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46 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

But thats what trans activism has become hasnt it.........just name calling and hysterics by hard left lunatics who just hate the world and everyone in it

In my opinion, there is a difference between being trans or being a trans "ally" for want of a better term, than supporting what some trans radical activists stand for. Not every trans woman will support throwing baked beans at people and I dare say many trans women do not condone children witnessing sexualised drag acts. Those who shout the loudest are not necessarily the majority. I wish the media would make a distinction between certain activist movements and people in general.

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1 hour ago, Irene Swaine said:

I don't like the woman and I choose not to engage with any thing she writes or produces, but I don't think she should be sacked by her employer. If other people choose not to buy/watch a product made by a bigot, then that is their personal choice that they are free to make. That is different to getting hysterical and demanding she be sacked.

Someone said this recently:



... of course trans rights are human rights and of course trans lives matter...


... I stand alongside the brave women and men, gay, straight and trans, who’re standing up for freedom of speech and thought, and for the rights and safety of some of the most vulnerable in our society ...


Something Ms Swaine here would agree with, I'm sure.

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

... But thats what trans activism has become hasnt it.........just name calling and hysterics by hard left lunatics ...

I must admit, though,  that I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing Billy Bragg beclown himself yet again on Twitter today, straight-mansplaining lesbianism to lesbians. 

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9 hours ago, zach said:

You put on it that you thought it would get taken down. Why the response to it's removal?


I can't even remember what it was about, just that you knew it was going to get removed, which were the first words.


Oh, quick memory gain. It was about people of a certain colour, killing people of the same colour...with an imagined percentage rate of the actions.

Because the person reading it could work out for themselves it was a true statement but truth seems to be ignored here. Not an imagined percentage rate.

Edited by lazarus
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