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Cpt Tom's Daughter Accused Of Using Charities Name.

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CAPTAIN Tom Moore’s daughter has been accused of using the lockdown fundraiser’s name to build a spa and pool complex in her garden.


Hannah Ingram-Moore, 52, and hubby Colin told planners they wanted an office for the charity set up in their father’s name at their £1.2million home — then built a 50ft by 20ft pool house with changing rooms, toilets and showers.





I've always thought she was a wrongun 

Your thoughts?

Edited by The_DADDY
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Aye the whole thing stunk tbh. Dragging a 100 year old man to the Bahamas (or wherever it was) whilst the rest of us were advised not to go on holiday, and I believe this trip meant he didnt get his Covid jab in time before it eventually killed him (he was away as the rollout started).

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21 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

This will be swept under the carpet because there are too many important people and liberals who will be embarrassed by this.


Just like those who supported BLM or Kids Company

Used to work with a girl London who volunteered to help Kids Company, it was around the year 2000.  She said that the owner of the charity was always on holidays abroad and was in her opinion " dodgy as owt" and was a really nasty piece of work if you got on the wrong side of her. 

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25 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Used to work with a girl London who volunteered to help Kids Company, it was around the year 2000.  She said that the owner of the charity was always on holidays abroad and was in her opinion " dodgy as owt" and was a really nasty piece of work if you got on the wrong side of her. 

Yeah totally swept under the carpet by the establishment because she was handed millions of taxpayers cash that just disappeared


I guess the best thing you could do if you wanna steal charity money is get the government and celebrities involved. 


Just look at the billions given away in COVID loans that we'll never see again because we have money away like it was growing on bushes 

Edited by Jack Grey
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Had it not been for those unfounded allegations, it is more likely than not that the restructuring would have succeeded and the charity would have survived."[12] The judge found that there had been "no dishonesty, bad faith or personal gain on the part of Batmanghelidjh or the trustees ... Nor had there been any inappropriate expenditure on children assisted by the charity


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