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Where in Sheffield was Peter Sutcliffe arrested?

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Ok, I'll put the story straight. Boy Friday has got it spot on. It was on the driveway of a place called Light Trades House, 3 Melbourne Avenue, Sheffield S10 2QJ! I know because I worked there at the time! We were off work because it was Christmas/New Year. As you go into the drive to the right there is a little place for 2 cars to park. This is where the Ripper had parked so when the bobbies drove along from the Southbourne Road entrance they could see the car. Yes they did check the number plate out and found it to be on false plates. The bobbies spoke to the Ripper who was sat in the drivers seat with the girl sat in the passenger seat. They knew the car was on false plates so went to have a chat with Ripper knowing this. Ripper said he needed a pee so went up the drive and on the left hand side was an oil tanker. This is where the Ripper threw his tools which he had hidden inside his coat! PHEW wasn't she a lucky girl! They transported the Ripper to Hammerton Road where he again asked to go to the loo where he hid something in the cistern of the toilet (can't remember what it was). The bobbies found it after becoming suspicious and then decided to go back to Melbourne Avenue where they found the hammer etc. The rest, as they say, is history.


It was an absolute nightmare when we went back to work on 5th January. The press were swarming all over the place from ALL OVER THE WORLD! They kept tormenting us to have photographs taken in front of the oil tanker etc. We didn't want to go out at dinner because we were getting hassled all the time. We were told by our boss, in no uncertain terms, not to speak to the press/have any photographs taken. One of the girls did have her photo taken and I often wonder what became of her photo! When we left at the end of the day we all waited for each other to walk out together and totally ignore the press etc. It was a nightmare but it was also such a relief he had been caught. Never in a million years would you have thought he would be caught on your own doorstep!


Eventually it all died down and the oil tanker was eventually removed so it isn't there today

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