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Conspiracy Theory #1 - 9/11

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27 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

There is something that has always been on my mind regarding 911.


Three rather large buildings all basically disintegrated into their own footprints. Those who debunk the conspiracy theories say that this was inevitable given the nature of the damage inflicted on the buildings. Why then were firefighters (who presumably have a large degree of understanding of how buildings behave as a result of significant structural and fire damage) in the buildings for so long given their collapse was liable to happen?

doing their job trying to save people

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6 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

 even the highly trained emergency services. 

they did the second time though, do you think they had the time (or expertise) to evaluate the structural possibilities of such a rare scenario.


Look at the footage before they went up, they didn't look very content about what they were about to be asked to do

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3 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Emergency services are trained to not place themselves in clear and avoidable danger, hence why police officer's for instance refrain from going into rivers to rescue someone struggling in the water.


Despite the conspiracy debunkers  insistence that a building disintegrating into it's own footprint is what naturally follows from a jumbo jet flying into it, NOBODY saw it coming, even the highly trained emergency services. 

Did they know it was disintegrating into its own footprint? the trouble is everybody else is looking at it after the fact, they were there att he time, trying to do what they do, save people, maybe it collapsed sooner than they thought, maybe they shouldve pulled out sooner.

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2 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Why didn't they see it coming with the first building? 

how often has exactly the same thing happened before.


a car park collapsed the other day, why didn't someone see that coming

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7 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Despite how unnatural it looked for those buildings to come down the way they did and how it looked just like a controlled demolition, It got rammed down our throat's that it was/is the natural consequence of planes going into them. What plane went into Building 7?? 


Building 7 was damaged in a very different way - but somehow came down just the same! 

if one floor gives way, and collapses onto the next, and so on, it's not hard to comprehend at all.


so the question is, do you believe that a plane and fuel, and building design mixed with a possibly incapable fire cladding situation could possibly cause one floor to collapse. or do you believe somehow, it was all wired up in the night, and nobody noticed and nobody snitched


there was a collapse in miami not long ago, caused by a leaky swimming pool, this stuff happens all the time


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3 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Conspiracy theorists suggest explosive charges were being put in strategic places. Minutes before the buildings came down, lots of people, including firefighter reported hearing explosions.

When they demolish a building, they spend weeks/months rigging it, and weakening structural components, you'd think in a building of that size, someone would notice. and then there's the small matter of a plane

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20 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Pretty sure the twin towers were designed not  to pancake in that way.



Small planes have crashed into buildings before but how many times during history has two 747s crashed into a building (well 2 buildings next to each other)?

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