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Should 16 & 17 Year Olds Be Allowed To Vote?

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31 minutes ago, melthebell said:

again i'll repeat what i said above


why should i need one to address a problem that didn't exist? and was changed to address a problem that doesn't exist? As for your second point, the Tories underestimated things and their plan backfired, that doesn't mean it wasn't their plan all along though.

So you would be happy with someone going and voting in your name for a party you didnt support?

Every country in Europe uses a form of voter ID now. The UK was the last to.


Over 30 of those countries dont allow you to proxy vote 


Its not a tory plan and the simple truth is everyone who is allowed to vote, can vote. regardless of social situation or political affiliation. Don't let facts get in the way of your opinion though


Only 11 countries in the world allow the vote at 16. including such major countries as Jersey, Guernsey, Malta, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Hardly heavyweight democracies. 


this would effectively be giving schoolkids the vote as I turned 16 within the first week of the school year and how many of those do you think have a political opinion that is formed enough

Edited by sheffbag
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4 hours ago, Axe said:

No the age of voting should not be reduced.  Also EU citizens should not be allowed to vote in general elections.  Keir Starmer has ambitions of  gerrymandering.

What are you on a bout, if this Goverment had its way,  they would have kids from ten year old upwards working in Workhouses with the rest of us working literally till we dropped dead on the Workhouse floor.  :gag:

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    Tories have shot themselves in the foot with PhotoID requirement to vote.

    Instead of benefiting from the gerrymandering the Tories have lost important votes as  a significant number "...who didn’t have ID were elderly and they by and large voted Conservative, so we made it hard for our own voters and we upset a system that worked perfectly well." Jacob Rees-Mogg speaks at a right wing Toryanti-Sunak  splinter group-National Conservatism conference

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13 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    Tories have shot themselves in the foot with PhotoID requirement to vote.

    Instead of benefiting from the gerrymandering the Tories have lost important votes as  a significant number "...who didn’t have ID were elderly and they by and large voted Conservative, so we made it hard for our own voters and we upset a system that worked perfectly well." Jacob Rees-Mogg speaks at a right wing Toryanti-Sunak  splinter group-National Conservatism conference

Beat me to it.


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25 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

So you would be happy with someone going and voting in your name for a party you didnt support?

Every country in Europe uses a form of voter ID now. The UK was the last to.


Over 30 of those countries dont allow you to proxy vote 


Its not a tory plan and the simple truth is everyone who is allowed to vote, can vote. regardless of social situation or political affiliation. Don't let facts get in the way of your opinion though


Only 11 countries in the world allow the vote at 16. including such major countries as Jersey, Guernsey, Malta, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Hardly heavyweight democracies. 


this would effectively be giving schoolkids the vote as I turned 16 within the first week of the school year and how many of those do you think have a political opinion that is formed enough

How many of these European countries have compulsory ID irrespective of of their voting system?


See, that’s the thing that has been so little brought up and discussed in this whole voterID scheme, such as it was brought about in the U.K., complete with asymmetric documentation requirements (why was a bus pass of an OAP valid, but a buss pass of a 18-something not, pray tell?)


There can be no disenfranchisement of voters, in any country that has it as a mandatory requirement to have (and often as not, carry at all times) official ID, especially those with such requirements from the earliest age: everyone -even those who have yet to be old enough to gain the right to vote- has ID, because they have to. And depending on the country, everyone has at least the same ID document (e.g. French national ID card, even if one never leaves France/the EU and never has a passport; and/or never learns to drive).


But in a country that still has no such requirements, like the UK, well…😏

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8 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Some in Labour think we should go down the ID card route again


Labour revives ID cards idea to reduce irregular immigration


Won’t be palatable to very many, again, I’m sure…that debate has been had innumerable times.

And yet, it would be one of the easiest ways of contributing to solve very many societal problems. Including, but not only, irregular migration.

variously: identity theft, absconding, outstanding warrants, all sorts of other frauds/fraudulent behaviours based on current difficulty for people and relevant authorities to establish identity positively at point of contact; even voter disenfranchisement (fixing the problems with the current version, that is) <…>

Topically, 16 year olds must carry a national ID card by law in many European countries.

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30 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

What are you on a bout, if this Goverment had its way,  they would have kids from ten year old upwards working in Workhouses with the rest of us working literally till we dropped dead on the Workhouse floor.  :gag:

Do you live in the UK?


Because from what i can see if you dont want to go to work you dont have to


The government will give you your rent money and some beer money for as long as you want to sit on your backside watching Loose Woman & Bargain Hunt

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31 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Some in Labour think we should go down the ID card route again


Labour revives ID cards idea to reduce irregular immigration


Interesting, although generally its not a labour thing, think it was Jack grey mentioned in my manifesto posts that immigration wasnt mentioned in any of their possible manifesto pledges, maybe this is a way to target the red wall voters who swapped to the tories and get some back?

39 minutes ago, horribleblob said:

just saw that on twitter...right on cue

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