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'Me Too' And Phillip Schofield

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17 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The guy was 20 years old when they got together.....5 years after they first met


Old enough to drink, smoke, vote, join the army, get a tattoo, get a sex change


Schofield hasnt broken any laws


He had an affair.....whoop de do


This is a media witch-hunt and they have destroyed a mans life for headlines, clicks and likes


Shame on them 



Clickbait nonsense dominated this forum until recently. The modern equivalent of Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster

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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Schofield claims the guy was 20 years old when they got together.....5 years after they first met, when the guy was still a child at a theatre group and Schofield had chosen to engage in communications with during the interim. The guy, whom Schofield knew had ambitions to advance their career in television and get ahead, undertook work experience arranged by Schofield and very coincidentally became a junior runner on the show that Schofield was lead face of. Within mere months of his joining Schofield then engaged in sexual relations with him. 


Old enough to drink, smoke, vote, join the army, get a tattoo, get a sex change.... Is  irrelevant because there is still an alleged pattern of grooming and several unknowns regards the 5-year interim between when they allegedly first met and started their relations.


Even if Schofield hasnt broken any laws, he certainly will have broken ITVs Code of Conduct, brought into question various ethical issues, has caused grave damage to the show's reputation, has caused great financial loss and embarrassment to the network, jeopardised a previous investigation by admitting that he lied to the network, his family, his colleagues, and even his own lawyers and raising serious doubt on his own credibility and own conduct.


In normal circumstances it would be He had an affair.....whoop de doBut obviously the actions he has engaged in are far more serious than just an affair.  Lets also not forget all this has broken out following Schofield's admission in his own brother's criminal trial, that he knew about and covered up his brother's illegal behaviour with young boys. 


This is not a media witch-hunt and they are legitimately reporting on a newsworthy story of a high profile presenter, on a huge public service network, who has been dominating stage and screen for nearly half a century engaging in, at best, unethical activity causing professional embarrassment to himself and the network or at worst, suspected illegal activity who has destroyed his own life and is desperately pushing out the PR machine to present themselves as a hounded victim for sympathy filled headlines, clicks and likes.


Shame on Schofield.  

Corrected your post to reflect reality rather than some Trumpesque woe is me statement.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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20 minutes ago, cressida said:

He made the mistake of lying to ITV - truth will out,  I believe they couldn't trust him after that and neither could Holly.

Has the lad lost his job?

From what I have read, there are allegations that the lad received some form of settlement payment and has left working for ITV.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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4 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

From what I have read, there are allegations that the lad received some form of settlement payment and has left working for ITV.

A redundancy settlement. 

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6 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Hush money 


5 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

 Redundancy settlement at that age, :hihi:more a like go away and keep quiet settlement.  :suspect:

Redundancy settlements are tax deductible for employers which is why the payment awarded is categorised as redundancy. 

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