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Is Society In Decline?

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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I'm not a big fan of Presley, and I'm sure it's mutual


But he had his rant in a polite, respectful post, and proposed a few solutions.


Then the critics come out with fangs bared, "delusion", "fuzzy fondness", " brain tends to block out the nasty stuff", " don't ever pretend",  and "nonsense".


And, of course not one constructive comment on the topic!


Critics! Dime a dozen.


Surprised at you Daddy!  :)

I'm a great believer in people getting stuff off their chest. A good old fashioned rant is good for the soul

I may not always agree with said rant, I may agree with some of it but to me a rant can be a very good thing.

I mean, plenty of here have ranted at me for one reason or another and yet I'll still converse with them on other topics as I try not to take things too personal.




I'm not always successful mind but I do try 😁

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Let yourself down there Presley, no need for that, especially to a very good poster, regardless of whether you agree or not.

A lot on here will disagree with you  because he thinks he is a know it all like you.  Arrivederci.  :wave:

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7 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Every time someone mentions they had good times or enjoyed TV shows from yesteryear, your straight there with your yada yada war and piece length crap post, your just jealous because you havn't lived through some of the great years,  you carry on enjoying todays  Britain with kids stabbing and killing each other every day and not being able to walk through town without some  scrounging tw-- pestering.  Do one,  you flippin nutter.  :rant:

Oh dear, all that tantrum because you're being challenged on a debating forum.


I'll call your post delusional because it was. 


You were the one making up your anti-thatcher rant nonsensical statistics. You were the one trying to portray that before Thatcher's reign there were no untuly teenagers or not a single dodgy street at night or no antisocial behaviour or no lazy feckless unemployed...which  is a complete load of bull.


I am not saying it was all bad, but at the same time I am not going to let you get away with painting some picture of utopia as if it was all wonderful. It wasn't. I lived through part of it so I'm not completely clueless and have an entire family who are born and raised in it so I'm more than aware what the reality was.


For some, the 50s 60s and '70s was bloody hard.  Not everything was that affordable and there are plenty of ups and downs in the economy then. It was especially hard for women who were struggling to get away from the kitchen sink and god forbid if they dared to want to advance their careers facing armies of men trampling them down, blocking, jeopardising and generally creating a nuisance to put them back in their place. There wasn't even an equal pay until the later 70s.


That's all before, we get into the boisterous climate within our public bodies with some horrendous working conditions before the introducing of improved working regulations, tighter controls, new safety acts....


Certainly wasn't so pleasant for anyone of a minority, homosexual or disability who regularly faced attacks and prejudice discrimination until the new laws thankfullying enlightened society a bit more.  Others were simply thrown to the mercy of public institutions, locked away and left to rot in so called 'special schools' or 'care centres'.  Thankfully things have moved on a bit since then.


Yes of course, some of those issues still exists today. Maybe worse. Maybe better but lets not pretend it didn't exist back then either.


Now, do you want to try debating like an adult or are you just going to plough on behaving like a petulant child.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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5 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Oh dear, all that tantrum because you're being challenged on a debating forum.


I'll call your post delusional because it was. 


You were the one making up your anti-thatcher rant nonsensical statistics. You were the one trying to portray that before Thatcher's reign there were no untuly teenagers or not a single dodgy street at night or no antisocial behaviour or no lazy feckless unemployed...which  is a complete load of bull.


I am not saying it was all bad, but at the same time I am not going to let you get away with painting some picture of utopia as if it was all wonderful. It wasn't. I lived through part of it so I'm not completely clueless and have an entire family who are born and raised in it so I'm more than aware what the reality was.


For some, the 50s 60s and '70s was bloody hard.  Not everything was that affordable and there are plenty of ups and downs in the economy then. It was especially hard for women who were struggling to get away from the kitchen sink and god forbid if they dared to want to advance their careers facing armies of men trampling them down, blocking, jeopardising and generally creating a nuisance to put them back in their place. There wasn't even an equal pay until the later 70s.


That's all before, we get into the boisterous climate within our public bodies with some horrendous working conditions before the introducing of improved working regulations, try to controls, new safety acts.   


Certainly wasn't so pleasant for anyone of a minority who regularly faced  attacks and prejudice discrimination until the new laws thankfullying enlightened society a bit more.,


Yes of course, some of that still exists today. Maybe worse. Maybe better but lets not pretend it didn't exist back then either.


Now, do you want to try debating like an adult or are you just going to plough on behaving like a petulant child.

No one can debate with a petulant know it all or thinks they know it all.  Im not the first to tell you this and I won't be the last. 

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11 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

No one can debate with a petulant know it all or thinks they know it all.  Im not the first to tell you this and I won't be the last. 

Ideally, rational adults don't engage in profanity or personal insults.


Only children, or frustrated debaters resort to that nonsense! :)


But we take them all in stride!


Human nature.


Have a nice day, y'all!  :)


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4 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

A lot on here will disagree with you  because he thinks he is a know it all like you.  Arrivederci.  :wave:

Right there mate  -  I for one.

Just ignore it as everybody on here has been called worse than that and you don't have to be deferential to anyone because "he's a good poster"

A man, a woman or a child could walk in the streets in Heeley during the 40's and 50's at any time of day or night in perfect safety.

May not have been Utopia but it as a big improvement on today.

People may not be viewing from the same angle anyway.  Tiles on walls and being indoors may be an improvement for toilets but the old outside bogs never did me or my family any harm.

As for smallpox,  I never met anyone in my life who had that.  Easy to live without central heating too  -  just not as convenient.  Soft lot nowadays.


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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Right there mate  -  I for one.

Just ignore it as everybody on here has been called worse than that and you don't have to be deferential to anyone because "he's a good poster"

A man, a woman or a child could walk in the streets in Heeley during the 40's and 50's at any time of day or night in perfect safety.

May not have been Utopia but it as a big improvement on today.

People may not be viewing from the same angle anyway.  Tiles on walls and being indoors may be an improvement for toilets but the old outside bogs never did me or my family any harm.

As for smallpox,  I never met anyone in my life who had that.  Easy to live without central heating too  -  just not as convenient.  Soft lot nowadays.


My bold

I wish I could say the same. Where I first lived we had an outside toilet. When I was about 4 I went to it and didn't notice some pillock had thrown a grass bottle onto out yard.

Lots of pain, blood and tears later I was ecstatic to be moved to a house on Herdings where we hand an indoor one.

Absoloute luxury. 

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

I wish I could say the same. Where I first lived we had an outside toilet. When I was about 4 I went to it and didn't notice some pillock had thrown a grass bottle onto out yard.

Lots of pain, blood and tears later I was ecstatic to be moved to a house on Herdings where we hand an indoor one.

Absoloute luxury. 

Can be a bit sharp grass Daddy :hihi:

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2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

I wish I could say the same. Where I first lived we had an outside toilet. When I was about 4 I went to it and didn't notice some pillock had thrown a grass bottle onto out yard.

Lots of pain, blood and tears later I was ecstatic to be moved to a house on Herdings where we hand an indoor one.

Absoloute luxury. 

You should have put your clogs on you wazzock.

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