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Is Society In Decline?

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Yes, I think society is in decline. Of course I do.

Every generation thinks the generation before them, was better than the generation to come after them. It's always been so and probably always will be. 


I remember my Grandparents parents being appalled by Teddy Boys and all that went with it.

My parents were appalled by Hippies, and moral decline.

I was appalled by punk, and anarchic vandalism.

My kids are appalled by the snowflake generation and the eternally offended.


And so it goes on, but somehow we adapt and survive...


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10 hours ago, Baron99 said:

And all the soap powder / washing capsules adverts telling peope to keep them out of reach of their children / not to. feed them to their children. ...


Difference there is keeping harmful whatnots away from young kids who might think that the pretty thing is as tasty as it looks, vs idiot older kids who actively seek them out and eat them because TikTok tells them to. 

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10 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Society is definately in decline and this  is how to change it,    for starters bring back National Service ( conscription ) and get rid of  these so called begging Tw--t scammers that we are a plagued with,  ( the  lazy, no pride, indivisuals)   and while we are at it, toughen up Prison sentences,  Life sentences  should mean  Life,  and before anybody starts!  Yes!  The Thatcher Goverment caused all the CRAP we have today.  :rant:  P.S, DADDY,    very Sorry for ranting on your thread, but I am sick and tired and fed up of  spoilt little Sh--s  thinking they are owed a living.

I agree with ever word mate and you certainly don't need to apologise for talking sense.  That's what we need more of in this world.

We will never bring back National Service in the forces, although it would be a very good move,

because our brilliant government claims that, it can't afford to pay all those people, that we managed to pay through the last hundred years.

Despite this,  they claim to be a great success, and very good with our money,  but still can't afford half the things we used to afford,  and have to keep cutting council's money back.



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6 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Society is definitely becoming more selfish and entitled.


Social media has made monsters out of many and it will continue to get worse until certain platforms are banned.

Plenty of monsters around way before social media...

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11 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Society is definately in decline and this  is how to change it,    for starters bring back National Service ( conscription ) and get rid of  these so called begging Tw--t scammers that we are a plagued with,  ( the  lazy, no pride, indivisuals)   and while we are at it, toughen up Prison sentences,  Life sentences  should mean  Life,  and before anybody starts!  Yes!  The Thatcher Goverment caused all the CRAP we have today.  :rant:  P.S, DADDY,    very Sorry for ranting on your thread, but I am sick and tired and fed up of  spoilt little Sh--s  thinking they are owed a living.

👍A rare rant that actually offers solutions!


(But the decline started long before Thatcher, and continued after Thatcher)

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42 minutes ago, trastrick said:

👍A rare rant that actually offers solutions!


(But the decline started long before Thatcher, and continued after Thatcher)

I would put 90% of the blame on Thatcher,  the 50s, 60s, and 70s  till 79 were good times and affordable times, the vast majority of adults in  the country were employed,   chavs virtually non existant,  some old tramps knocking about and not like todays army  of plastic beggers who the majority are capable to work. I definately put the main start of the  decline down to her.

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32 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

I would put 90% of the blame on Thatcher,  the 50s, 60s, and 70s  till 79 were good times and affordable times, the vast majority of adults in  the country were employed,   chavs virtually non existant,  some old tramps knocking about and not like todays army  of plastic beggers who the majority are capable to work. I definately put the main start of the  decline down to her.

My God, you've really gone down the nostalgia delusion today.


Were there really such a good time for all?   


Plenty of reports and diaries and journalism and film about the harsh realities of living in those so-called wonderful 60s and 70s. Seeing the 'poverty' just as rampant then as it is now. There were still plenty of low life and chavs and hooligans around back then. They were just called different things. There was plenty of misogyny and sexism and racism and homophobia and abuse.  Plenty of corrupt institutions, crooked MPs and sheer negligent  public authorities causing all sorts of scandals, menu which have only become apparent decades later.  There were still periods of rampant inflation and people struggling to pay or get food on the table which has been well documented even to the point where it become part of sitcom plots from the back then....


We can all look on our pasts with warm fuzzy fondness and happy memories. The human brain tends to block out the nasty stuff.   But don't ever pretend it wasn't there and it was some wonderful utopia. It's nonsense.  

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