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R.N.L.I Orders A 'Full-Scale Cultural Review'

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'Racist language' at RNLI alleged but 'alpha males' hit back at 'woke crusade'

An internal report into the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) charity has alleged racist language, but demands for volunteers to attend diversity training have been dismissed as the result of a fixation on "woke" values.


A row over “alpha male” behaviour after revelations from a damning internal report at the RNLI has seen rescuers ordered to attend diversity workshops.


The sea rescue charity has ordered a “full-scale cultural review” at Hastings Lifeboat Station in East Sussex. All lifeboat staff at the station have also been ordered to attend diversity and inclusivity training to stamp out bias against women and ethnic minorities.




To be blunt, I'd sooner have an alpha male come to the rescue (someone like @hackylad ) rather  than some soy drinking beta male or a women who got onboard by ticking boxes rather than fulfilling requirements any day.

Is that wrong?



Your thoughts?

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6 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Here's what GBNews has to say on it.



I remember when Nigel Farage of GBNews accused the RNLI of being a 'taxi service' for migrants at risk of drowning.


Horrible thing he said, but perfectly in keeping with many of Farage's other utterances.


Though it did have the effect of massively increasing public donations to the RNLI. 

Edited by Mister M
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@The_DADDY - can't be bothered to read the full details, but my thoughts are that - if I was unfortunate enough to need their services - all I'm interested in is the professionalism and competence - what their private thoughts are is of zero relevance.


As to the response above - get off that horse. What Farage said has nothing to do with the brave individuals who volunteer for the service.

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Just now, HumbleNarrator said:

Imagine volunteering your time to something only to get lectured and have the finger wagged at you??

Exactly - but that's the way some people work 'you will do as we say' - but not necessarily as we do.

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These so called awareness courses are just a more civilized, genteel version of what happened to Winston Smith at the end of '1984' and Alex in 'A Clockwork Orange'. The word 'awareness' gives the impression that they are all about educating ignorant, unenlightened people with 'wrong' opinions so they become enlightened people with 'right' opinions. They're actually about indoctrinating and brainwashing people to create a conformist society where everybody thinks the same and nobody puts forward an alternate point of view in the same way Islamic states and other totaliterian regimes operate.


I had to go on a few before I retired and found it depressing and disturbing that this kind of brainwashing is happening in a country which is supposed to value freedom of speech. We're all expected to love diversity as long as it isn't diversity of opinion. There is no balance and no debate on these courses; we were told that immigration has been wonderful for this country, only white people do bad things, all ethnic minorities are saints, the stories about the grooming gangs are all rubbish-just right wing propoganda, the only terrorist threat is from right wing, white extremists and so on and so forth.


The problem with freedom of speech is that some people have opinions which don't conform to whatever zeitgeist is in vogue at a particular time and some people might be offended by them, so they are now labelled as hate speech. Do we want a society where people are free to say things others might find offensive or one where everybody conforms and sings from the same hymn sheet?

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I don't believe being offensive helps to further anyone's cause,  people weren't aware they were being indoctrinated when 1984 and 'A Clockworth Orange' were written/released,  it's important to have a mind of your own which should be emphasised in our schools,  otherwise the end product may be people becoming 'zombies'.

Not a good look either.

Edited by cressida
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I have volunteered to help various  so called charities etc only to find that those who run them on big wages are just dictators who's every word must be the end word . Some of those in charge are kids just out of Universities who will not listen to the old hands on the job .

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