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Lack Of Amenities In The City Centre

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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Everyone chooses what they personally want to do.  We are not sheep.

It's never too late to use anything, including a smartphone, but many people don't want to and so, won't

Someone needs to tell risen that, the people who DO use one are also going to slowly die out too.  Harsh but true

None of us are going to get out of here alive


Well that's their choice, but in which case, they have no right to be bitching and whining about being inconvenced or excluded when the rest of the world moves on and embraces the ongoing evolution of technology.


If you want to be the great principled disrupter putting up a fight against all this, go ahead. You take that stand. But then don't be expecting everyone else to dumb themselves down and still provide you entirely obsolete facilities just because you choose to remain being a dinosaur.


The origins of computing supporting major institutions and infrastructure has been present in some form for most people's entire lives now.


Domestically, the world of the silicone chip, digital information and electronic transaction processing have been part of people's lives for at least the past 40 years. It ain't going away.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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1 hour ago, PRESLEY said:

If it happens in town, of all the reasons why I give town a miss, this another reason,  Drakehouse, Crystal Peaks and Meadowhall are even more appealing now. 

Exactly, and I'm sure that many others will think the same.

Some councils seem to have a strange urge to keep kicking their own backsides.



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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Exactly, and I'm sure that many others will think the same.

Some councils seem to have a strange urge to keep kicking their own backsides.



Very rarely go to town in a car . Last night had to take mi Mam to the walk in centre on Broad Lane  . Little car park opposite  it took cash. Good job because I don’t do phone banking or carry a bank card .

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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Everyone chooses what they personally want to do.  We are not sheep.

It's never too late to use anything, including a smartphone, but many people don't want to and so, won't

Someone needs to tell risen that, the people who DO use one are also going to slowly die out too.  Harsh but true

None of us are going to get out of here alive


Too True.


Not only that, but I see nothing but problems ahead as elderly people's memories start to fade (and although people will deny it, it will happen to some degree to everyone, but some worse than others.

In a world that relies on passwords, numbers, new gadgets and technology, and being able to cope with it all, there are going to be a lot of disenfranchised people who simply can't function. 


Does that mean we are all going to have to enter care homes, even though we can function perfectly well, pay bills etc with cash?, but are not allowed to? Even those smart alecs who manage well now and cannot envisage it ever affecting them, might be in for a nasty shock as they get older.

Edited by Anna B
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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Too True.


Not only that, but I see nothing but problems ahead as elderly people's memories start to fade (and although people will deny it, it will happen to some degree to everyone, but some worse than others.

In a world that relies on passwords, numbers, new gadgets and technology, and being able to cope with it all, there are going to be a lot of disenfranchised people who simply can't function. 


Does that mean they are all going to have to enter care homes, even though they can function perfectly well, pay bills etc with cash?, but are not allowed to?

That's a very good point.  It's a very silly society that would write useful people off because they can't or won't use a mobile phone.

Looks like the prediction that we would become slaves to the machines is coming true sooner than we thought.


We all have trillions of photos, video's,  voice recordings,  music, fragrances and tastes etc,  that were never even recorded by any machine, 

and they are all neatly filed away in our heads ready to be re-played at any instant.

No need even for an electricity supply and re-charging and we can see and hear our long lost Mum's,  Dads,  grandparents and everyone we have ever known and loved.

Beats any kind of mobile phone or any machine.    Even if you are a billionaire, you can't buy anything better than human memories.


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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Well that's their choice, but in which case, they have no right to be bitching and whining about being inconvenced or excluded when the rest of the world moves on and embraces the ongoing evolution of technology.


If you want to be the great principled disrupter putting up a fight against all this, go ahead. You take that stand. But then don't be expecting everyone else to dumb themselves down and still provide you entirely obsolete facilities just because you choose to remain being a dinosaur.


The origins of computing supporting major institutions and infrastructure has been present in some form for most people's entire lives now.


Domestically, the world of the silicone chip, digital information and electronic transaction processing have been part of people's lives for at least the past 40 years. It ain't going away.

The internet might be that old, but 40 years ago the only mobile phones were the size of a housebrick and used only by the very wealthy. The internet proper, as we know it and use it, has only been around for 20+ years. and smart phones probably less. I used to teach computing believe it or not! And it has changed exponentially over the years as more and more things have gone online. Internet banking, internet shopping, working from home, and most people only realised cash transactions were becoming a thing of the past when the pandemic struck. 


Each stage has brought fresh challenges and problems, many of  which haven't been properly addressed, just glossed over, and old age is another one. But let's face it a few million old people have never been worth much effort, have they...? 


The solution is simple in this case. Let all OAP's park for free. Problem solved!

(Like that's going to happen...)

Edited by Anna B
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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Well that's their choice, but in which case, they have no right to be bitching and whining about being inconvenced or excluded when the rest of the world moves on and embraces the ongoing evolution of technology.


If you want to be the great principled disrupter putting up a fight against all this, go ahead. You take that stand. But then don't be expecting everyone else to dumb themselves down and still provide you entirely obsolete facilities just because you choose to remain being a dinosaur.


The origins of computing supporting major institutions and infrastructure has been present in some form for most people's entire lives now.


Domestically, the world of the silicone chip, digital information and electronic transaction processing have been part of people's lives for at least the past 40 years. It ain't going away.

We have every right to bitch and whine and do exactly as we please within the confines of the law..    Do you live in Russia ?               running jump suggested.

Not expecting to dumb anyone else down at all.  You sound dumb enough without any dumbing down anyway.        Remember Dinosaurs were here very, very much longer than humans,

The origins of the human brain have been present for very  many thousands of years and not just a generation.

40 years does not count as one milli-second in the time span of the planet      and      it IS going away           every new thing which comes along,  goes away again eventually.

I feel sorry for people like you who can only see the moment.


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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Exactly, and I'm sure that many others will think the same.

Some councils seem to have a strange urge to keep kicking their own backsides.



They should stick to felling trees.   OOPS!  :hihi:

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