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Laurence Fox Burning Pride Flags

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17 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

My take on this.

I 100% support his right to do this.

Personally I wouldn't but that's me. 

One does get a bit sick of seeing them all over the place. There's one on the fire station at Stocksbridge, why ?


1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Agreed, that is why I replied to your post regarding the type of people who burn flags. No matter what their views are burning flags is an idiotic thing to do.

Laurence Fox is an attention seeking idiot.

I agreed with his position on fighting the suppression of society during the Pandemic. And he turned out to be right, as is becoming clear, and will become even clearer over the next few years.

Edited by Chekhov
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A few things I find a tad hypocritical about some of the comments on here are:


1. When it's the Union Jack being burned, you get called a 'flag-s**gger' for being patriotic and it's apparently silly to be upset when a flag is harmed... yet, here we are, people taking it as a personal attack. Where's the difference? To be honest, I'm surprised 'flag-s**gging' isn't an actual gender these days


2. Linked to this, you can't show pride in your country because you had no involvement in where you were born and it was pure chance... so how can you be 'proud' of your gender/sex/sexuality when you (apparently, in the case of the 'T' people) had no say and it's just who you are?


3. He's being ridiculed as an attention-seeker but, when it's someone like Meghan Markle, it's racism. I wonder how many of those ridiculing LF are just as quick to defend the laughing stock that are the likes of MM and Sam Smith etc.



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1 hour ago, leviathan13 said:

A few things I find a tad hypocritical about some of the comments on here are:


1. When it's the Union Jack being burned, you get called a 'flag-s**gger' for being patriotic and it's apparently silly to be upset when a flag is harmed... yet, here we are, people taking it as a personal attack. Where's the difference? To be honest, I'm surprised 'flag-s**gging' isn't an actual gender these days


2. Linked to this, you can't show pride in your country because you had no involvement in where you were born and it was pure chance... so how can you be 'proud' of your gender/sex/sexuality when you (apparently, in the case of the 'T' people) had no say and it's just who you are?


3. He's being ridiculed as an attention-seeker but, when it's someone like Meghan Markle, it's racism. I wonder how many of those ridiculing LF are just as quick to defend the laughing stock that are the likes of MM and Sam Smith etc.

Excellent and unanswerable post.

I predict the authoritarian Lefties will either troll it or ignore it.

They certainly will not answer the legitimate question that is point 2.

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2 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

A few things I find a tad hypocritical about some of the comments on here are:


1. When it's the Union Jack being burned, you get called a 'flag-s**gger' for being patriotic and it's apparently silly to be upset when a flag is harmed... yet, here we are, people taking it as a personal attack. Where's the difference? To be honest, I'm surprised 'flag-s**gging' isn't an actual gender these days


2. Linked to this, you can't show pride in your country because you had no involvement in where you were born and it was pure chance... so how can you be 'proud' of your gender/sex/sexuality when you (apparently, in the case of the 'T' people) had no say and it's just who you are?


3. He's being ridiculed as an attention-seeker but, when it's someone like Meghan Markle, it's racism. I wonder how many of those ridiculing LF are just as quick to defend the laughing stock that are the likes of MM and Sam Smith etc.



1. I would take exception to the Union Jack being burned. Just like I take exception to the Pride flag being burned.


2. I'm proud of the country I was born and raised in. In my own case that part of my identity isn't as strong as who I am fundamentally as a person. But that's just me, others will feel differently about different aspects of their identity.


3. I think in many cases, people and the press have for whatever reason had something against Meghan Markle - compare her treatment with that of Kate Middleton 

The Different Press Angles On Meghan Markle Vs Kate Middleton | Bored Panda


Laurence Fox has put himself out there as a 'commentator', not a particularly perceptive, or good one I would argue. He just seems to be a collection of Daily Mail rants enveloped in a splenetic character with zero nuance.

Burning the Pride flag is of course going to anger a lot of people, and he probably knew it. I'm sure he would like to burn the Pakistani flag and that of other nationalities he doesn't like, though doesn't have the guts to do it.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Excellent and unanswerable post.

I predict the authoritarian Lefties will either troll it or ignore it.

They certainly will not answer the legitimate question that is point 2.

Hmmm... :huh:

It looks like you called that one spot on, Mr Chekhov! :hihi:

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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

One does get a bit sick of seeing them all over the place. There's one on the fire station at Stocksbridge, why ?


I agreed with his position on fighting the suppression of society during the Pandemic. And he turned out to be right, as is becoming clear, and will become even clearer over the next few years.

As they say a stopped clock is right on two occasions over a 24 hour period. My problem with people like Fox and his ilk Bono, Geldoff, Jane Fonda, Megan Markle etc is that while they are as entitled to their opinion as the rest of us their opinion isn't any more authorative than ours.

Despite which the media provide them with a platform to spout their opinions.


I have to say ( and it's only my opinion  which is hardly influential ) that this whole thing about trans stuff has got way out of hand and people need to get a grip.

I have nothing but sympathy for people who have been born with a confusion as to their sexual identity, life can be hard enough without added complications.

But your genitals decide your gender until such a time as you have an operation and medical intervention to change things. At which point I have no problem accepting the situation. However, the idea that someone can walk about ' intact ' and simply identify themselves as of a different gender to their original one is ridiculous.

Allowing someone with male genitalia to mix with women in private women only spaces is ludicrous. They placed someone convicted of raping a woman in a womens prison because they'd identified as a woman. And it happened more than once.

The worlds gone mad!





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