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Sheffield , Its A International City Now .

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9 hours ago, despritdan said:

I'll be 70 soon and hate going into the city centre now because I feel like an ethnic minority in a 3rd world country. I much preferred the England of the 60s and 70s when we had a distinct English identity because I feel that mono-culturalism is the glue that binds societies together whilst multi-culturalism is divisive and destroys the social fabric of a nation. It's happened because of decades of foolish and misguided immigration policies from both parties that have seen this country swamped with people from the most backward countries in the world who bring their backward cultural attitudes and practices with them and I'm sure one of the reasons for the growing national debt is governments having to borrow more and more to try and maintain first world standards in what is becoming a third world country. People are scared to speak out because political correctness is the western form of Islam; it operates by creating a climate of fear through indoctrination, backed up by bullying and intimidation.


I know it's all been very enriching because we've been told it is by the politicians whose immigration policies have created this situation since the 80s, but I don't feel enriched, just ethnically cleansed.

I think part of the problem is the way Britain handles it, and the people who it lets in. 

Britain is too loose and badly run, regardless of who is in power. 


I was recently in Dubai, and although many people will say, it's built of oil and slavery, regardless of anything, people from literally everywhere in the world live there. There's no crime, and people respect the values of the country, and abide by the laws (in general). I could walk into any of the foreigner districts and have no problem using my phone or counting money in my wallet. It's simple there, break the law and you and your family will get kicked out. 

I spoke to loads of taxi drivers (all Pakistani) and loads of supermarket staff (all Phillipino) and I heard nothing but praise for living there. They had to work hard, but can send money home no problem. 


Where I live now in Asia is the same, I have no worries at all about walking about at night on my own. Virtually no crime at all. I just don't break the law, and I'll be fine. 


England has too many soft lefties who want to open the country to everyone regardless of visas, history etc.

And yet, it charges intelligent foreigners 3x more to come to our unis, then kicks them out after. 

It's a total mess, IMO. 

There is an idiom used here, but I can't write it as last time I used Chinese characters, I got instantly banned, but to cut a long story short, the nearest English translation is, 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'. It's not the same words at all, but is used in the same way.

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Just out of interest, do you think the same about the significant English communities that are in Spain, who dont mix with the locals? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

This is a good point... the English who go (and often retire) in Spain...


So using 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do' is more tricky.


I think this can be considered to be a slightly different situation. 

When we think of English people in Spain, we immediately think of drunk morons making fools of themselves (pretty sure I did that too), 

however, Spain is an ecomony like any other country. Some people are lazy to learn another language, some people are too old to learn a language (although I could give you another Chinese proverb here), but in general it serves both sets of people well. The English can retire and spend their money as they wish, and the Spanish get a small community economy. People everywhere in the world need to eat, drink, have fun etc. 

As long they behave themselves, then both parties are happy. Also because annoyingly we can be lazy with our language, it means locals can work and learn English at the same time, arguably giving them better future prospects.  I would totally agree that if the Brits were breaking laws in Spain, then Spain should be able to kick them out, but EU wouldn't allow it. 





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27 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

I think part of the problem is the way Britain handles it, and the people who it lets in. 

Britain is too loose and badly run, regardless of who is in power. 


England has too many soft lefties who want to open the country to everyone regardless of visas, history etc.

And yet, it charges intelligent foreigners 3x more to come to our unis, then kicks them out after. 

It's a total mess, IMO. 

There is an idiom used here, but I can't write it as last time I used Chinese characters, I got instantly banned, but to cut a long story short, the nearest English translation is, 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'. It's not the same words at all, but is used in the same way.

It may have escaped your notice, but the hard righties have been in power for the last 13 years,  and not the soft lefties.


Agreed it's a total Conservative mess,  and I agree that Britain is too loose and badly run,   especially the last 13 years


"When in Rome"     how very very original   -   wonder why no one thought of that before ?


Good luck with "Your writings"


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12 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It may have escaped your notice, but the hard righties have been in power for the last 13 years,  and not the soft lefties.


Agreed it's a total Conservative mess,  and I agree that Britain is too loose and badly run,   especially the last 13 years


"When in Rome"     how very very original   -   wonder why no one thought of that before ?


Good luck with "Your writings"


The hard righties are scared by the soft lefties because when voting, it's not that far off from winning or losing an election.  

If Labour had a decent cabinet the Tories wouldn't have lasted 13 years, it's that simple. We have a crap government because the opposition is even crapper. (IMO)


I already explained I can't write the idiom in Chinese, but it's thousands of years old in both languages. 


If you go to other countries, do you not follow their rules?



22 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It may have escaped your notice, but the hard righties have been in power for the last 13 years,  and not the soft lefties.


Agreed it's a total Conservative mess,  and I agree that Britain is too loose and badly run,   especially the last 13 years


"When in Rome"     how very very original   -   wonder why no one thought of that before ?


Good luck with "Your writings"


Since you quoted this after I said about uni fees, I'm not sure who introduced the Uni fees. Can you remind me?

24 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

England has too many soft lefties who want to open the country to everyone regardless of visas, history etc.

And yet, it charges intelligent foreigners 3x more to come to our unis, then kicks them out after. 

It's a total mess, IMO. 

This was what I wrote....

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Whats ironic is that the lefties are outraged at colonisation, the  native Indians in the USA having their land stolen from them (apparently) and the occupation of Palestine 


But they're fine for it to happen in the UK where the natives are being replaced at an unprecedented rate


As usual their iidealogy is all over the palace 

Edited by Jack Grey
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38 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Whats ironic is that the lefties are outraged at colonisation, the  native Indians in the USA having their land stolen from them (apparently) and the occupation of Palestine 


But they're fine for it to happen in the UK where the natives are being replaced at an unprecedented rate


As usual their iidealogy is all over the palace 

What’s ironic is that the righties are supporters of colonisation  in other places. They are fine about the displacement of indigenous peoples, for example, those in Australia and the USA.


But they get all shirty when people turn up over here, to make a new life. They cry about being over run and about culture being changed.


As usual, their ideology is all over the place. Ditto, their spelling.

Edited by Prettytom
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