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Woman Self Aborts Baby At 33 Weeks

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31 minutes ago, Hanzo said:

It's her body let her do what she wants. Maybe people should worry about their own bodies instead of those whom they do not control.

Err, no.

That child was murdered, pure and simple.


25 minutes ago, cressida said:

I'm not interested in other women's bodies,  only my own,  of course she can do what she likes with her own body.

The argument about her body is a smoke screen, that child would have lived, she killed it.


19 minutes ago, Hanzo said:

It's her body, she can bring it into this world or deny the entry. It's her right, no one else's.

No it is not.

That baby would have lived so its life is just as important hers.

I have to say I have debated abortion may times but your attitude (that killing off a baby which would almost certainly have lived and been perfectly healthy is fine) is just about the most extreme I have ever heard.

Edited by Chekhov
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8 minutes ago, *Wallace* said:

Who knows where this woman’s head was at the time I won’t make a judgment on her one way or the other.

As it happens the BBC story reports she made many internet searches on this researching it thoroughly, then lied to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.

But, to some extent, that is all irrelevant anyway because ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law.


I have no sympathy for her at all, though the BPAS with its "pills by post scheme" (yet another a malign side effect of the pandemic madness) should be in the dock as well. Arguably the government which stopped many norms of life during the Covid over reaction should be as well.

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    The Law was broken and a custodial sentence applied.

    The judge said that if she had pled guilty she would not have gone to jail.

    To those who would apply their moral/religious bias without knowing what the judge and jury knew of why this mother of three did what she did- stop pontificating.

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11 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

The Law was broken and a custodial sentence applied.

The judge said that if she had pled guilty she would not have gone to jail.

To those who would apply their moral/religious bias without knowing what the judge and jury knew of why this mother of three did what she did- stop pontificating.

Why not ?

It's quite simple, that baby would have lived almost certainly.

She killed it.

There are tens of thousands of couples who cannot have kids who would have LOVED to adopt it, she did not even have to bring it up if she did not want to.

It's obscene......

We shut down society for up to two year to save lives, why is that baby's life so worthless that "if she'd have pleaded guilty to its murder she would not even have gone to jail" ?

Edited by Chekhov
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28 minutes ago, *Wallace* said:

Who knows where this woman’s head was at the time I won’t make a judgment on her one way or the other.

I agree with this.

The judge recognised this in his summation, commenting on the woman's mental health.

I really don't have the inclination to condemn this woman given that I've never met her, and don't know all the details. Given that this case is about person in obvious distress, I haven't the stomach to use it political point which involves jumping on a high horse and condemning her.

EDIT: I think using this case to indulge someone's hobby horse about lockdown is really tasteless.

Edited by Mister M
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