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54 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:


I'm currently on a mission to single-handedly (it seems) bring these forum bores to the attention of the remaining decent posters.

The aim of these bores appears to be to monopolise the forum with whatever drivel they can think of, and then by using multiple forum accounts, try to make totally innocent posters believe that lots of people disagree with them and so they stop posting.

People need to stand up to these bores - and the best way to do that is by carrying on posting MORE, and totally ignoring THEM! :thumbsup:

Hmmm...     These "Bores" are the only ones putting up an argument whilst you,  put up nonsensical comments rather than debating any subject.

ANOTHER LIE   -   I have only ever had and ever used one account,  the reason being, that I'm not afraid to say what I feel and don't need another account to hide behind.

By all means,  stand up then, and make a proper contribution to this forum instead of "lefties" and "guardian" and the rest of the lies.


Your problem is,  it's impossible to defend the Tories, so we are able to have a field day, pointing out how useless they've been and you can't think of anything to say in return.

Why not have a go at Labour or the Lib Dems or UKIP ?   Telling lies will only do for you, what it's done for Johnson.

Waiting for a contribution now but,  no lies please as it makes things turn unfriendly.



46 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

We have a winner.



Who's packing it in after one day  ??????????????????


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15 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You started your post by lying.   -   nobody had said "Tory Scum"  then you jumped on Guardian readers and I only know one on here and he's a Tory.

If you start of by lying instead of quoting true facts,  you won't get the nicest of responses in return.


Re-read my post No #55 and then stop lying.


I never said you said that .

I said people from your side of the argument say that 


Your version of the truth is absolute fact and your source is impeccable and everyone else’s source of news and opinion  is full of lies and they’re all idiots.


Go and play with your chums like the childish Butler 

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40 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

At one time I got fed up of some of the comments but came back and it is not so bad now.

Some voters have strong views and I find it interesting to hear them.

I have realised some posters are provocative but it livens up what could be boring politics.

Beware though it can become addictive.

Give it a try.

That's exactly what I have sometimes thought,  but some of them, come on here, not to add to the debate, but to just spout "lefty"  that doesn't inspire much respect.

They should, at least,  be able to argue for their beliefs and not just call names.



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41 minutes ago, Dreb48 said:

No mate , I’m off 

I’m even been lulled into believing peoples posts are genuine and not trolling

I’ll let the boys play their little games , snigger away and pat each other on the back 

I don't think Mr. Bloke would appreciate "A pat on his back"

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10 minutes ago, Dreb48 said:

I never said you said that .

I said people from your side of the argument say that 


Your version of the truth is absolute fact and your source is impeccable and everyone else’s source of news and opinion  is full of lies and they’re all idiots.


Go and play with your chums like the childish Butler 

Yes, you did, but I cannot find any posts where someone has said that so I regard it as a lie.

You missed out my point about "lefties" and "Guardian"  too.  That is not a debate,  it's just name calling.

Write a proper contribution that is actually addressing the subject and you may find that other posters respect you more.


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I think you may find, chum , that there are some in this thread  that have already respected my opinion

Are you always so patronising ?

I know one thing for certain you’ll make sure you’ll have the last word 


obviously this is intended for the organ grinder and not you Padders 

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5 minutes ago, Dreb48 said:

I think you may find, chum , that there are some in this thread  that have already respected my opinion

Are you always so patronising ?

I know one thing for certain you’ll make sure you’ll have the last word 

Well, if some respect telling lies,   who am I to object because it is a Tory trait.  but  it's not the kind of thing that I respect and that was Johnson's downfall too.

You can have the last word.  I won't answer if you put another post up   -   as long as it's not a lie..



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7 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Surprising how may lefty haters there are who still won't endorse the righties any more.

All the Tories,  except Axe,  are ashamed of their own party.

there's not a single one who will own up to voting them in.

That's an achievement I've never seen before   -   a country full of party less people.

Shows what a  brilliant government they've been for the last 13 years.


Since you're picking up on people writing things that you didn't say, where did I say I 'hate lefties'?


Half of the people in Britain are lefties. I don't hate 50% of the population, but it doesn't mean that I think all of  their ideologies are right.


And what's with picking up on all my typos? It's a forum not a thesis. Not to mention, I'm using a laptop with these crap keyboards they have and a site that doesn't work properly.


If I voted Tory, I would say it. It want to scour my posts, you'll find 18 years of my voting history in here, and it involves 2 votes. The only election I voted in, I voted Libdem. Then realised as I live in a labour stronghold, voting is just a waste of time, so I no longer vote. My vote DOESN'T count. It's crap when all parties say 'your vote counts'.. in reality it doesn't unless you live in a close area. It's not quite as bad as the American system, but not far off. 


A poster earlier summed it up. It's like a revolving door, if Labour get in, when they can't do the things they promised, they'll blame the 13 years torys, and then after 2 or 3 labours, the toris will do the same. That's why that country never moves forward. 

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