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French Police Say 'We Are At War With Vermin' As They Threaten Revolt

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5 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Didn't know it was the custom to shoot someone dead for not doing as they were told.

Do you think we should extend that to school kids too who won't stop talking ?

Maybe they should go round town with a machine gun then, and mop  up all the undesirables, who won't get up out of a shop doorway.

We could shoot people for dropping litter too, that should be the end of that problem..

I'm sure that none of you right wingers had parents that brought you up to think like that. 

God knows where you learned it,  watching Schwarzenegge'rs movies no doubt.  Bad influence those yanks. 

What  a weird lot you are.


You are getting dafter and dafter, the kid wasn't a terrorist and didn't have a bomb strapped to him.  He was completely unarmed which is why they are rioting.

Stop making things up.

Did the police know he didn’t have a bomb or that he was unarmed  ?

1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Are you less dead when you've been shot in the body ?????????

You can be .

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Just now, hackey lad said:

Did the police know he didn’t have a bomb or that he was unarmed  ?

Presumably but, it makes no difference.  They had no reason to think he was a terrorist unless there's something I don't know.

I'm quite sure that will be his excuse when it comes to trial but,  the French public will not be taken for a ride.

What would be the point of having laws saying you can't shoot someone unless they are a threat to  someone's life if they can just say well I thought he was.


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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Because he follows the right wing policy of encouraging the police to keep the public in line even if it means the police breaking the law.

That's also what we were doing until recently, until the public realised how many rogue cops we've got.

Labels matter not  -  it's what they actually do that counts and right winger / fascists are quite happy to see the police abuse their powers.

There's always room for more than one side and one point of view but there's always one side who won't admit it and that's the righties.

I've told you to check the fascist ideology and your own views and, surprise surprise,  they will just happen to coincide.


As far as the police being racist is concerned, I think we have a chicken or egg situation. Are these youths rioting and looting because they're the innocent victims of racism by the police or is it the case that the police have developed racist attitudes because they're dealing on a daily basis with certain ethnic groups who are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime and are likely to pull out a gun or a knife or drive away at high speed when the police try to engage with them as apparantly has happened quite a few times recently? As I put on an earlier comment which was deleted, as this one no doubt will be, the behaviour of these youths gives an insight into the attitudes and behaviour that the police are having to deal with every day so it's hardly surprising that they have the attitudes they do.


Also, I think you need to be a bit more measured when accusing people on here of being fascists and Nazis because using those words too liberally just dilutes their power and trivializes the real experience of what people experienced back in the 30s and 40s. To me, the nearest thing we have today to fascism is Islam which operates by creating a climate of fear through indoctrination backed up by intolerance, bullying, intimidation and violence. I don't see any difference between the way Islam operates and the fascism in Germany and Italy in the 30s and 40s. What's worrying is that we're seeing that same climate of fear spreading here through mob rule with gangs of angry muslims gathering outside schools and cinemas, threatening violence because they feel their religion has been disrespected and driving people into hiding whilst films they don't approve of are removed from cinemas for fear of the safety of their staff. Those attitudes are totally incompatible with our values of free speech which is why I think it was a mistake to let it spread.

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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Did they know ? Easy question.

Do you know how to think,  easy question ?

I'll  guess the answer  -  well try doing it then.

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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Presumably but, it makes no difference.  They had no reason to think he was a terrorist unless there's something I don't know.

I'm quite sure that will be his excuse when it comes to trial but,  the French public will not be taken for a ride.

What would be the point of having laws saying you can't shoot someone unless they are a threat to  someone's life if they can just say well I thought he was.


How would they presume he didn’t have a bomb, gun or knife  ?

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1 minute ago, despritdan said:

As far as the police being racist is concerned, I think we have a chicken or egg situation. Are these youths rioting and looting because they're the innocent victims of racism by the police or is it the case that the police have developed racist attitudes because they're dealing on a daily basis with certain ethnic groups who are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime and are likely to pull out a gun or a knife or drive away at high speed when the police try to engage with them as apparantly has happened quite a few times recently? As I put on an earlier comment which was deleted, as this one no doubt will be, the behaviour of these youths gives an insight into the attitudes and behaviour that the police are having to deal with every day so it's hardly surprising that they have the attitudes they do.


Also, I think you need to be a bit more measured when accusing people on here of being fascists and Nazis because using those words too liberally just dilutes their power and trivializes the real experience of what people experienced back in the 30s and 40s. To me, the nearest thing we have today to fascism is Islam which operates by creating a climate of fear through indoctrination backed up by intolerance, bullying, intimidation and violence. I don't see any difference between the way Islam operates and the fascism in Germany and Italy in the 30s and 40s. What's worrying is that we're seeing that same climate of fear spreading here through mob rule with gangs of angry muslims gathering outside schools and cinemas, threatening violence because they feel their religion has been disrespected and driving people into hiding whilst films they don't approve of are removed from cinemas for fear of the safety of their staff. Those attitudes are totally incompatible with our values of free speech which is why I think it was a mistake to let it spread.

Doesn't matter whether it's a chicken or egg.

Cops are not supposed to shoot unarmed kids.

Stick your advice.

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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

How would they presume he didn’t have a bomb, gun or knife  ?

That's what you have a pair of eyes for,  Some of us anyway.

2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

I can think very well thank you and I think my question rattled you because you haven’t answered it.

You can think ????   " less dead than dead" ???????????

Send in the clowns

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