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Councils. Is It The Same In Sheffield - Everywhere?

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

Mostly middle management, supervisors, chargehands can take control, or even the workers themselves. It's not unknown for the workers to take over businesses and run them successfully. 


The NHS is a good example of overmanning in management at the expense of nurses etc. What was wrong with state registered, state enrolled nurse, ward sister and a matron model? Dedicated IT can take care of the admin side. 


We never needed these multiple layers of very expensive management, and it worked fine, some would say better than today.


Jobs for the boys springs to mind...

Matrons left the NHS in 1970 ish. Since then the NHS has seen a 10 fold increase in real terms spending, huge changes in the technology, treatment and complexity of care and the procurement and delivery of that care, a big increase in the proportion of old people, hugely increased litigation, and you think a model from 50 years ago is still the solution. I think you must have two pairs of rose tinted glasses on.


As for the workers taking over businesses, any examples of that in large businesses?

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43 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

The thread is about councils and discussing the massive salaries of those at the top.

The people under discussion don't do any of these things.

It was the good old ordinary workers who kept the country going.

The pen pushers can be replaced any time at all


Completely correct.

What a load of uninformed rubbish. Who do you think runs the administrative processes which pay those "good old ordinary workers".

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24 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

What a load of uninformed rubbish. Who do you think runs the administrative processes which pay those "good old ordinary workers".

Not the town hall bosses we are discussing and certainly not you or the system would have stopped.

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6 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

Why can't public sector salaries be compared to private? Is the job any different? Do public sector workers go to cheaper shops than the rest of us? Or is it because they are public 'servants' and should be paid less for the privilege of serving a population, most of which wouldn't know what hit them if faced with such a job.


Rotherham Council budget is 260 million to provide a very wide spectrum of services, a huge sum for most private organisations with much narower remits, with CEOs earning well into 6 figures.

I think part of the problem is that in the UK, executive pay is generally out of control and is disproportionate to the returns on it. Given that public bodies are to some extent competing with the private sector in trying to recruit people with executive experience and (in some cases) actual talent, they also end up paying excessive salaries. Bring executive pay down across the board (no pun intended), not just in the public sector.

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