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Ireland Proposes Culling 200,000 Cows To Help Meet Climate Goals,

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23 minutes ago, fools said:

how many words do we have to swap to make it make sense

None at all if you've got a brain.   If it's too hard for you,  just break it up

Edited by Organgrinder
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2 minutes ago, fools said:

was wondering when you'd turn up, bit late tonight, dogs crap a little runny?

That's not a very pleasant greeting for another honourable member of our forum.

Even the Tories and Labour manage better than that to each other, 

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8 minutes ago, fools said:

was wondering when you'd turn up, bit late tonight, dogs crap a little runny?

I don’t know. 

Is it?


Or are you talking in code again?

1 minute ago, Prettytom said:


Edited by Prettytom
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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Exactly     -     who consider this far right Tory government to have moved to the left and left them alone  - 

out on the right,  nearer to the right wingers of Europe in the 1930's.


Is that easier for your poor head ?     or   perhaps you don't know about the extreme right wingers of Europe in the 1930's



So you're calling me a Nazi? 


Surely you're old enough to know who the Nazis really were


When you throw that word around like a silly little child you disrespect the memories of the millions of brave people who fought them and the millions who were sent to the camps by the Nazis 


Shane on you 

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4 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

So you're calling me a Nazi? 


Surely you're old enough to know who the Nazis really were


When you throw that word around like a silly little child you disrespect the memories of the millions of brave people who fought them and the millions who were sent to the camps by the Nazis 


Shane on you 

Our government are the most right wing government we have had in my lifetime.

You actually claim that they are LEFT wing so you are on the RIGHT of our government.

To get any further right than them, is to be a fascist,  and that's where your little pigeonhole puts you .

I,  like most people,   disrespect the Nazi's  and please explain ( with your peculiar use of the English language ) why that would be disrespecting the poor people they killed.

As I said,  you are like Boris and make everything up as you go along.

I never called you a Nazi  ( that's what YOU said ),  I have said that your leanings are to Fascism. 

LOOK UP THE DEFINITION OF FASCISM AND TELL ME WHERE IT DIFFERS FROM YOUR BELIEFS.     -      bearing in mind all the statements you have made on here.

The shame is yours,  as you are the one who lives with these beliefs.



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