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Woman Self Aborts Baby At 33 Weeks

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53 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You what !

You supported suppressing the whole of society for months on end to save lives, lives of people who, on average had about 5 years to live and most were capable of reducing their own risk of that early demise.

Why do you just dismiss so lightly the death (I would call it murder) of a child with - on average - about 85 years to live who had no power at all over his or her early demise ? 

    For the third time please supply any evidence that you have where I "...supported suppressing the whole of society for months on end to save lives, lives of people who, on average had about 5 years to live and most were capable of reducing their own risk of that early demise."

    Abortion is legal in the Britain and has been for nearly 60 years. The issues have been discussed, argued over, laws modified and changed accordingly. 

    85% of the population think that women should have the right to an abortion, a figure that has remained pretty constant.

    6% think that women should not have the right to an abortion.

    Does a minority of 6% have the right to suppress the will of the people?



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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

Poor baby,

poor mother.

I have no idea what would drive a woman to do something so desperate and wrong. 


There must be a lot more to this story, which is why it must go to court to be properly investigated.

Or... she was a selfish woman who killed her unborn child to hide her own infidelity and avoid embarassment.


As i said, she seemed totally in sound mind and calculated the outcome to try and save her skin

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13 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Err, no.

That child was murdered, pure and simple.


The argument about her body is a smoke screen, that child would have lived, she killed it.


No it is not.

That baby would have lived so its life is just as important hers.

I have to say I have debated abortion may times but your attitude (that killing off a baby which would almost certainly have lived and been perfectly healthy is fine) is just about the most extreme I have ever heard.

Agree entirely Chekhov.

The actions of this woman show the total selfishness and lack of empathy, which sadly, is all too evident in the world today.




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Guest ThaBoom
22 hours ago, Hanzo said:

It's her body let her do what she wants. Maybe people should worry about their own bodies instead of those whom they do not control.

It's not her life though🙄

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I was driving into work this morning and had one of those involuntarily screaming at the radio moments...


Julia Hartley Brewerw who is in favour of abortion (within reason) was interviewing some woman from a pro abortion group. The woman was repeatedly stating that abortion "is just a medical procedure" and the law should never be involved.


Hartley Brewer then asked if, when she was pregnant, she'd got to 8 months (when her baby was actually kicking in her womb) and decided she didn't want to any more should she have been able to have a legal abortion ?

The woman kept evading the question but eventually said "yes".....


Then Hartley Brewer asked her what about 5 minutes before I go into labour ? Should I be entitled to a legal abortion at that point.

Incredibly the pro abortion activist said "yes".


Unbelievable, but true. 


19 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    For the third time please supply any evidence that you have where I "...supported suppressing the whole of society for months on end to save lives, lives of people who, on average had about 5 years to live and most were capable of reducing their own risk of that early demise."

You regularly argue with me on the Covid thread.

That said, if I have got your position wrong and you actually agree with me that the suppression of society was a disproportionate and draconian over reaction I am happy to retract that statement.

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19 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Abortion is legal in the Britain and has been for nearly 60 years. The issues have been discussed, argued over, laws modified and changed accordingly. 

    85% of the population think that women should have the right to an abortion, a figure that has remained pretty constant.

    6% think that women should not have the right to an abortion.

    Does a minority of 6% have the right to suppress the will of the people

I have to say your point is just  a smoke screen. We are talking about someone who had abortion at between 32 and 34 weeks. The stats for that are that 98% of babies survive

I have not spoken to anyone who thinks a woman should be able to have an abortion of a baby that, if born at that momen, could live on its own.

I do not deny there are a few extremists who think women should have that right (see above) but not many.

Interestingly I would also bet that nearly all of them were in favour of suppressing society for Covid (which 99% of people were surviving...) "because all life is precious".

Soddin' hypocrites.


16 hours ago, dan_999uk said:

Meanwhile, the hypocritical regressive authoritarian Right (usually more than happy to restrict our lives and ban stuff "to keep us safe") say :

Senior Tory MP seeks abortion law rethink after mother jailed

I think you have got the wrong and of the stick with that one.

Nokes was referring to the law that technically the woman who aborted her baby at 33 weeks could have been sentenced to life in prison.

I think she should have gone to prison, but even I do not think it should have been for life. 

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15 hours ago, cressida said:

I wonder,  with only a few weeks to go if she had considered letting the father or grandparents bring up the child.

Even if they did not want to I guarantee there are literally tens of thousands of childless couples who would bite her arm off to adopt it.

But, AFAIK, she wanted to keep the pregnancy secret because she wanted to get back with her ex ?

The whole thing is incredibly sad, selfish and unnecessary.

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