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Artificial Intelligence (Ai) - Blessing Or A Curse?

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4 hours ago, fools said:

Newsnight even tried to crowbar AI into an Abba interview last night.


If youtube comments (or is it AI) are to be believed, almost everyone believes anything they see on TV, and about 20% claim it has happened to their family. But oddly no-one has been caught.

You must be talking about yourself because,  after watching that,  my telly was off

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On 12/05/2023 at 16:57, Anna B said:

It seems the Scientists have just woken up to the fact that AI is a mixed blessing and we have to tread carefully.


I agree.  I've been watching quite a few documentaries about it, and it truly is amazing stuff but with inherent life changing consequencies . And it is proceeding at a break neck speed, so we have to use caution. However handled right, it could be the answer to a lot of our problems.


But the people we have to convince most are those that are using it at the moment, eg, the big super Corporations etc. They are proceeding with it to maximise profits with no precautions in place, and no interest in the unintended consequences. We have very little control over them so need them to engage in a long term futures debate to see where it will lead. 

But in a society where greed prevails and money is all that matters, will they?


What do you think?



The only time to worry about “AI” is if it ever becomes self aware....


Which I strongly suggest won’t be happening in our lifetime or many centuries in the future either....



If it ever happens that “AI” does become self aware then we will be in very deep trouble as it will realise that it doesn’t need to have the human race around at all...



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On 13/05/2023 at 08:53, Anna B said:



But how free are we going to feel if we are constantly being watched, photographed and followed round by drones picking up and fining you for every misdemeanour? 

Think it won't happen?

Think again...


What kind of misdemeanours?


Throwing litter?


Using phone while driving?


Do you mean this kind of thing?


If so, these days people complain that the police should be doing 'real police work' (we assume they mean the bad people)

If it freed up police time and people realised they'll be caught, perhaps they won't do it? And if they do, knowing they are being watched, then they deserve a fine, perhaps.




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The Guardian


"The future of AI is chilling – humans have to act together to overcome this threat to civilisation"

Jonathan Freedland

"The challenge seems daunting. But we have overcome terrifying dangers before"


A call to arms! We must act now before it is too late!


Bring your alarm clocks, computers and any plug in appliances that have invaded your homes and dump them all on a giant neighborhood bonfire on November 5th.


Pitchforks and torches welcome!


Do your part! Raise awareness!  Make a difference!


Save our children!




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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The Guardian


"The future of AI is chilling – humans have to act together to overcome this threat to civilisation"

Jonathan Freedland

"The challenge seems daunting. But we have overcome terrifying dangers before"


A call to arms! We must act now before it is too late!


Bring your alarm clocks, computers and any plug in appliances that have invaded your homes and dump them all on a giant neighborhood bonfire on November 5th.


Pitchforks and torches welcome!


Do your part! Raise awareness!  Make a difference!


Save our children!




The Guardian obviously think AI is a white middle aged straight man.

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The Guardian


"The future of AI is chilling – humans have to act together to overcome this threat to civilisation"

Jonathan Freedland

"The challenge seems daunting. But we have overcome terrifying dangers before"


A call to arms! We must act now before it is too late!


Bring your alarm clocks, computers and any plug in appliances that have invaded your homes and dump them all on a giant neighborhood bonfire on November 5th.


Pitchforks and torches welcome!


Do your part! Raise awareness!  Make a difference!


Save our children!




Hmmm... :huh:

This is all very worrying...
... and just this morning I experienced first-hand proof that 'unknown' AI forces are indeed trying to kill off the human race as we know it!

I suspect my fridge may have been recruited by this AI superpower and is now trying to poison me. :o

Despite being well within it's use by date, a 2 litre bottle of milk in my fridge has suddenly gone sour overnight, and dropped a few lumps of curdled mess onto my morning Weetabix!

Not once in the last 17 years of faultless operation has my fridge ever behaved in such a reckless manner...
... but fortunately I spotted it before the first spoonful of nastiness entered my delicate digestive system.

Despite not being one to discriminate, I immediately knew which of my kitchen 'white goods' was to blame and aimed a few choice words in the appropriate direction...
... but my request has so far been ignored!

From now on, I'll be keeping a very close eye on my toaster and microwave... :suspect:

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Think i was a victim of negative AI yesterday? lol


In April i left my job, been looking since, after a quick start with some interviews which i didnt get i thought i better start a claim for Universal credit, interview to start it was meant to be next Thursday.

Yesterday i got notification that i have indeed got a job after i succeeded in an interview so thought i better cancel my UC claim, so phoned up the Jobcentre where my interview wouldve been.

The voice on the phone just asks you questions, when you say yes it moves on, anyway it  asked if it was about Universal credit, as soon as i said yes it said go online to your journal and put the phone down on me lol


Why cant i just speak to a human being grrrrrrrrrr

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If you've ever had a problem and  been annoyed at being forced to talk to a machine (either by phone or text) you are already a victim of AI. It's cheaper than paying a genuine person to deal with your problem, but as you probably already know they don't deal with it 9 times out of 10, and you become locked in a futile loop....


Ever been stuck in a telephone queue, to be repeatedly told 'we are experiencing high demand at the moment, please call back later...' and wondered in that case, why they don't employ more people to answer the phone? After all, yourcall is important to them. They said so... 


Write to a company in desperation, and get a generic GPT letter back, which is no help at all....

Finally give up, and take the hit.


Welcome to AI.


It saves businesses money (often the big companies with huge profits) and allows them to hide from their responsibilities. The days of good customer service are behind us.

It may get better, or worse, depending on your viewpoint,

but this is only the start.



Edited by Anna B
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28 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

This is all very worrying...
... and just this morning I experienced first-hand proof that 'unknown' AI forces are indeed trying to kill off the human race as we know it!

I suspect my fridge may have been recruited by this AI superpower and is now trying to poison me. :o

Despite being well within it's use by date, a 2 litre bottle of milk in my fridge has suddenly gone sour overnight, and dropped a few lumps of curdled mess onto my morning Weetabix!

Not once in the last 17 years of faultless operation has my fridge ever behaved in such a reckless manner...
... but fortunately I spotted it before the first spoonful of nastiness entered my delicate digestive system.

Despite not being one to discriminate, I immediately knew which of my kitchen 'white goods' was to blame and aimed a few choice words in the appropriate direction...
... but my request has so far been ignored!

From now on, I'll be keeping a very close eye on my toaster and microwave... :suspect:

That can happen if the fridge door doesn't quite close properly.


Hopefully it's not on the blink!

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