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Is Society In Decline?

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12 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

My God, you've really gone down the nostalgia delusion today.


Were there really such a good time for all?   


Plenty of reports and diaries and journalism and film about the harsh realities of living in those so-called wonderful 60s and 70s. Seeing the 'poverty' just as rampant then as it is now. There were still plenty of low life and chavs and hooligans around back then. They were just called different things. There was plenty of misogyny and sexism and racism and homophobia and abuse.  Plenty of corrupt institutions, crooked MPs and sheer negligent  public authorities causing all sorts of scandals, menu which have only become apparent decades later.  There were still periods of rampant inflation and people struggling to pay or get food on the table which has been well documented even to the point where it become part of sitcom plots from the back then....


We can all look on our pasts with warm fuzzy fondness and happy memories. The human brain tends to block out the nasty stuff.   But don't ever pretend it wasn't there and it was some wonderful utopia. It's nonsense.  

Every time someone mentions they had good times or enjoyed TV shows from yesteryear, your straight there with your yada yada war and piece length crap post, your just jealous because you havn't lived through some of the great years,  you carry on enjoying todays  Britain with kids stabbing and killing each other every day and not being able to walk through town without some  scrounging tw-- pestering.  Do one,  you flippin nutter.  :rant:

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44 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Every time someone mentions they had good times or enjoyed TV shows from yesteryear, your straight there with your yada yada war and piece length crap post, your just jealous because you havn't lived through some of the great years,  you carry on enjoying todays  Britain with kids stabbing and killing each other every day and not being able to walk through town without some  scrounging tw-- pestering.  Do one,  you flippin nutter.  :rant:

Hang on a minute - for the last couple of years all we've been told is British history is one of oppression/racism/sexism/misogyny with statues being ripped down and street names changed to stop people being offended. And as soon as you say 'yes, but it wasn't all bad' you are called all the names under the sun.


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21 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Aye I am proper jealous I didnt live through rationing, smallpox and outside toilets. Seething, in fact.

Yeh!  Instead we just have Covid, an  extortonate cost of living,  high energy bills, a city full of scamming scrounging beggers and OAP's affraid to go out at nights, and  as I mentione previously, kids stabbing each other, strikes galore, yes we are really living the dream.  :roll:

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1 minute ago, PRESLEY said:

Yeh!  Instead we just have Covid, an  extortonate cost of living,  high energy bills, a city full of scamming scrounging beggers and OAP's affraid to go out at nights, and  as I mentione previously, kids stabbing each other, strikes galore, yes we are really living the dream.  :roll:

So are we saying some things back then were rubbish, and some things now are rubbish?


In which case we absolutely agree with each other!

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9 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

So are we saying some things back then were rubbish, and some things now are rubbish?


In which case we absolutely agree with each other!

 Theres nowt wrong with outside toilets, man up,  anyhow You mention just three things compared with my list and  there is loads more but I can't be arsed,  anyhow I'm on about the mid fifties to 1979, so you  can go back to the stone age and rape and pillage in the Viking days  if you like.  Bye bye. :wave:

Edited by PRESLEY
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Just now, PRESLEY said:

You mention just three things compared with my list and  there is loads more but I can't be arsed,  anyhow I'm on about the mid fifties to 1979, so you  can go back to the stone age and rape and pillage in the Viking days  if you like.  Bye bye. :wave:

I am sure Ecconoob could mention loads of things that were crap in that time period. From hearing stories of how my mother was brought up in a single income household in the 50s and 60s with four other siblings, it didnt sound nice whatsoever.


Bye bye? Where you off to?

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1 hour ago, PRESLEY said:

Every time someone mentions they had good times or enjoyed TV shows from yesteryear, your straight there with your yada yada war and piece length crap post, your just jealous because you havn't lived through some of the great years,  you carry on enjoying todays  Britain with kids stabbing and killing each other every day and not being able to walk through town without some  scrounging tw-- pestering.  Do one,  you flippin nutter.  :rant:

Let yourself down there Presley, no need for that, especially to a very good poster, regardless of whether you agree or not.

Edited by Al Bundy
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20 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Let yourself down there Presley, no need for that, especially to a very good poster, regardless of whether you agree or not.

He's been listening to "Flapper" a lot lately..............

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38 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Let yourself down there Presley, no need for that, especially to a very good poster, regardless of whether you agree or not.

I'm not a big fan of Presley, and I'm sure it's mutual


But he had his rant in a polite, respectful post, and proposed a few solutions.


Then the critics come out with fangs bared, "delusion", "fuzzy fondness", " brain tends to block out the nasty stuff", " don't ever pretend",  and "nonsense".


And, of course not one constructive comment on the topic!


Critics! Dime a dozen.


Surprised at you Daddy!  :)

Edited by trastrick
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