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8 minutes ago, Dreb48 said:

I think you may find, chum , that there are some in this thread  that have already respected my opinion

Are you always so patronising ?

I know one thing for certain you’ll make sure you’ll have the last word 


obviously this is intended for the organ grinder and not you Padders 

My bold

Only when hes awake 👍

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19 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

Since you're picking up on people writing things that you didn't say, where did I say I 'hate lefties'?


Half of the people in Britain are lefties. I don't hate 50% of the population, but it doesn't mean that I think all of  their ideologies are right.


And what's with picking up on all my typos? It's a forum not a thesis. Not to mention, I'm using a laptop with these crap keyboards they have and a site that doesn't work properly.


If I voted Tory, I would say it. It want to scour my posts, you'll find 18 years of my voting history in here, and it involves 2 votes. The only election I voted in, I voted Libdem. Then realised as I live in a labour stronghold, voting is just a waste of time, so I no longer vote. My vote DOESN'T count. It's crap when all parties say 'your vote counts'.. in reality it doesn't unless you live in a close area. It's not quite as bad as the American system, but not far off. 


A poster earlier summed it up. It's like a revolving door, if Labour get in, when they can't do the things they promised, they'll blame the 13 years torys, and then after 2 or 3 labours, the toris will do the same. That's why that country never moves forward. 

I did not say that you in particular said that you hate lefties.   I said, " Surprising how many lefty haters there are who still won't endorse the righties any more".

I picked up on your typos because you appeared to be  claiming to be a writer of sorts.

If you didn't vote Tory then I apologise for that accusation. I was clearly wrong and always admit it when i am. The rest of that line regarding voting,  I fully agree with and have said similar myself.

I agree with your last line too and, strangely enough,  have also said similar to that too.  The only solution is to change the voting system to PR and the big 2 refuse.

We need a hung parliament to make them start doing what WE WANT.   You may have different ideas and that's fine.



18 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

Only when hes awake 👍


11 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

This is going well... :hihi:

Typical of what I am saying.  No contribution of any sort but just silly schoolboy comments.  No wonder people patronize you.

At least,  ash stood up for himself and  made his argument without acting daft.




Edited by Organgrinder
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3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I did not say that you in particular said that you hate lefties.   I said,  Surprising how many lefty haters there are who still won't endorse the righties any more.

I picked up on your typos because you appeared to be  claiming to be a writer of sorts.

If you didn't vote Tory then I apologise for that accusation. I was clearly wrong and always admit it when i am. The rest of that line regarding voting,  I fully agree with and have said similar myself.

I agree with your last line too and, strangely enough,  have also said similar to that too.  The only solution is to change the voting system to PR and the big 2 refuse.

We need a hung parliament to make them start doing what WE WANT.   You may have different ideas and that's fine.



You see Organgrinder you can talk sense and put forward a reasonable argument without patronising people and calling them liars .

I won’t be around to join in but I think this is a better way forward for you 

It’s been fun 

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13 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Typical of what I am saying.  No contribution of any sort but just silly schoolboy comments.  No wonder people patronize you.

At least,  ash stood up for himself and  made his argument without acting daft.





And not for the first time...
... you've completely missed the point!


The reason for my posts was to highlight the behaviour of people such as youself...

... so job done, I think! :D


Righty-ho... carry on! :thumbsup:

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6 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

1. I did not say that you in particular said that you hate lefties.   I said,  Surprising how many lefty haters there are who still won't endorse the righties any more.


2. I picked up on your typos because you appeared to be  claiming to be a writer of sorts.


If you didn't vote Tory then I apologise for that accusation. I was clearly wrong and always admit it when i am. The rest of that line regarding voting,  I fully agree with and have said similar myself.

I agree with your last line too and, strangely enough,  have also said similar to that too.  The only solution is to change the voting system to PR and the big 2 refuse.

We need a hung parliament to make them start doing what WE WANT.   You may have different ideas and that's fine.






1. It's clearly implied in that post. 


2. I write as a hobby, and I used to use here to do it and practice.  Now, these posts I've written lately are pretty much the only English I've written recently, as I'm in an immersion year in a different language.  


As for the PR, people had a chance to vote for it and didn't, so the big 2 really got what they want.


I'm not even sure if they care if they are in power or not, they still get paid. It's actually probably easier to be in opposition, because you get paid to just disagree with everything the government in power does. Either way, it sucks, as the USA would say. 


I've said before the only way to sort the country out, is seperate the NHS from it, and have a combined government (hung), and whoever has the most votes will make the decisions obviously. 

Things like the HSS farce could have been settled years ago. Now I get on the HSS quite a few times. It's amazing, and was built long since UK HSS was first started. 


Now I've lived somewhere else, I think of Britain as like a Victorian relic. 




Just one thing on brexit, people I spoke to here said getting tourist visa to UK now is so much easier than getting a EU visa. And Britain needs all the income it can get. It's lost in lots of ways, but Britian has to think ahead, and tourism is probably the best way of making money, as manufacturing on a big scale is long long gone. 





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50 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Yes, you did, but I cannot find any posts where someone has said that so I regard it as a lie.

You missed out my point about "lefties" and "Guardian"  too.  That is not a debate,  it's just name calling.

Write a proper contribution that is actually addressing the subject and you may find that other posters respect you more.


That’s a mighty fine high horse you’re riding.

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40 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:



Typical of what I am saying.  No contribution of any sort but just silly schoolboy comments.  No wonder people patronize you.

At least,  ash stood up for himself and  made his argument without acting daft.




You aren't worth engaging with in any sort of meaningful way pal 

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