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Where in Sheffield was Peter Sutcliffe arrested?

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I knew Bob Ring, one of the policemen who caught the Ripper. He used to be a messenger in the Civil Service after he left the police force. Sadly he died about twelve years ago.



I was working at Parson Cross Library at the time Sutcliffe was caught & Bob's mum Minnie was one of our regular readers, can vividly remember her telling us about the part Bob played in his arrest. The relief when we knew he was no longer at large .............

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At the time, I lived about 200 yards from Melbourne Avenue, in a flat above the Chocolate Soldier shop on Glossop Road.


I had a habit of walking the dog around 10 - 10.30 at night around the area!!


My mother freaked out ever so slightly when she heard the news the next day!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW, I to am amazed that I had lessons in the annexe and never realised the significance of the address .......... I thought he'd been caught a little closer to the city centre on the backwacks off West Street ......... all I can say is ya live and learn.



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