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Woke Businesses Which Tell Their Customers How To Think (Or Else. )

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21 hours ago, NicolaJayne said:

as usual with this kind of clickbait stories   ditto  that related to 'Our duty' and Metro bank's refusla to offer them an account   there is far more going on that the  credulous  and cynical press reporting  shows.  

There is evidence that  'Gender Critical'  ( i.e. transphobic) groupos are accepting money from extremist  groups and  foreign  state actors ... there are also some  very suspicious Crowdfunders  asscoaited with these groups 

So should Just Stop Oil have their bank accounts closed and their crowd funding stopped?

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13 hours ago, Mister M said:

Although if you look at the Sheffield Forum's trans thread - it isn't people who are advocating for trans rights who are obsessed with the issue, but those who are firmly opposed to it who post a great deal about it. 

Trans rights is the biggest over reaction, since, well since Covid.

They, the trans zealots, would be quite happy of it were never mentioned again because they are in the ascendant.

The whole thing is ludicrous anyway because :

1 - It is so irrelevant

2 - It is such a tiny number of people

3 - It would not surprise me of a significant number of people within that community wish it'd never blown up like this because all they want to do is quietly live their lives.


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27 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Trans rights is the biggest over reaction, since, well since Covid.

They, the trans zealots, would be quite happy of it were never mentioned again because they are in the ascendant.

The whole thing is ludicrous anyway because :


1 - It is so irrelevant      It may be to you,  but not to others


2 - It is such a tiny number of people      True, like the number of Covid deniers


3 - It would not surprise me of a significant number of people within that community wish it'd never blown up like this because all they want to do is quietly live their lives.

      Very, Very True.      exactly the same as the great majority who wish the Covid deniers would shut up too




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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Trans rights is the biggest over reaction, since, well since Covid.

They, the trans zealots, would be quite happy of it were never mentioned again because they are in the ascendant.

The whole thing is ludicrous anyway because :

1 - It is so irrelevant

2 - It is such a tiny number of people

3 - It would not surprise me of a significant number of people within that community wish it'd never blown up like this because all they want to do is quietly live their lives.


People should have the right to be whoever they want to be just as long as it doesnt take away the rights of others


I have the right to walk away from someone so that's what I would do if they demanded I used their pronouns of if they insisted I ignore biology 


Using that right to walk away doesn't make me transphobic. 


It just means I don't want to get involved in whatever personal journey they are on



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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

exactly the same as the great majority who wish the Covid deniers would shut up too

What is your definition of a "Covid denier" ?

Mine would be someone who thinks the whole thing was made up and Covid never existed, personally I have never met one.

What I do think, and so do most people one speaks to these days thinks, is that the reaction to Covid (a virus 99% of people were surviving and which had an average age of death in the early80s) was the biggest over reaction in the history of the world.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

What is your definition of a "Covid denier" ?

Mine would be someone who thinks the whole thing was made up and Covid never existed, personally I have never met one.

What I do think, and so do most people one speaks to these days thinks, is that the reaction to Covid (a virus 99% of people were surviving and which had an average age of death in the early80s) was the biggest over reaction in the history of the world.

My definition off Covid deniers is you 3

You deny it was dangerous,  you deny the need for lockdown,  and you deny the need to wear masks.


Your own view regarding Trans rights: -

 It would not surprise me if a significant number of people within the community,  wish it'd never blown up like this,   because all they want to do is quietly live their lives.

What is your goal because no government is going to listen to 3 people ?


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On 06/07/2023 at 19:49, Jack Grey said:

So should Just Stop Oil have their bank accounts closed and their crowd funding stopped?

if there is evidence that is coming from foregin state actors and being used for money laundering  by  extremist groups  , the  law as it stands will be applies , whereas if the crowdfunders   are being contributed to  by normal people in the  relevant country out of their  own earned  income ...

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