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Who's Paying For These Weapons?

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

That's the problem. The Labour vote is split so many ways yet, the Conservative vote holds firm.

Too many votes are wasted. 

Don't worry - this new  National Conservatism thing is a very right wing equivalent of Momentum


That's bound to cost them a few votes whatever they do.

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8 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Don't worry - this new  National Conservatism thing is a very right wing equivalent of Momentum


That's bound to cost them a few votes whatever they do.

Do you think so? 

I doubt it. I don't think your average Tory voter realises just how far right the Conservative party is these days, and won't even notice a 'Momentum' type push. It won't be blasted all over the media in the same way Momentum was, and even if it is, it will be given a nice positive spin, unlike Momentum. 

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10 hours ago, cressida said:

Remember when the Labour Party were so divided that they lost two general elections,  that's what should have been learned by the Tories when the rebel ones made their public display of hostility towards Johnson.

When Labour lost those elections we were enjoying all the benefits of a hard won welfare state with free University education etc. Full employment in well paid jobs. and the most egalitarian period in British history. Thanks to Labour, The Battles had all been won,  (I naively thought in perpetuity, but I was wrong.) But Labour had become a victim of it's own success and people assumed it wasn't  needed any more. 


We had all  become aspirational. Thatcher offered us the chance to buy our own council houses and we jumped at the chance. Thatcher sold off our infrastructure so we all bought shares in British Gas and thought we'd arrived.

How many people realised the true price? 

There followed mass unemployment, a new underclass, and the gradual dismantling of the welfare state, mental ill health and long term insecurity. Who still has their British Gas and BT shares now? Russian Oligarchs and the usual fat cats, that's who.

So we are now back where we started. The rich get richer and the poor dine on crumbs. 


Meanwhile the government gives our money to their friends in the arms industry, to bomb poor people in other countries...



Edited by Anna B
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12 hours ago, Anna B said:


Yet ordinary people still support this terrible government. 


And I doubt Starmer will be much better. He doesn't have the stomach or the passion to bring about change. And having expelled all the socialists from the party - what does that tell you?

We genuinely need another Corbyn.

Labour need to make Andy Burnham there leader and I’m sure Labour would walk it in the next general election....



Starmer looks and acts weak I wonder why oh yeah I know he’s a “Sir”....

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19 minutes ago, Box11 said:

Labour need to make Andy Burnham there leader and I’m sure Labour would walk it in the next general election....



Starmer looks and acts weak I wonder why oh yeah I know he’s a “Sir”....

I would vote for them with Burnham as leader.

Sure it won't happen though as Labour has sold it's soul in an attempt to get back in power.

No way will I ever give Starmer my vote despite this useless morally corrupt government.


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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

When Labour lost those elections we were enjoying all the benefits of a hard won welfare state with free University education etc. 

University isnt free....the taxpayer funds it


In fact whenever someone says something is free then its more than likely that the taxpayer is funding it

7 hours ago, Box11 said:

Labour need to make Andy Burnham there leader and I’m sure Labour would walk it in the next general election....

I voted for Burnham instead of Starmer but we all know how that went


Unfortunately since then Burnham has gone a bit too socialist for me


Anyway, i think 'Heil Khan' will be the next Labour leader

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On 17/05/2023 at 07:07, Jack Grey said:

University isnt free....the taxpayer funds it


In fact whenever someone says something is free then its more than likely that the taxpayer is funding it

I voted for Burnham instead of Starmer but we all know how that went


Unfortunately since then Burnham has gone a bit too socialist for me


Anyway, i think 'Heil Khan' will be the next Labour leader

I think everyone knows that.

But how do you prefer your taxes to be spent?

For the benefit of the people, or to buy missiles to the tune of £2.5 million EACH to blow people to smithereens.

I'm afraid that is far too right wing for me, as I suspect it is for most people if they did but realise it.

This government is a disgrace.

Edited by Anna B
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On 17/05/2023 at 07:07, Jack Grey said:

University isnt free....the taxpayer funds it


Correct but, the taxpayer funds everything you enjoy too so I wouldn't look down your nose too much.

Who paid for you to learn to read and write and thereby raised you up to become an earner ?


As Anna's post proves,  you are missing the point which is NOT about who pays for education but about sensible use of taxpayers money and,  do the taxpayers agree.


Edited by Organgrinder
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