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What Is One Profession That You Have Absolutely Zero Respect For?

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I think the real contention amongst people is the amount of money that certain trades can and do command. But isn't that supply and demand the reason.

For example if a very large percentage of the population became undertakers would the £££ thousands that funerals cost come down?

Shouldn't the contention against any trade or profession be directed at the disonest individuals ?

 The garage mechanics telling the naive customer that their car needs lots of work, that is totally unnecessary.

Or the solicitor firm that duped Doncaster miners for example.

If we look for long enough we would see examples of many other examples of  disonesty in most  trades and professions.

I think the word is Greed.

Edited by Janus
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1 hour ago, lovelace said:

Disc Jockeys.       Bunch of egotistical, usually ugly,  boring losers.      What are they FOR ?       Still I'm sure they're good to their Mothers.

never had a dance on a night out at a club or at a party then? you must be fun to go out with

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3 hours ago, Delbow said:

Those cases are done on legal aid, Irwin Mitchell do some of them. You should know that since you like to infer that you are a lawyer.

No. Very few of them will meet the threshold for legal aid which certainly does not apply to general welfare benefits advice and is usually only applicable to cases going through the higher appeals tribunal.  


Many firms dealing with such cases do so by 'no win no fee agreements' or they are simply  submitted by the claimant directly as a litigant in person.  


In fact, for your information, Irwin Mitchell isn't even registered on the Legal Aid Agency panel to offer legal aid for welfare benefits.   There's only two organisations in Sheffield that do that, and one of them is a citizens advice bureau.   As for the rest of the country there are only 37 registered organisations authorised to give legal aid to welfare benefits -  so it really isn't this commonplace wide ranging scenario as you make out.


I do know that because I am a lawyer so have a bit more insight.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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37 minutes ago, trastrick said:



And the "journalists" who dutifully print the irrelevant nonsense, a close second!


I mean, how much of Jennifer Aniston's thoughts on her latest dating experience does one need?

Also I’ve noticed in my daily newspaper photos of celebrities coming out of restaurants and nightclubs and even sunbathing. How come a photographer just happens to be there at the exact time ? 

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Just now, pattricia said:

Also I’ve noticed in my daily newspaper photos of celebrities coming out of restaurants and nightclubs and even sunbathing. How come a photographer just happens to be there at the exact time ? 

Truth is, a lot of folks live lives of quiet desperation.


They need to live vicariously through others, and they gain a little comfort out of the problems of the rich and famous.


(And some post anonymously outrageous insults, that they would never have the gonads to repeat, in real life!)


Human nature!  :)

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1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

No. Very few of them will meet the threshold for legal aid which certainly does not apply to general welfare benefits advice and is usually only applicable to cases going through the higher appeals tribunal.  


Many firms dealing with such cases do so by 'no win no fee agreements' or they are simply  submitted by the claimant directly as a litigant in person.  


In fact, for your information, Irwin Mitchell isn't even registered on the Legal Aid Agency panel to offer legal aid for welfare benefits.   There's only two organisations in Sheffield that do that, and one of them is a citizens advice bureau.   As for the rest of the country there are only 37 registered organisations authorised to give legal aid to welfare benefits -  so it really isn't this commonplace wide ranging scenario as you make out.


I do know that because I am a lawyer so have a bit more insight.


Fair enough, I hold my hands up.

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On 14/06/2023 at 09:45, ECCOnoob said:

You do realise that most of the biggest firms in the prestigious offices have sod all to do with personal injury compensation claims. If they do, they are usually acting on the defendant side so their job is too dismiss and discredit such claims.  


To my knowledge two of the biggest firms in our city do some work acting for government departments and therefore part of their job is trying to dismiss actions and save money for the public purse.


If you want to find those leaching TV ambulance chasers, as you call them, nowadays they are very often small practices getting into bed with claim management companies based in out off town office parks or some ramshackle High Street shop unit. 


As for those  footballers wives and film stars, do not think that famous people are entitled to the same justice and access to defend their position like anybody else.  If Joe Bloggs is having some dispute and goes into his local solicitors to pay them to write a cease and desist letter - how is that any different to  major celebrity or high profile company in dispute with say, a publisher, paying a large corporate law firm to do just the same thing only bigger scale?  Whichever lawyers are involved the principles are still the same.  


Everyone always seems to hate lawyers except that inevitable day when they suddenly need one themselves

Mine gave my house away . plus mi Nielson record collection , the Twaaattt 

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On 14/06/2023 at 12:43, crookesey said:

Yes, well said. Estate Agents are detested when some folk are buying, however a far different story when they obtain a far greater selling price than thought possible. Plastic surgeons charging the rich fortunes to improve their looks, against the same guys when they’re putting your face right following an accident.


Horses for courses comes to mind.

Perhaps these property speculators have a lot to answer for when it comes to folk who cannot dream of owning a home or even getting a council house , as to private land lords they do not care just how much the rental market goes through the roof they just laugh all the way to the bank or sell up when the property prices go up and up and up .

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