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The Missing Titanic Sub

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On 23/06/2023 at 01:46, Organgrinder said:

Send them a rich bloke to do it.  They're the saviours of the earth.   ha ha ha


Pretty much 100% been on a plane recently  ?????   where do you get your numbers from ?????

I, and my partner have never been on a plane in our lives and we are not alone.

Millions of the worlds population have never been on a plane or, even been  in a car.

Load of rubbish regarding TV's and phones   -   the rich just got them well before us.

I was programming my computer when a lot of the rich didn't know that they existed.

I suppose it's all the rich who are n the front line in Ukraine too, and saving the day.


Please keep your writings secret   and remember,  many of the rich have more money than sense,  and they were saying that before I was born.


Oh sorry, I should have included in my maths the Guardian reading hypocrites who claim to never have done anything. Just hate the rich and live the rich life. 


Yes, my writing wouldn't interest  you, however, in it, it says avoid people like you, closed minded hyporcrites is one of my favourite chapters. 


It's already started with people comparing this with hundreds of people dying at sea trying to get into a country. The fact is, like this story has shown, people are interested in things that click bait, and this isn't an everyday story. It can't be compared to 100 poor brown people dying on a boat for this reason. I suspect all the people using this particular comparison are guardian readers. The biggest hyprocrites of the UK.



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At the end of day, the super rich are still human beings and it didn’t end well for them on the Titan.  Does being super rich buy happiness?  Does getting ever richer make anyone happier? 

The very saddest part this is the young lad who paid with his life to please his dad.




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16 minutes ago, redruby said:

At the end of day, the super rich are still human beings and it didn’t end well for them on the Titan.  Does being super rich buy happiness?  Does getting ever richer make anyone happier? 

The very saddest part this is the young lad who paid with his life to please his dad.




Being ‘super rich’ puts very exciting and extremely dangerous things into their hands.

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6 hours ago, *_ash_* said:

Oh sorry, I should have included in my maths the Guardian reading hypocrites who claim to never have done anything. Just hate the rich and live the rich life. 


Yes, my writing wouldn't interest  you, however, in it, it says avoid people like you, closed minded hyporcrites is one of my favourite chapters. 


It's already started with people comparing this with hundreds of people dying at sea trying to get into a country. The fact is, like this story has shown, people are interested in things that click bait, and this isn't an everyday story. It can't be compared to 100 poor brown people dying on a boat for this reason. I suspect all the people using this particular comparison are guardian readers. The biggest hyprocrites of the UK.



I'm afraid you don't seem to have any maths worth talking about,  as a quick fact check of what you have written shows.

Explain to me what hating the rich   ( only your unproven claim )   has to do with this subject ?     I might also ask you,  how do you know that I am not rich ????????

I have said before that I have a comfortable life style and,  not everyone measures their success in trips abroad and drinking themselves silly.

You are showing your foolishness again   --   I have never read the Guardian,  nor do I read the other newspapers   --   I get all my news from BBC News and Sky News only.

Your writings no doubt say,   

"Avoid anyone who wants to hear facts instead of made up rubbish"    You are just making stuff up as you go along and anyone who doesn't agree with you is a hypocrite  ( spelled correctly ).

The only thing you have got right is to say that the story in question cannot be compared with many more than 100   ( brown people - your description   )    dying at sea.

I have already told you that you need to stop suspecting that people who disagree, must be Guardian readers,  because you will often be wrong.

You have twice talked about The Guardian   WRONGLY,     and you have twice used the word hypocrite, wrongly,  so I would advise taking much more care with your "writings"


Let me know when you receive critical acclaim for your writings but,  in the meantime I shall have a laugh at your paragraphs of imaginary prejudice .


1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Being rich doesn't buy you happiness but it helps you look for it in many more places.




It's much less trouble to be perfectly happy, exactly where you are,  and save all that fuss.

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56 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Being rich doesn't buy you happiness but it helps you look for it in many more places.




You may indeed be able to look for it in many more places. But will you find it?  Or end up wishing you hadn’t gone there at all? Or even push the boundaries so much you pay the ultimate price?

 I’m no advocate of living on a pittance and being happy with lump of coal and all that nonsense. Of course we need a reasonable income to live happily. But excessive money does not buy happiness. 

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The thing that concerns me about this accident is it will man yet more regulation, yet more stifling of our society.

Just like when I read about the kids dying in the sea at Bournemouth I thought are they going to start regulating when people can swim in the sea ? I do agree they should keep jet skis and speedboats well away from beaches though....

Just like the law to make all performance venues have an terrorist emergence plan we should ask, how much cost and hassle is all this going to cause for how much gain ?

At the end of the day if people want to do dangerous stuff and sign a contract to that effect (and not many people do, even fewer of them can afford to go down in a submarine), who are we to stop them ? If saving lives is worth any amount of cost and inconvenience, there are other areas where far far more lives could be saved, on the roads for instance.....

Edited by Chekhov
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