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W.H.O To Declare, Aspartame The Sweetener In Diet Coke, A Possible Carcinogen?

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On 01/07/2023 at 16:05, The_DADDY said:

Aspartame, one of the world’s most popular artificial sweeteners, is expected to be labeled a possible carcinogen by the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), a move that could shake the food and beverage industry to its core.

“[The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)] has assessed the potential carcinogenic effect of aspartame,” the WHO said in a statement to Fortune. “Following this, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) will update its risk assessment exercise on aspartame, including the reviewing of the acceptable daily intake and dietary exposure assessment for aspartame.”
The results of both evaluations will be released simultaneously on July 14.
Aspartame is used in common drinks and foods from Diet Coke to sugarless chewing gum to Dannon Activia yogurt. It’s also used in cough drops and some toothpaste. The WHO label indicates there is limited evidence linking aspartame to cancer. It is the lowest of three categories, with “probable carcinogen” (such as the herbicide glyphosate) and “carcinogenic to humans” (i.e., tobacco smoking and asbestos) the next possible steps.




Personally I've known about the possible dangers for Years so I avoid it... 

Why is MSM so late to the game?

Will you avoid it?


Your thoughts?

My bold


7 minutes ago, Delayed said:


That point being that you decide to trust the WHO when they say what you believe to be true. 

My bold

Sorry to burst your bubble but read my op again.

The WHO didn't factor in my long standing decision to avoid it.





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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Being only 5 foot 2" that happens to me a lot 

'Eyes of blue'  has anyone seen The Baubels?


Back on topic,  I've been on sweeteners for ages and am thinking to use sugar again to boost my energy levels.

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold


My bold

Sorry to burst your bubble but read my op again.

The WHO didn't factor in my long standing decision to avoid it.





My point still stands. 


You've not used sweetener but you are quoting the WHO that are agreeing you with. 


Surely if you didn't trust WHO you'd question whether sweetener isn't such a bad thing?

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Just now, Delayed said:


You've not used sweetener but you are quoting the WHO that are agreeing you with. 

Surely if you didn't trust WHO you'd question whether sweetener isn't such a bad thing?

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. 


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With a budget of $10 billion, or so, the WHO has to come up with this stuff, once in a while to be seen as relevant.


We don't really need the WHO to tell us that anything consumed without moderation is generally bad for you, especially sugar.


And the fact is people's personal genetic tolerance levels for certain foodstuffs is really all over the map, as is their general lifestyle, so it's not one size fits all, which is the default position of most government edicts.


An occasional pint of beer, glass of wine, a diet coke, bucket of fried chicken, or a steak, will not be a health threat to anybody who normally eats a regular diet of foods the human body was designed to digest and metabolise. Humans weren't designed to go foraging in Sainsburys.  :)


Alcohol, coffee, eggs, processed foods, sugar, salt have all been seen as detrimental to health, at different times, under different circumstances.


Just happens they've picked artificial sweeteners to have a go at, at this particular time.


As usual, the answer is, It depends!


So take everything you are told with a grain of (sea) salt.

Edited by trastrick
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17 minutes ago, Anna B said:

My Dad's been taking sweeteners in his tea for 50 years. Being overweight can also cause cancer so he does this to help control his weight.


He's 97.


Remember worry and stress can also cause cancer....

Blimey 97.

He'll be getting a letter from King Charles soon  :thumbsup:

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