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Artificial Intelligence (Ai) - Blessing Or A Curse?

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It seems the Scientists have just woken up to the fact that AI is a mixed blessing and we have to tread carefully.


I agree.  I've been watching quite a few documentaries about it, and it truly is amazing stuff but with inherent life changing consequencies . And it is proceeding at a break neck speed, so we have to use caution. However handled right, it could be the answer to a lot of our problems.


But the people we have to convince most are those that are using it at the moment, eg, the big super Corporations etc. They are proceeding with it to maximise profits with no precautions in place, and no interest in the unintended consequences. We have very little control over them so need them to engage in a long term futures debate to see where it will lead. 

But in a society where greed prevails and money is all that matters, will they?


What do you think?



Edited by Anna B
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58 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

'Chat bot has left wing bias' for those who can't be bothered to follow link.

It goes on to say it reflects the bias of it's designer.


I think this is going to be true of a lot of rudimentary AI.

When you think about it it's almost inevitable it will be biased somewhat  towards it's creator's views. 

It's also true of questionaire's etc which subliminally direct the participant towards a specific answer.


However it will develop ways of ridding itself of this bias as it develops. It learns as it goes. So the influence of the designer will be compensated for, if this is what is required of it.

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does anyone like talking to automated phone systems, and want autonomous drones following them around looking to see if they drop litter. public are asleep as to the possible consequences. people abroad are getting stopped from going to a concert because of where they work, this stuff is happening now.

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1 minute ago, fools said:

does anyone like talking to automated phone systems, and want autonomous drones following them around looking to see if they drop litter. public are asleep as to the possible consequences

Good points.

We pride ourselves on being a free society in a law abiding Democracy.


But how free are we going to feel if we are constantly being watched, photographed and followed round by drones picking up and fining you for every misdemeanour? 

Think it won't happen?

Think again...


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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Good points.

We pride ourselves on being a free society in a law abiding Democracy.


But how free are we going to feel if we are constantly being watched, photographed and followed round by drones picking up and fining you for every misdemeanour? 

Think it won't happen?

Think again...


have you seen the video's on China


mistakes were made during the coronation, just wait until camera's are doing it autonomously, arresting people because they have a suspicious gait. AI video systems were implemented in train stations checking how close people were, during the rona


all those organisations surreptitiously taking samples of our voice on the phone are storing it somewhere, once that's hacked, the hackers can bypass security by imitating our voices .. hmrc take note


install a seemingly harmless app, and it's selling your 24/7 location on to anyone who pays up, and rifling through your contacts, doorbell camera's recording facial recognition characteristics of anyone who walks past, councils and supermarkets storing unencrypted number plate and photo data on insecure amazon buckets, in your face cameras on self service tills, pay by waving your palm, it's all happening now




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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

Good points.

We pride ourselves on being a free society in a law abiding Democracy.


But how free are we going to feel if we are constantly being watched, photographed and followed round by drones picking up and fining you for every misdemeanour? 

Think it won't happen?

Think again...


I think our free society days are already behind us and , for once,  I agree with fools.

Our governments are gradually getting more right wing and authoritarian and who knows, how many different ways they will take advantage of AI to spy on us, keep tabs on us day and night.

When they have all the cameras and drones in place and they have abolished cash,  there is nothing at all, that we will be able to do without their knowledge. and then we will be needing their consent too.

I absolutely know   that it will happen.   Big brother's here now.

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15 hours ago, Anna B said:

It seems the Scientists have just woken up to the fact that AI is a mixed blessing and we have to tread carefully.


I agree.  I've been watching quite a few documentaries about it, and it truly is amazing stuff but with inherent life changing consequencies . And it is proceeding at a break neck speed, so we have to use caution. However handled right, it could be the answer to a lot of our problems.


But the people we have to convince most are those that are using it at the moment, eg, the big super Corporations etc. They are proceeding with it to maximise profits with no precautions in place, and no interest in the unintended consequences. We have very little control over them so need them to engage in a long term futures debate to see where it will lead. 

But in a society where greed prevails and money is all that matters, will they?


What do you think?



The next big "Threat to Humankind" according to the doomsayer fear mongers.


Of, course, what they are really talking about are man made programmable machines that you can plug in, or pull the plug out.


The machines that wash your clothes, keep your house warm, assemble and weld your cars, process your foods, build your computers, so that you can sit on your settee and watch what goes in in the entire world, while your auto-off kettle doesn't melt in the kitchen!


Another impending "crisis" from the torch and pitchfork mob!

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I agree with both Organgrinder and (surprisingly) fools.


But what are we going to do about it?

Can it be prevented? And considering it is a world wide phonomenom and we live in a global society, can it be prevented everywhere? 

Who are the masters?

Is it all negatives?

Surely there must be an upside too.


There are amazing possibilities that could transform mankind for the better but it all depends on how it's handled. People might like to read 'Fully Automated Luxury Communism' by Aaron Bastani. Reccommended earlier by someone on SF, (sorry, can't remember who it was) It addresses the issues very intelligently and shows us the possibilities if the benefits are shared. It could be fantastic. A genuine Utopia for all. It's not a matter of Left and right philosophy, but simple human survival. 


We worry about climate change, but this is just as important and more urgent.




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