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3 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Seeem to recall one of the NF splits was due to Martin Webster being gay.

not the only one


Nicky Crane (Cover skinhead on the OI! album Strength thru oi) and British movement activist, Skrewdriver security and one of the founders of neo nazi group blood and honour also came out as gay and was ostracised.

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15 hours ago, Mister Gee said:

Thought you’d like it, an interesting concoction of all the most whacked-out ideas from across the political spectrum.

You think they are "whacked out ideas" ?

You are divorced from reality, you should try to talk to real people more often......

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24 minutes ago, Anna B said:

What an excellent graph.

Maybe people will now realise where the real problems are.

In the past I've pointed out facts in relation to tax fraud versus benefit fraud, and right wingers go through mental gymnastics to justify the former, whilst condemning the latter.

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16 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

A massive difference between the last 2 estimates.

Only 1 estimate for the other categories.

Why is that I wonder ?

Maybe cos ones somewhere that collects the tax and the other is an independent (i think, im still digging) group that are investigating tax avoidance?




5 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

But many will believe them to be facts.

But its funny how certain people use these estimates as facts when bashing people on benefits, whether fraudulent or not, some people are obsessed with bashing people on benefits yet estimates or facts those numbers are poles apart and show where the money really goes.

Edited by melthebell
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1 hour ago, steve68 said:



I do not believe that there is no significant benefit fraud in this country, but in fact I am not talking about benefit fraud per se. I am talking about benefit scroungers. The type of people who spend as much time looking for ways to stay on benefits (often via disability type benefits) as they do looking for work.

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