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W.H.O To Declare, Aspartame The Sweetener In Diet Coke, A Possible Carcinogen?

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Aspartame, one of the world’s most popular artificial sweeteners, is expected to be labeled a possible carcinogen by the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), a move that could shake the food and beverage industry to its core.

“[The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)] has assessed the potential carcinogenic effect of aspartame,” the WHO said in a statement to Fortune. “Following this, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) will update its risk assessment exercise on aspartame, including the reviewing of the acceptable daily intake and dietary exposure assessment for aspartame.”
The results of both evaluations will be released simultaneously on July 14.
Aspartame is used in common drinks and foods from Diet Coke to sugarless chewing gum to Dannon Activia yogurt. It’s also used in cough drops and some toothpaste. The WHO label indicates there is limited evidence linking aspartame to cancer. It is the lowest of three categories, with “probable carcinogen” (such as the herbicide glyphosate) and “carcinogenic to humans” (i.e., tobacco smoking and asbestos) the next possible steps.




Personally I've known about the possible dangers for Years so I avoid it... 

Why is MSM so late to the game?

Will you avoid it?


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I don't avoid it through any particular, scare story, I more avoid it because I simply don't like the taste of sugar-free alternatives compared to regular sugar. 


As for MSM being late to the game, I personally don't think they are. I have seen plenty of reports and stories and articles over the years banging on about potential risks.  But it's hardly new.  Our own government first bringing in regulations to put labels on sugar alternative products as far back as 1997. Since then, there's been a range of retailers and manufacturers bringing various rules and regulations. 


As for what could or couldn't give you cancer, the list is endless. The daily mail particularly loves the good "....could give you cancer..." dramatic headline and if we took all them at face value we'd never eat or drink anything. 


I'd rather leave it to the authorities to decide through clinical analysis and peer review  whether something should actually be banned or reduced.  


The reason for the sudden increase in news about this is because, like all good scientific organisations, WHO have been constantly revising and reconsidering and re-testing some of their analysis. However, the dumbed down media have done their usual trick of picking out the juicy bits out of context and turning him into a major speculative filled inconclusive story about what might be in the report with lots of dramatic statements about who might be at risk


It's what's newspapers do. Sensationalise.... cherry pick.... exaggerate all to keep on selling  more advertising, get more clickbait and more traction to their multiple websites.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Fizzy canned drinks like Cola I find awful as I can taste the artificial sweeteners, they leave an unpleasant after-taste which I would get rid of by drinking water; same thing with many of the "cordials".

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On 01/07/2023 at 16:05, The_DADDY said:

Aspartame, one of the world’s most popular artificial sweeteners, is expected to be labeled a possible carcinogen by the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), a move that could shake the food and beverage industry to its core.

“[The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)] has assessed the potential carcinogenic effect of aspartame,” the WHO said in a statement to Fortune. “Following this, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) will update its risk assessment exercise on aspartame, including the reviewing of the acceptable daily intake and dietary exposure assessment for aspartame.”
The results of both evaluations will be released simultaneously on July 14.
Aspartame is used in common drinks and foods from Diet Coke to sugarless chewing gum to Dannon Activia yogurt. It’s also used in cough drops and some toothpaste. The WHO label indicates there is limited evidence linking aspartame to cancer. It is the lowest of three categories, with “probable carcinogen” (such as the herbicide glyphosate) and “carcinogenic to humans” (i.e., tobacco smoking and asbestos) the next possible steps.




Personally I've known about the possible dangers for Years so I avoid it... 

Why is MSM so late to the game?

Will you avoid it?


Your thoughts?

Oh I'm sorry. The WHO are not to be trusted. They are all part of Big Pharma so we should all ignore what they say. 

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