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Jpmorgan Will Pay $290 Million To Epstein Victims.

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J P Morgan made Billions out of the Iraq war by winning the contract to oversee the reinstatement of the Iraq financial system.

Tony Blair, who took this country into a war considered by many informed people to have been illegal receives £2 million a year from JP Morgan as a consultant. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7186975.stm

Margaret Thatcher obtained millions for her son Mark - the convicted criminal - Thatcher from the Iraq arms deal signed by her when she was Prime Minister.



The people who run this country are corrupt, and that corruption has been institutionised in this country for many years dating back to the beginnings of the state.



Politicians from all countries are self interested and place their own requirements before those of their countrymen/women.

We used to think that we were different, we aren't ☹️


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