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Councils. Is It The Same In Sheffield - Everywhere?

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6 minutes ago, Palomar said:

When I worked in the council the head of our obscure department earned more than a headteacher, could only type with one finger and openly admitted she just rang similar departments in other councils and asked them how they did it.

Not surprised it's often something like that.

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3 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Cressida was asking is it the same in Sheffield 

All councils use the same pay scales, I believe they work off a green/purple book. Used by all councils in England.




Edited by El Cid
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I think a council is very much about the  calibre of the people it has working in it.

The councillors in other words.

What you don't want is staid old jobsworths who think they know it all. Certainly experience can be important, but I'd much rather have someone with vision and practical ideas, and the dynamism to bring them to fruition. They also have to do a much better job of fighting Sheffield's corner, and promoting Sheffield to businesses and organisations who might want to set up shop here. (And they won't want to do that with the current campaign to discourage car use which has reduced footfall in the city centre and other hairbrained schemes.) 


We now have a very expensive Council, MP's, a mayor, a CEO of the city, a police commissioner and god knows what else, who are supposed to be working towards just that, but you wouldn't know it looking at the state the place is in... 

Other councils seem to be surging ahead of Sheffield. Why is that?

Edited by Anna B
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I don't know about surging ahead but does Sheffield compare satisfactorily with other councils,  i.e.  number of visitors,  once people are within the city boundaries it would be fine,  but from what I've noticed it's not as accessible as other cities.  Tourists bring money and Sheffield has plenty of events and places to stay.


Joke - if we ever needed a Fort Knox then Sheffield would be on the shortlist.



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