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Police Letting Anti Social Types Get Away With Stuff.

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I am surprised nobody has started a thread on the "Cardiff Riots".

As I understand it two teenagers were whizzing up and down on an E Scooter, possibly illegally, and the police followed them or chased them, they had an accident and both died.

Now, whether that is what happened or not, the wider point is of more interest :


Should the police be taking the view they will let lads dangerously thrashing about on E  Scooters or unregistered (and uninsured....) motor bikes get away with it because it is too dangerous to try and catch them ?


Surely that encourages a disrespect for the law and is the thin end of a very very long wedge ?

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I've absolutely no doubt all these feral hoodlums creating havoc for other residents will be the salt of the earth little cherubs who would help anyone, had mental health issues and wanted to be either a lawyer or a doctor when they grow up.



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20 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I am surprised nobody has started a thread on the "Cardiff Riots".

As I understand it two teenagers were whizzing up and down on an E Scooter, possibly illegally, and the police followed them or chased them, they had an accident and both died.

Now, whether that is what happened or not, the wider point is of more interest :


Should the police be taking the view they will let lads dangerously thrashing about on E  Scooters or unregistered (and uninsured....) motor bikes get away with it because it is too dangerous to try and catch them ?


Surely that encourages a disrespect for the law and is the thin end of a very very long wedge ?

It's sad they lost their lives but looking at them in their trainee hooligan uniforms, it makes you wonder just what the parents are thinking of letting them dress like that and were they even bothered what they were doing .

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13 minutes ago, dan_999uk said:

What is worse, letting a child get away with a traffic offence or killing two kids. 

But it is not a matter of letting one kid off with a  traffic offence or killing them is it ?

It's a matter of letting tens of thousands of kids off with offences because one might get killed.

And, it is also just as likely that some of these loons on unregistered uninsured motorbikes will kill or seriously maim an innocent.

The implication of your rheotorical question is that the more dangerously these idiots drive the more likely they'll be left to get away with it !

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8 minutes ago, dan_999uk said:

Is your position that they should be pursued regardless of risk (both to themselves and other road users) as some sort of a deterrent to others? Or do you have another suggestion?

Lock up the parents for 14 days if one of their feral offspring are caught terrorising residents?

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1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:

Lock up the parents for 14 days if one of their feral offspring are caught terrorising residents?

You cant lock someone up for a crime someone else has committed ffs. This is open to all kinds of abuse anyway, what if the child hates their parents and so does things on purpose to get them locked up?

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36 minutes ago, dan_999uk said:

Is your position that they should be pursued regardless of risk (both to themselves and other road users) as some sort of a deterrent to others? Or do you have another suggestion?

I am saying they should be pursued unless there is a significant chance (as in a high chance) of an innocent bystander betting seriously injured or killed. TBH I have a rather less sympathy for the miscreant, they are choosing to act in an anti social manner. The default should be to catch criminals.

But, I'll turn the question back on you, are you suggesting most of them, or even all of them, should get away with it, cocking a snook at the law, because someone might get killed trying to apprehend them ?

What does that do for the miscreants respect for the law ?

And does letting them get away with it not encourage them to drive as dangerously as possible (because that lowers the chances they'll be chased and apprehended ?

Edited by Chekhov
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44 minutes ago, dan_999uk said:

Is your position that they should be pursued regardless of risk (both to themselves and other road users) as some sort of a deterrent to others? Or do you have another suggestion?

Yes,  It should be made clear by every police force that they will be pursued for law breaking.    No point whatsoever in having laws that are not going to be enforced.

There should be a massive advertising campaign by the government  to say that the law will be properly enforced and.

If any injury or loss of life occurs due to this,  this will be the responsibility of the law breakers and not the police.

It should be further said that, any public disorder such as rioting would be dealt with by the army and again, any injury or loss of life would be the responsibility of the law breakers.

The kids killed themselves by their own actions and the police should be ashamed if they have lied to cover up their part in this.

Lets have everything in the open and,  at long last,  have people take personal responsibility for their own actions,  including parents.

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26 minutes ago, dan_999uk said:

I'm suggesting that riding an off road bike, annoying as it is, does not merit chasing someone to their deaths or the deaths of someone else. The act of chasing them encourages them to drive more dangerously. 

So you think they should be ignored ?

So easy targets, like people without insurance or whatever, should be apprehended, but anti social types (who are far more likely to cause an accident and kill someone) should be let off ?

How is that fair ?

And how does that encourage a respect for the law (from people who have a low respect for the law to start off with) ?


>>chasing someone to their deaths<<


That's putting the cart before the horse in a massive way.

They are not stopping, then are driving or riding dangerously.

And whatever happened to personal responsibility ?


>>annoying as it is<<


It's  a bit more than just "annoying". It is dangerous, and also, just as seriously, encourages a lack of respect for the law.


Edited by Chekhov
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