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Police Letting Anti Social Types Get Away With Stuff.

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SYP let drivers and motorbike riders drive and ride at ridiculous speeds along my road every single day. I consider that very antisocial as well as dangerous. No matter how many times they are reported nothing is done despite speeds often being Well over 100mph. 

Maybe we have to wait for a big crash with fatalities before they pull their finger out 🙄


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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

If it did?


You must have some idea, surely?

Well the only idea would be to swell the police force to the point where there is literally one on every street 24/7, and then you would need to create more courts and more prisons and more wraparound services associated with all of that. 

None of which will happen as it costs a shed load. It's called being realistic. 

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3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Well the only idea would be to swell the police force to the point where there is literally one on every street 24/7, and then you would need to create more courts and more prisons and more wraparound services associated with all of that. 

None of which will happen as it costs a shed load. It's called being realistic. 

I would go along with that, however no amount of cash will stop feral adults breeding more feral specimens thus creating more pain for peaceful law abiding citizens. It's not a lack of cash that's the problem, it's a society that is getting more and more feckless and entitled as the years go by.


Maybe taking away their child allowance would be a deterrent!!

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4 hours ago, dan_999uk said:

What is worse, letting a child get away with a traffic offence or killing two kids. 

And if those two "kids" had killed a child or OAP crossing the road that would be justified, would it? All law breaking is anti-social. The phrase means it is not in the interests of everyone in the community. It's why we have laws. If they are not enforced what is the point? You want mob rule? The law of the jungle?  The job of the police is to protect everyone....and if they are doing their job properly they  should not be criticised.

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Bring back National Service, the birch, hanging,  rationing, **** fighting, witch hunts, stocks, powdered egg, compulsory cap doffing, kicking prisoners down the cell steps, golliwogs, the knocker upper, primae noctis, opium, empire, the ice age. Bring it all back, it were brilliant 

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