matt Hancock told MPs that people should only be leaving their houses for four reasons:

1 -to buy food
2 - to exercise once a day alone or with members of the same household
3 - because of a medical need or to provide care for a vulnerable person
4 - to travel to or from work that cannot be done from home. For work that cannot be done at home, Mr Hancock recommended a 2 metre gap between employees.
The Minister said that any non-essential shops must close and that gatherings of more than two people were not allowed. He stressed that "these measures are not advice. They are rules and will be enforced, including by the police", and noted that fines will be issued for those that do not comply.

The Labour party's view :

Responding on behalf of the Opposition, Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth, said the Government was "quite right" in introducing these measures, noting that the Opposition had previously called for them to be implemented.........."Enforced social distancing is welcome, we called for it".



The BBC News article on 24 March 2020 (excerpts)  :


One form of exercise a day such as a run, walk, or cycle. This should be done alone or only with people you live with

Even when following the above guidance, people should minimise the amount of time spent out of their homes and should keep two metres (6ft) away from people they do not live with.

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46 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I think it's both 13 long years of Tory cuts and unfairness, and Covid, exacerbated by the seeming demise of the NHS, doctors, long long waiting lists, dental institutions, social care etc. 

Life is awful at the moment for many, and with no prospect of it improving for a very long time, if at all...

As far as I am concerned life will continue to get worse. For me what I really hate about modern life is the relentless march towards more and more complexity, more and more regulations, more and more mad paranoid bans on what we can do. At the moment I am still seething that I was banned from filming my lad win his first ever Fly race, I am mad as hell about it and will never forget it.

But, as I said, it will get worse not better, history shows us the trend, and it is all one way.

We live in a pathetic paranoid snowflake society.

  • Haha 1
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7 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

The evidence is, that you complain about people striking and interfering with your holidays.

You don't seem to realise that they are striking because they want a life style like yours and maybe, some nice holidays too.

Why should people work cheap so that you can have your holidays?

Yes,  the poor are already suffering more and always have done,  but I've never seen you write and complain on their behalf.

If the predictions regarding global famine are right, it's easy to see that there may well be rationing.

I fail to see how I can be blamed because The Times says "Bring back rationing"  They are probably just thinking ahead, as I do,  of the possibilities of what climate change can do to us.

Maybe The Times is trying to get people to understand that foreign holidays and cars are not the be all and end all of life and there are other things more important

You are obviously getting angry now but, don't blame the messengers because you don't like the message.

>>You don't seem to realise that they are striking because they want a life style like yours and maybe, some nice holidays too.

Why should people work cheap so that you can have your holidays?<<


I have no sympathy with people striking if it affects people other than their direct employers, and it's even worse if they work in an industry that is paid for (or even "just" subsidised) by the tax payer.

None, zero, zilch.

If they don't think they're paid enough get another job like the rest of us have to.


>>Maybe The Times is trying to get people to understand that foreign holidays and cars are not the be all and end all of life and there are other things more important<<


The Times is simply reporting on a group of scientists who, emboldened by their "success" in the Covid pandemic (I mean their "success" in forcing draconian restrictions on society) are seeing how far they can go with the "climate emergency". The climate emergency which is, apparently, not serious enough to warrant disrupting the wading birds in the Severn Estuary.....

But you miss the point anyway, this is supposed to be  a free democratic country, it is not for anyone to tell people what they should or should not want from life.


9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

As far as I am concerned life will continue to get worse. For me what I really hate about modern life is the relentless march towards more and more complexity, more and more regulations, more and more mad paranoid bans on what we can do. At the moment I am still seething that I was banned from filming my lad win his first ever Fly race, I am mad as hell about it and will never forget it.

But, as I said, it will get worse not better, history shows us the trend, and it is all one way.

We live in a pathetic paranoid snowflake society.

Personally I cannot see anything funny about this, @Delayed must have a very warped sense of humour.....

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