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Welsh E Scooter Victims And Riots

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looks like police are getting blame wrongly as usual, for  following two young criminals riding 2 up on an electric bike, sadly their lack experience riding this sort of machine led to their deaths.  typical sink estate by the looks which turned into a riot what a shock !! shame the parents didnt bring them up a bit better instead of letting them dress, act and look like mini gangsters and drug dealers, they might be alive today is they had!


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3 hours ago, Delbow said:

Sheffield 'man' takes to the internet to celebrate deaths of two children.

the world is better off without the wanna be gangster think they are  hard kid types, applies to some adults as well.

no not celebrating their deaths that is sad but they didnt really help themselves did they???

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"It's just what they do" (Quote from the other thread)


Well here's a tip. DON'T "JUST DO" CRIME


By not "just doing" crimes...


You won't run a much higher risk of getting hurt or killed.


You won't increase the risk hurting or killing an innocent person.


Another list that goes on and on. Carry knives, carry guns, deal drugs etc. Oh it's OK, "It's just what they do".


The police were doing their job...It's just what THEY do! (when it's allowed)


ALL the identified rioters should get a minimum of 10 years inside, and do at least 10 years.



45 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

If I was in charge of policing  I wouldn't actively police these sink estates. My policy would be containment; keep the crime within the estate, let them destroy each other but ensure it doesn't spread out into the more respectable suburbs.

That has to be idiot statement of the decade!


Do you really think that estates only have these idiots live on them? No old people, no hard working families? Do you live on a 'nice' estate and fear that the 'sink' will overflow and spoil your utopia?


I'll repeat it, your post is idiotic and you are an idiot.


Report my reply if you want...it WAS personal!


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1 hour ago, ab6262 said:

the world is better off without the wanna be gangster think they are  hard kid types, applies to some adults as well.

no not celebrating their deaths that is sad but they didnt really help themselves did they???

Well we’ll never know what they could have become will we?

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18 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

I won't report you old bean, not my style, it's all good sport.


btw, take my posts with a pinch of salt.😉

Not my way either.


If you see what I see most days with yobs nigh on terrorising old people, you may have a different outlook on how these 'kids' are sorted.


The police need a lot of red tape and do gooders moving out of the picture, the 'let's be nice' way isn't working. It's time they came down hard on them. In a lot of cases, they turn nice neighbourhoods into tips by their actions.

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According to the BBC site, the bike was a pre-16th birthday present - from his parents?

Four and half grand, some of the bike models, and capable of speeds up to around 45mph.

Some present....


Would not his parents therefore take some of the blame for the deaths?

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