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French Police Say 'We Are At War With Vermin' As They Threaten Revolt

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I recall a few years ago noticing an elderly guy taking issue with a police officer over his treatment of a young man. The police officer responded to the elderly guy by asking “who the f*** do you think you are pop?”. The elderly guy replied “ Lord Chief Justice ******** officer, and what might your name be?” I all but wet myself.

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10 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

The French should bring back the Guillotine that'll make em think twice about mindless vandalism then when they have done with it send it over here to us to sort out the mindless yobs.  :roll:

They are not allowed to bring back the Guillotine because they are in the EU.  

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1 minute ago, PRESLEY said:

The French should bring back the Guillotine that'll make em think twice about mindless vandalism then when they have done with it send it over here to us to sort out the mindless yobs.  :roll:

I often agree with things you say mate but, on this occasion, I think you've watched too many violent movies.

I would expect that, even people living in Russia and China would see that as unacceptable.

It needs a measured, sensible and fast response,  before things deteriorate further and before more costly damage is done.

The cause was police violence so, the answer certainly isn't more violence on top of that.

Everyone's looking at the result when they should be looking at the cause.    You stop things by dealing with the cause of problems,  you only defer them by  dealing with the results.


Ask yourself this,  If the cops shot dead, a son of yours when he was no danger to anyone,  wouldn't you expect the people around you to be angry on your behalf ?

Or, if people were rioting at what happened to your son,  would you want those people beheading.

Makes me wonder what kind of society I am living in


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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I think you are right about that, but the left are not burying their heads in the sand because they can see it coming too but they understand why.

They are wondering when the right are going to realise that they are causing these problems.

This sort of thing  is showing you that,  no free countries are going to allow police states to take over,  as they have in Russia & China.

The French government need to be careful and so do ours too.  Do you learn nothing from history ?

In what way are the right responsible for the recent riots, looting and burning down of buildings in the America and France?

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36 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I often agree with things you say mate but, on this occasion, I think you've watched too many violent movies.

I would expect that, even people living in Russia and China would see that as unacceptable.

It needs a measured, sensible and fast response,  before things deteriorate further and before more costly damage is done.

The cause was police violence so, the answer certainly isn't more violence on top of that.

Everyone's looking at the result when they should be looking at the cause.    You stop things by dealing with the cause of problems,  you only defer them by  dealing with the results.


Ask yourself this,  If the cops shot dead, a son of yours when he was no danger to anyone,  wouldn't you expect the people around you to be angry on your behalf ?

Or, if people were rioting at what happened to your son,  would you want those people beheading.

Makes me wonder what kind of society I am living in


What I'm saying is two wrongs don't make a right,  I appcept the Police  action of shooting  were wrong, but after this event  lets say you were innocently  sat in your living above a shop you owend  watching the telly and you heard a team outside smashing up your shop below and setting your car on fire, are them people doing right or wrong,  as I previously posted, I believe in peaceful protest not mindless yobs destroying innocent peoples property. 

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

In what way are the right responsible for the recent riots, looting and burning down of buildings in the America and France?

We are not discussing America,  we are discussing France.

Their right wing government, like ours has been doing until recently,  have allowed their police to do as they please.

As a result, they have endemic racism built in which is alienating sections of the population.

If the cop had not shot the kid,  there would have been no riots.


2 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

So if they wern't in the EU the chopping off of heads is allowed.  :hihi::hihi::loopy:

Who the hell is talking about chopping heads off except you ?

It gets dafter on here.

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44 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

We are not discussing America,  we are discussing France.

Their right wing government, like ours has been doing until recently,  have allowed their police to do as they please.

As a result, they have endemic racism built in which is alienating sections of the population.

If the cop had not shot the kid,  there would have been no riots.


Who the hell is talking about chopping heads off except you ?

It gets dafter on here.

Renaissance (RE) is a liberal and centrist political party in France

Founder and leader is Macron.


In strict party-political terms, Macron is of the left.


What makes you think France is right wing?


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Stop rioting, stop destroying,” the grandmother, named as Nadia, told BFMTV. “I say this to those who are rioting: do not smash windows, attack schools and buses. Stop. It’s mothers who take those buses.” The rioters, mostly minors, were “using Nahel as an excuse”, she said.



Even the lads Grandmother knows the truth.

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