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39 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Well there's certainly something very wrong with these psychopaths.

Are they born that way, or made that way? 

What are the triggers? 

Why is it usually a male thing?


I hope there's some serious research going on into this...

We need some answers to be able to prevent it.

It's really very simple, Anna!


The radical Left have gotten a firm grip on the  of the institutions of power and influence. 


Politics,  media, culture, colleges, schools,  where people are taught from an early age that society is corrupt, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and you are it's victims.


If you are not a victim, you are are taught to to hate your "privileged " position, skin color, which is responsible for perpetuating the inequality. 


It's the ongoing  rage against each other and society that keeps the Left in business, and provides the justification and excuses for anti-social and criminal behaviour.


It could end overnight, with good leadership.


But the Left are committed to destroying anybody who would change this new status quo!


In a democracy the people get the government they deserve.


No more, no less!


Where I live in a happy, multiracial, society of mutual respect we have none of that nonsense!



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

It's really very simple, Anna!


The radical Left have gotten a firm grip on the  of the institutions of power and influence. 


Politics,  media, culture, colleges, schools,  where people are taught from an early age that society is corrupt, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and you are it's victims.


If you are not a victim, you are are taught to to hate your "privileged " position, skin color, which is responsible for perpetuating the inequality. 


It's the ongoing  rage against each other and society that keeps the Left in business, and provides the justification and excuses for anti-social and criminal behaviour.


It could end overnight, with good leadership.


But the Left are committed to destroying anybody who would change this new status quo!


In a democracy the people get the government they deserve.


No more, no less!


Where I live in a happy, multiracial, society of mutual respect we have none of that nonsense!




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21 hours ago, Anna B said:

Well there's certainly something very wrong with these psychopaths.

Are they born that way, or made that way? 

What are the triggers? 

Why is it usually a male thing?


I hope there's some serious research going on into this...

We need some answers to be able to prevent it.


No need to do any research, It's obvious!


These contraptions are being used everywhere (not by me) I used to count people using mobiles, not anymore, I now count people not using em...

Their a ruddy menace, I'm convinced this is the reason the Worlds going mad...

They addle peoples brains..

Look at the facts, when did mobiles come into existence? I'm guessing late 70s, this is about the time when people started to go haywire..

Slowly, but surely, people are being turned into zombies.

Whenever I'm trying to talk some sense into my daughter, her phone will ring, I'm immediately cut off, and the phone takes over.

Their causing people to get confused, sometimes violent.

Some don't even know what sex they are.

In the 50s-60s life was much better, people had sense, our politicians were much better.

Not any more, the new generation of politicians are not exempt from Mobile fever, all government's are now being run by corrupt official's who have no idea what common sense is...

Shooting's, stabbing's, killing's, murder's, are now common place in society..



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Phone:  Can't hear it, can't find it, can't fish it out of handbag in time to answer it. Forget to charge it. Too many 'platforms' to receive/find messages. Too many emails. Unknown numbers I don't trust. etc etc.... Can't find numbers to phone on websites... 'Press 1, press 2, press 3...' 'Your call is important to us.... ' 'We're experiencing A high number of calls...' 'You can contact us on www....'  'Please phone back later...' 'The number you have dialled is no longer in use...' Phone music while on hold... Recorded messages.... Brian from Bangladesh... Robot voices.... answer phones.. Phone ringing while driving.... Pings for no reason.... Scam callers.... etc ..etc..etc..  


Internet:  Don't get me started....

Edited by Anna B
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36 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Phone:  Can't hear it, can't find it, can't fish it out of handbag in time to answer it. Forget to charge it. Too many 'platforms' to receive/find messages. Too many emails. Unknown numbers I don't trust. etc etc.... Can't find numbers to phone on websites... 'Press 1, press 2, press 3...' 'Your call is important to us.... ' 'We're experiencing A high number of calls...' 'You can contact us on www....' Brian from Bangladesh... 'Please phone back later...' 'The number you have dialled is no longer in use...' Phone music while on hold... Recorded messages.... Robot voices.... answer phones.. Phone ringing while driving.... Pings for no reason.... Scam callers.... etc ..etc..etc..  


Internet:  Don't get me started....

Human ingenuity, Anna!


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A piece of plastic, the size of a chocolate bar!


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