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French Police Say 'We Are At War With Vermin' As They Threaten Revolt

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7 hours ago, top4718 said:

News is news but how the likes of the despicable BBC report is an entirely different thing, if you can't see that at your age you must have led a very sheltered life.

Can I ask people condoning these rioters how ram raiding shops and stealing Adidas trainers is helping further the cause of the Albanian youth who was shot?


Europe is a powder keg due to an influx of illegal immigrants, if the current situation in France doesn't escalate to a very serious situation it will only be a matter of time before another event does, the UK won't be free from this either.

In 2011 we had riots in this country when Mark Dolan was shot by the police.  The riots started in London and spread to other cities. Buildings burnt down and looted and cars destroyed.  The police were useless at first they just sat back and watched it.  

It’s only a matter of time before it happens again in the UK.  

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58 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

In 2011 we had riots in this country when Mark Dolan was shot by the police.  The riots started in London and spread to other cities. Buildings burnt down and looted and cars destroyed.  The police were useless at first they just sat back and watched it.  

It’s only a matter of time before it happens again in the UK.  


Mark Duggan


Ah yes, that lovable drug using, pistol carrying charmer. A budding lawyer,doctor or civil engineer, wouldn't hurt a fly.


Amazing as to why folk riot, loot and burn buildings down in homage of these great ambassadors and pillars of society.


I've no doubt whilst robbing Nike and Nokia stores their thoughts were often with Mark.


 But but. Iraq, Police, The UK......


The irony being that good old lovable Mark was probably only carrying a pistol to help protect him from the folk who were involved in the rioting and robbing of innocent people!!  (In his honour of course)!


You couldn't make it up.



Edited by Al Bundy
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42 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:


Mark Duggan


Ah yes, that lovable drug using, pistol carrying charmer. A budding lawyer,doctor or civil engineer, wouldn't hurt a fly.


Amazing as to why folk riot, loot and burn buildings down in homage of these great ambassadors and pillars of society.


I've no doubt whilst robbing Nike and Nokia stores their thoughts were often with Mark.


 But but. Iraq, Police, The UK......


The irony being that good old lovable Mark was probably only carrying a pistol to help protect him from the folk who were involved in the rioting and robbing of innocent people!!  (In his honour of course)!


You couldn't make it up.



Yes that’s his name Mark Duggan.  

Don’t worry should we experience riots again Boris Johnson bought water cannons to make sure our police are fully equipped to deal with the situation, or were they sold for scrap?

Seriously tho we have a useless lot running the country and the major opposition parties are no better.

Edited by hauxwell
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7 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Our army ( we ) were not involved in looting and burning down of buildings.

So you think the Iraquis burnt down their own buildings do you ?

Good thinking


Looting always happens at times of unrest and we caused that unrest bu pursuing an illegal war.

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4 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

It's their political strategy! 😆😆😆😆


Disgraceful that the resident lefties are justify these folks buring down buildings and stealing from innocent people. Can't recall reading one post condemning it, just pathetic excuses trying to justify thousands of youths rampaging through parts of France destroying property and smashing up shops to loot designer goods.


I am on other forums and it's similar. The France riots have hardly any resident lefties commenting on it because they know how disgraceful it is what's happening and they haven't got the balls to admit it, just the same pathetic excuses as on here.


This resident lefty is not justifying anything of the sort.

You should be intelligent enough to know that during times of unrest,  this happens in every country and has happened a few times in the UK.

If there is no unrest,  there will be no burning, rioting, looting or anything else.

That unrest was caused by the actions of one rogue cop and that is common in France.

The people have decided that they are going to put a stop to it and,   I'm sure that this time, they will be successful.

Don't you think it's also disgraceful for a French cop to shoot dead an unarmed 17 year old youth ?

Not surprising that you don't shout about that because, with your kind of political beliefs, That would be commonplace,  as it was in the early 40's.


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4 hours ago, Al Bundy said:


What we are witnessing is a sign of things to come in Western Europe but the left will keep burying their heads in the sand.


I think you are right about that, but the left are not burying their heads in the sand because they can see it coming too but they understand why.

They are wondering when the right are going to realise that they are causing these problems.

This sort of thing  is showing you that,  no free countries are going to allow police states to take over,  as they have in Russia & China.

The French government need to be careful and so do ours too.  Do you learn nothing from history ?

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5 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

It's their political strategy! 😆😆😆😆


Disgraceful that the resident lefties are justify these folks buring down buildings and stealing from innocent people. Can't recall reading one post condemning it, just pathetic excuses trying to justify thousands of youths rampaging through parts of France destroying property and smashing up shops to loot designer goods.


I am on other forums and it's similar. The France riots have hardly any resident lefties commenting on it because they know how disgraceful it is what's happening and they haven't got the balls to admit it, just the same pathetic excuses as on here.


But France...


But Police..


Now we have but Iraq!!!!


But anything apart from the poor souls creating absolutely havoc.


"Political strategy" is the best I've seen though.


"The government is particularly concerned about places such as Borny erupting into violence because, like many other crisis-hit neighbourhoods in France, it has had millions of euros of public investment in urban renewal in recent years"


So lack of funding as the left constantly blame for the reason for violence is also proven to be nonsense also.


Any more excuses?



What we are witnessing is a sign of things to come in Western Europe but the left will keep burying their heads in the sand.


When I read about these riots in France as well as the problems other European countries which have let large numbers of migrants in are having, it seems like the beginning of the end of western civilization. Still, it was nice whilst it lasted

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39 minutes ago, despritdan said:

When I read about these riots in France as well as the problems other European countries which have let large numbers of migrants in are having, it seems like the beginning of the end of western civilization.

Still, it was nice whilst it lasted

That's true.  The greedy righties didn't want to share our good fortune with the less fortunates.

It was just a case of plunder their lands and then move out again and leave them to it.

Now,  to make sure they get a share, they are all coming over here and the righties think they can still mistreat them.

When human beings are oppressed,  they fight.


All Grey and Bundy can say are    but!   but!   but!

Edited by Organgrinder
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Just now, crookesey said:

I can’t help thinking that if the offending police officer had been arrested immediately following the offence with the media being informed, that there would have been far less unrest.

I agree but, the government also needs to spell it out publicly that racist behaviour must stop and the police must do their job strictly to the rules.

Also that no unarmed person is ever shot again.

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