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5 hours ago, bassett one said:

yes water from the clouds is always better than from a tap for the garden,needed badly,but some big noises for sure

Lightning twice then I fell asleep,  sexy storms energising for you  Bassett😄




Edited by cressida
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1 hour ago, Pyrotequila said:

It was impressive.
I sleep with ear plugs in and it still woke me up at 4am 😮


Hopefully more later, they're getting some good ones in France right now and it looks like it's slowly heading our way; https://www.lightningmaps.org/

Takes me back to the late '50s when my family were camping overnight just outside Paris whilst returning from Spain.

Lightning struck a massive tree on the edge of the field we were in, splitting it straight down the middle. It was about 100 metres (or yards in real money!) away and scared us all 'to death' as they say. It has to be witnessed to fully appreciate the power involved.

Fortunately I've never heard such a loud noise since then.


Your thunderstorms I believe are heading towards me in North Yorkshire. I'm looking forward to the downpour but not the noise if lightning hits the trees across the road!



Edited by echo beach
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