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I've always been a night owl, but it's getting ridiculous. I'm often still awake at 5.0am and if I do manage to get an early night I wake up again in the early hours of the morning and can't get back to sleep.

I've tried all sorts, various things like Kalms and bananas at bedtime but nothing works except the chocolate brownies my friend makes, then I go off, no trouble, and sleep marvellously.



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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I've tried all sorts, various things like Kalms and bananas at bedtime but nothing works except the chocolate brownies my friend makes, then I go off, no trouble, and sleep marvellously.

Yes those 'chocolate brownies' are amazing aren't they, I'd take an infinite supply to my Desert Island (Disks) along with a guitar and life would be sweet.

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32 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I've always been a night owl, but it's getting ridiculous. I'm often still awake at 5.0am and if I do manage to get an early night I wake up again in the early hours of the morning and can't get back to sleep.

I've tried all sorts, various things like Kalms and bananas at bedtime but nothing works except the chocolate brownies my friend makes, then I go off, no trouble, and sleep marvellously.



I'm prescribed enough drugs to knock a horse out. Still awake most of the night. My GP says "no more" some guideline or something! Try going 3 nights without kip, then quote guidelines!! You feel like you've been on a 12 hour heavy boozing session...very odd feeling.


10 minutes ago, Thug Life said:

If I can't sleep I do exercise until I'm tired. Skipping or weights usually makes me tired enough to sleep.

I would try that, but with a dodgy heart, I'd probably be asleep permanently! (at least I'd be...sort of 'asleep')

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Blackout curtains help me along with changing the bed cover to a lower 7.5 tog. Not quite there yet for the 4.5 tog quilt. Reduce anything with caffeine to latest lunchtime.

Edited by Findlay
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